“As I walked on
through troubled times
My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes”

“So where are the strong?
 And who are the trusted?
 And where is the harmony?
 Sweet Harmony….”               

What’s so Funny About Peace Love and Understanding                                             by Nick Lowe  ( An Aries)


“ You know, we’ve got to find a way,                                                                         to bring some lovin here today”        

What’s Going On                                                                                  by Marvin Gaye   ( also an Aries)


This month the Sun moves through Aries, the sign of the warrior, while Mars, the ruler of Aries, and planet of war remains retrograde in Libra the sign of peace. Our planetary instructions are clear. We are to wage peace, create harmony, and restore our world to balance. This is a daunting task given the degree of outrageous imbalance confronting us, but someone has to do it, and when the going gets tough the warrior archetype comes along to give us strength and resolve. This month we are each called upon to be the strong  warriors who can be trusted to restore ourselves and our world to harmony.

We of course cannot bring harmony to our world till we first establish it within ourselves. The first order of business which is certainly a job for the warrior is to awaken and evolve beyond our petty ego concerns and reactivity. This is easier said than done, and usually requires a spiritual practice. Given the tumultuous astrological climate we are facing, a spiritual practice of some sort these days is a must. Ten to fifteen minutes a day of mindfulness meditation begins to build new channels in our brains, which can increase the power of our inner observer and save us from our automatic, negative and reactive habitual ways of thinking. It has been said that an undisciplined mind is bound to create pain for self and others. The discipline required to train the mind is certainly the task of the warrior. Resistance to meditation and other devotional practices is often relentless. This month create your own spiritual Seal Team to keep you on track. Join a meditation group, or have a buddy that you commit your daily practice to. The world as we see it is a sum total of our collective consciousness filled with fear, ego, pollution and immaturity. As we change our consciousness our world will also change.

Aries the warrior is the sign that can face battle or any difficulty and both strategize and take productive action to solve the problem. The warrior is an archetype that first fearlessly faces the problem. This month the problem comes as an astrological configuration called the cardinal grand cross. This aspect occurs when two sets of planets oppose one another forming a cross configuration in the heavens. This is an aspect of extraordinary pressure to evolve, which we see all around us and within us.

We are at an astrological crossroads. This pattern represents a major tension and evolutionary imperative. Part of this pattern has been with us for a few years now. Pluto, the planet of destruction and rebirth has been in Capricorn, the sign of governments, banking and corporations since 2008. Pluto’s entry into Capricorn began with the global crash of the markets. Pluto has been squaring, which means in tense relationship to Uranus, the planet of evolution and revolution for a few years now, beginning with The Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street movements. The tension between old unsustainable power structures and new clean, green and democratic ones is the tension we are facing globally.

Uranus, the most progressive, technological planet in Aries the sign of the warrior and the individual, empowers each one of us to be an army of one. This month with Mars, the planet of war in the sign of peace opposing the Sun and Uranus in Aries, the caveat is to be warriors for peace and balance. Imbalance in a word sums up all the problems we are facing. All issues of injustice, whether  to do with money and resources, power, race, gender or the environment, must be brought into balance if we are to live in a truly Aquarian world with liberty, opportunity, organic food, clean water and justice for all. The largest problem facing us, a direct result of how we do business, is climate change.

This problem is spelled out in the other two planets of the grand cross. With Pluto the planet of Destruction in Capricorn opposing Jupiter the planet of protection and wisdom in the sign of the Great Mother we are seeing unprecedented harm done to our beautiful planet. Fukushima is still an ongoing crisis, in Greenland building size chunks of ice are falling into the sea, as sea levels continue to rise, while big oil and other corporations hold world governments hostage in a suicidal pursuit of profit at the expense of the life of our sacred planet.

The biggest obstacle to solving this problem is the overwhelming magnitude of it coupled with the terrible sadness and despair that come when we do look at it, often compel us to look away, avoid, and go back into a fuzzy sort of denial.

This month Aries, the warrior gives us the strength and power to face the problem. Aries rules the eyes, and sight is chief among our senses. If we stand at the crossroads we must first look and see clearly the paths before us. One way allows denial  and business as usual while the planet heats. The other forces us to see the terrible destruction we are all participating in.

This month if we do nothing more, we are asked to be mature adult humanity and face the problem. Simply by looking and making climate change a huge priority in our consciousness we begin to change the outcome. The next step is to take action. Join environmental groups, write to your elected official, change your spending and consumption habits. Commit to even one small action a day to bring your world into balance. This can be as simple as switching to green detergents like seventh generation, or buying fair trade. The most important act, I believe is to face the problem.

I have heard in mystical circles, that by the time you realize you have a problem, the solution already exists on the inner plains. This month in meditation become receptive to what piece of the solution you are here to be part of. This month we are each being asked to break free of our own personal prisons. As we are liberated from addictions and complexes that have held us hostage we are increasingly able to truly serve humanity and our sacred earth.

This month to make use of the Aries/Libra spiritual Warrior energy, begin a mindfulness or meditation practice. In all personal conflicts send blessings to the opposition. Seek to bring your own life in balance, for some this means work more, for others play more, for others sleep more, you know what you need more of.

Get your body in balance, the spring is a great time for a cleanse. Face whatever you are avoiding. This may be finances, clutter, intimacy, taxes or some other issue. If you cannot face something alone get help and support. This month take action on behalf of your most cherished cause.

Send Blessings and prayers to Japan, Crimea, Iraq, the Middle East, Washington, Russia or any place where conflict and crisis are occurring. See yourself in “the enemy”.  This month meditate on dissolving core fear and shame that tell us that we are not enough. This is the Chief Enemy, the enemy within that leads to most, if not all unhealthy behavior. This month dissolve this Chief Lie with the truth that you are a sacred being, a spiritual warrior committed to higher consciousness, at core beautiful, balanced and worthy of love.

Planetary Report for April

The month begins on the tail of the New moon in Aries, which occurred on March 30th at 2:45 PM EDT. If you could not be with us for the New Moon in Aries tele seminar, the playback link is still available. Go to Heaventoearthastrology.com and press the Events tab. You will see the New Moon registration button. Once you register you will be sent the playback link. Our next New Moon Ceremony, the Taurus New Moon will take place on April 29th at 7PM EDT Registration for the Taurus New Moon will begin mid April. We hope you will join us!

April begins with the Sun conjunct Uranus, the planet of change and evolution in the sign of the warrior. The planets empower us to make wonderful liberating changes in our lives. We can be set free in some entirely new way. Mars in Libra retrograde directs us to make changes in our relationships that align us with peace, balance and justice. Examine your relationships. Are they fair? If not make the necessary adjustments. Create beauty in your life. Do inner and outer spring cleaning. Commit to being a peaceful Warrior on behalf of humanity and planet earth.

Mercury, the planet of thought, begins the month in spiritual, transcendent Pisces where it joins mighty Neptune the planet of compassion and enlightenment, and Chiron, the planet of wounded healers also in transcendental Pisces. Our collective redemption this month comes from compassionate enlightened unity consciousness.  Meditate on our unity with all life this month to generate a current of compassion and bliss. On April 7th Mercury, moves into Aries, encouraging us to set our lives in order, assert ourselves, and take action to achieve our goals. On April 23rd Mercury moves into constructive Taurus and it is time to build our blueprint by taking material action to build or plant our dream.

Venus, the planet of beauty love and relationship begins the month in activist, humanitarian Aquarius, encouraging us to take action for the greater good with like minded people. By April 5th the Goddess of love moves into spiritual Pisces, calling us all to a higher love. Bless your enemies rememberng that in truth you have none, only the delusions that lead us to misjudge each other and live in fear. Send blessings to the plants and animals who are also our relations. Bring big love to every situation, no matter how trying.

Mars, the planet of war and action, remains retrograde in Libra, the sign of peace all month encouraging us to respond to triggering situations with peace and diplomacy. Let fairness be your guide in determining your actions.

Jupiter remains in Cancer, the sign of the sea and the Great Mother, encouraging us to contemplate the wisdom of preserving our beautiful planet and seek solutions based on the unity of the web of life. With Pluto in Capricorn opposing Jupiter in Cancer, the old dinosaur fear based methods of chemical and destructive business practices and products need to end, and the new regenerated corporation based on clean green technology and sustainability need to emerge like a butterfly from the chrysalis.

Saturn, the planet of responsibility, governments and corporations is moving retrograde in Scorpio all month, helping us revisit government and corporate policies especially regarding shared finances and other resources. This month contemplate our natural resources, the air water and earth. Do we really believe that any company has the right to monopolize and despoil what is survival for all? How can we share so that all people have their basic needs met. The solution to this lies in a change of heart and soul that then informs policy.

The moon’s North Node this month is in Libra, making peace, balance and diplomacy our true north destiny this month. May deep peace be with you as you awaken and take loving action on behalf of restoring our world to justice and balance.


ARIES: Happy Birthday Aries! This is a year of major change and progression for you. The cardinal grand cross affects every angle of your chart. The Sun conjunct evolutionary Uranus makes this a year when your personality and sense of self is changing. You can be free of issues that used to shackle you. This year declare your independence from old addictive unsatisfying patterns and relationships and be free to embody yourself and claim your talents. The cardinal cross brings deep changes to your home and family of origin issues. As what you feel you deserve in terms of a home changes, so does your actual home. Mighty Jupiter brings wonderful career expansion, especially through women. Mars in Libra this month has you renegotiating relationships. Meanwhile in your spiritual house you are supported so beautifully by the invisible realm of ancestors, angels and spirit guides. Dare to forge ahead this year, dare to really believe that you deserve love , wealth and creative fulfillment in all forms, then act accordingly and say yes to the opportunities that the universe presents you with. As you free yourself you become a channel of healing and liberty for others. All Blessings to you this year and always!


TAURUS: This month the Sun has joined Uranus, the planet of awakening and evolution in your house of spirituality, making this an excellent month to focus on being a spiritual warrior. This month surrender your ego and avoid reactivity by increasing the time you spend in presence and mindfulness. Surrender and transcendence hold the key to your empowerment and liberation. Who do you need to forgive? Begin with yourself and proceed outward from there. Neptune is in your networking sector all month joined intermittently by Mercury, then Venus, making this a great month to connect with fellow spiritual aspirants. Saturn, the planet of responsibility and business remains retrograde all month in your house of partnership making this a time of renegotiation in all of your partnerships. Your big opportunity is still in the realm of communication. Now is the time to work on or publish your life affirming message.


GEMINI: The Sun and Uranus are shining in your house of friendship and networking, making this a great month to take action on the social front. The planet of sudden change is in this sector so there could be sudden comings and goings from that quarter. It is a great month to be an activist, and connect with like minded people to further cherished causes. Mercury, your ruling planet begins the month in visionary Pisces in your career sector inspiring you to dream up a new vision for your career. After the 7th begin putting your plan into action. Romance requires diplomacy and repair. Beware of reactivity in this sector. Mighty Jupiter in your house of values and finance expand your love of a new found sense of security. These days home is where the expansion lies. Revel in your sense of coziness. Saturn in your work sector requires that you keep your disciplined focus on daily work.


CANCER: There is a major planetary line up in your career sector this month, making this the area of your life where a major evolutionary leap is possible this month. Dare to be bold and think way out of the box, in fact throw the box away. Your home life requires some renegotiation and re balancing. If you have been a doormat on the home front now is the time to let your inner warrior teach you the art of asserting yourself. Jupiter in your sign has been filling you with faith and optimism. As your identity changes so is your capacity for real reciprocal partnership. Your faith has been steadily increasing. This month allow faith and devotion to let guide you though the evolutionary leaps you need to make now.

LEO: There is a major planetary line up in your house of publishing and communication this month. You have been making evolutionary leaps and learning new technologies that will allow you to reach a wider audience. You are becoming an increasingly refined center for progressive and evolutionary messages to come through. With Mars retrograde in your writing and speaking house you may want to revise your writing projects this month.Your spiritual sector is where the major support comes from these days, as both the nature and structure of your daily work transform. Compassion at the deepest levels is available to you like never before.  This month forgive everyone and everything. Your ancestors are with you sending you love and support.


VIRGO: This month the house of your deep dark unconscious is illuminated as the Sun and liberating Uranus shed light into some of your most stubborn patterns. The eighth house is the realm of our attachment patterns, the way we felt we had to act in order to get our needs met as children. This month there is a wonderful opportunity for old delusional survival strategies to melt away as you experience lightning flashes of liberation. Having new spiritual partnerships aids you in this process. Neptune, the planet of spirituality reminds you you have invisible and vast spiritual partnership supporting you at all times. Mighty Jupiter in your friendship sector sends expansive nurturing friends to open doors of opportunity for you.


LIBRA: Mars, the planet of war action and desire in your sign moving retrograde this month, has you both empowered and reflective. What in the way you relate to others requires some adjustment or finessing. Old relationships may resurface and for you the question of assertion is one to be considered. Have you historically been too accommodating or too assertive. This month learn to calibrate your response to relationship. One can assert while maintaining poise and even kindness. The trick lies in believing that you deserve to set boundaries and have desires. In fact this month reflect upon your deepest desires and write them down, you are increasingly able to attract partners who can help you fulfill them. Major work opportunity is coming, you just need to believe that you deserve that too.


SCORPIO: There is a major planetary line up in your house of daily work, health routine and skill making this the area of life that holds the greatest promise of liberation for you. Getting your life organized including your schedule and acquiring the skills you need to do your job well will give you a joyful level of freedom and individuated power. For you the warrior archetype wants your inner and outer barracks clean, clutter free and organized. Daily exercise and acquiring new technical skills is also in order. Mars in your spiritual sector in Venusian Libra, makes yoga, martial arts or meditation highly productive at this time. With Saturn retrograde in your sign you must continue to set boundaries, say no a lot, and seal up energy drains in your life. Keep climbing, you are getting stronger.


SAGITTARIUS: The Sun and Uranus, the planet of change, evolution and revolution are both in your house of creativity and romance making this a time when there could be amazing and electrical attraction in the romance department. You might also be feeling incredibly inspired on the creative front. This would be a great time to be daring and put a cherished project or idea into action. You might want to enlist the help of friends and social contacts to make your creative dreams come true. Your financial world continues to transform and expand through joint finance or possibly inheritance. Jupiter your ruling planet in Cancer is teaching you wonderful new level of what it feels like to be nurtured. Continue dreaming up your ideal home as you forgive all old family of origin issues.


CAPRICORN: This month the Sun and Uranus are shining in your home sector making this the sector that holds the key to your awakening and liberation. Your root system is changing. Any outworn family of origin issues can now be discarded as you awaken to a whole new way of being. As you update your files on what you deserve in terms of security and nurturing, your home changes accordingly. Mars at your midheaven moving retrograde in Libra the sign of Peace and Beauty has you reconsidering past business partnerships and projects. Jupiter in your partnership sector brings wonderful expansive partners who can help you live life in a more abundant adventurous way. Saturn, your ruling planet in your friendship house has been changing your social network. Some old contacts may resurface this month.


AQUARIUS: This month the Sun and Uranus one of your ruling planets is in your house of communication, making you the unpredictable and inspired voice for progressive thought and humanitarian thinking. With Saturn, your other ruling planet, the weighty planet of responsibility and discipline in your career sector, the heavens seem to be asking you to create a professional venue of some gravitas from which to channel your increasingly resonant activist message. You are a verbal warrior these days, and in your case the pen or microphone is certainly mightier than the sword. Venus in your sign at the beginning of the month gives you extra charm and attractiveness this month. Neptune joined at times this month by Mercury and Venus in your house of values and possessions make your increasingly compassionate values inform your message. We are all in this together, and these days you are truly beginning to see that light.


PISCES: You are the center of a beautiful new paradigm that is seeking to be born in our world. As the collective nightmare we have dreamed up together based on separateness, scarcity thinking and the old us and them mentality, is crashing burning and in its death throws, the new dream based on universal spiritual truths of unity, brother and sisterhood and the sacredness of all life is seeking to be born. This new dream has old roots in Hawaiian culture, all indigenous cultures , buddhism and spirituality as opposed to religion.The dream of sacredness of all life forms on this planet is seeking expression through you Pisces, through your music, your art your consciousness and your healing practice. This month there is a major line up in your house of finance and values helping you take action to align your money with your values. Big opportunity comes through your creativity. Dare to put your creative blueprint into action.