“Get up stand up, stand up for your rights
 Get up stand up, don’t give up the fight “

Bob Marley, an Aquarius


“You know you kinda gotta be ready to die for the cause…
I’m ready to die for my kids future and the future of my island”

Dustin Barca,
Hawaiian environmental activist, also an Aquarius


“I think homophobia is an endangered species in America. as long as I’m around it is, and I know I’m not the only person, pushing against it. ”
“I don’t break property. I don’t do revenge. I get proactive. I do a benefit. I get involved and you got worry cause I’m coming for ya.”

Henry Rollins, poet, vocalist, relentless activist, also an Aquarius


This month we celebrate the spirit of humanitarian activism so characteristic of the Sun’s passage through Aquarius, the sign of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Sorority.  Aquarius, the sign specifically associated with humanity, comes along to pull us into the future of our as yet unfulfilled promise. Aquarius sings the song of liberty, reminding us that the spark of divine genius lives in each of us and seeks unique expression through every single one of us. We must all therefore be free to express ourselves and give our contribution to the world.

Aquarius, the water bearer, is actually an air sign, the element of freedom, associated with ideas, intellect and the entire mental plain. Aquarius rules principle and seeks to create systems of government, or movements which are aligned with pure humanitarian principle. This is the sign that comes along to break the shackles of oppression in whatever form they take.

The Aquarian Age first began to dawn back in the late 1700’s when the American and French Revolutions first challenged the idea of monarchy with experiments in self rule, based on Greek and Iroquois democracy models.

After centuries of oppression, the human spirit began to assert itself as ideas concerning the rights of man began to emerge. The American Declaration of Independence enshrines these rights in some of the finest words ever written on the subject:

“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. ” T. Jefferson

The idea that each human being is endowed by the universal creator with unalienable rights, forms the cornerstone of every progressive freedom movement in America and abroad, beginning with the American Revolution’s revolt against monarchy, soon followed by The American Civil war, a revolt against the monstrous wrong of American Slavery.

The Civil War furthered America’s embodiment of our avowed principles, at the high but necessary cost of 600,000 perished on the battlefield. That war was presided over by arguably the greatest Aquarius that history can point to and certainly the greatest statesman of the past 2000 years. In the ages to come the United States, a country with an Aquarius moon, will be remembered not for our operas and architecture, but for our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence and the life and writings of Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln , a uniquely American phenomenon is the living embodiment of American principle at its best. In him the American Word was truly made flesh. No other country at that time would have permitted the rise of one so humble in origin. In Lincoln is living proof that if we open the way to all for advancement miraculous genius will hail from any quarter. To read Lincoln is to read some of the finest and clearest moral argument concerning the rights of man ever put forth.

Aquarius rules the higher mind, flashes of liberating insight and intuition and this is the frequency Abe was always broadcasting from. He crooned sweet appeals to the better angels of our nature. When debating Judge Stephen Douglas, the mightiest statesman of his day Lincoln reminds the audience: “slavery is founded in the selfishness of man’s nature; opposition to it in his love of justice. These principles are an eternal antagonism.”

Here Lincoln’s words ring down through the centuries reminding us of universal Aquarian principles which can be used for inspiration in any time of darkness and greed:

“Repeal the Missouri compromise; repeal all compromises; repeal the Declaration of Independence; repeal all past history; you still cannot repeal human nature. It still will be the abundance of man’s heart, that slavery extension is wrong; and out of the abundance of his heart, his mouth will continue to speak”

Lincoln was in regular conversation with another Aquarian giant, the emancipated former slave Fredrick Douglass, who also leaves behind some of the greatest speeches also containing pristine moral argument that history has seen. Here is a small sampling from his famous July 4th speech:

“What to an American slave is your 4th of July? I answer; a day that reveals to him more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim”

The speech is extraordinary and is well worth reading in its entirety. Perhaps more fascinating from the Aquarian perspective is an internal experience that Fredrick Douglass describes having had while still enslaved. He describes being beaten and struggling with the man named Covey who was beating him. Douglass held the man and wrestled with him without hitting him. While wrestling with him  he had an inner liberation. In his own words:

“I did not hesitate to let it be known of me that the white man who expected to succeed in whipping me must also succeed in killing me.”

This harkens back to Lincoln’s assertion that there is something in humanity that will not be oppressed. This assertion is pure Aquarius. In the next century under the hideous American Jim Crow segregation laws, we see the human spirit to be free and equal, assert itself in the person of yet another Aquarius, Miss Rosa Parks, who one day had simply had enough and broke the unjust law of the day by obeying the higher universal law. By sitting down on a segregated bus, she helped light the spark of the Civil Rights movement.

The Aquarian achievements are easy to admire after the fact, but to take on the corrupt power structure of any day is always a dangerous proposition that requires courage born of both outrage and the fullness of man’s heart. Each person mentioned above risked life and limb to make their contribution.

Aquarius comes along whenever the forces of oppression seem unbeatable.  Before 1776 the thought of overthrowing England was inconceivable.  In just a couple of years a new republic was born. In 1860 Slavery was the unbeatable foe, by 1864 it was over. It took women 70 years after that to get the vote, but that too came to pass as did the legal end of American Segregation.

These days the unbeatable foe is the rise and world domination by the monster corporation. When we see the sheer fiscal power and influence wielded by Wall Street, The Military Industrial Complex, Big Oil, Monsanto, Big Pharma, Insurance Companies and increasingly the private prison corporations, it is easy to feel despair. But hope always lies in the Aquarian spirit.

Astrologically this corporate malfeasance is all part of Pluto’s passage through Capricorn. The planet of power and destruction in the sign of governments and corporations has revealed the greatest threat to life and liberty that our planet has ever seen. But luckily all is not lost, because the Aquarian spirit is not lost.

This month we celebrate the courageous and tireless activism of those who have had the sheer backbone to speak out and organize action against the corporate takeover of our world.

For the past decade, when I have needed strength, I have followed Aquarius activist Henry Rollins, and watched him become an increasingly mature voice against  all that defies the Constitution and oppresses justice and the human spirit.  Mr. Rollins spoke out and continues to speak out against preemptive and unjust war, sexism, and racism, while campaigning tirelessly for equal rights for the LGBT community, and traveling to Iraq yearly to support the troops.

He along with others, worked for years to free the West Memphis 3 who were exonerated by DNA testing which Mr. Rollins helped to organize. Mr. Rollins has spoken out fearlessly against torture, American war crimes, the private prison system and drone strikes on civilian populations. He is the embodiment of the Aquarian spirit that knows in its bones that as long as one of us is bound, none of us are free.

Recently I have also been deeply inspired by the courageous activism of Dustin Barca, the Hawaiian surfer/martial artist turned activist. Mr. Barca began to be informed about the GMO testing and unprecedented use of unheard of quantities of pesticide on his beloved Hawaiian Islands. In typical Aquarian fashion he walked around one day at a surfing contest with a sign. He now has thousands of followers and fellow activists including Kelly Slater, the world’s most winning surfer and you guessed it a fellow Aquarius who also spoke out at the Surfer Magazine Awards against GMO’s on Hawaii. As of this writing Mr. Barca and friends along with Hawaii Seed, have gotten laws changed in Hawaii banning GMO’s as the struggle continues.

This month to align with the Aquarian spirit declare Independence from whatever oppresses you or keeps you dependent and immature.  Defy the corporate image of what we are brainwashed into thinking happiness is and dare to be yourself. Make friends with your body. We are not commodities we are sacred beings. Give up TV and all forms of advertising for a week. Spend time with your authentic self instead. Break the mental chains that tell you how you are supposed to look or feel or be fulfilled.

Spend time with friends who love and accept you as you are. Remember that we are all brothers and sisters in humanity. As you walk through your day, see the divine spark of genius in everyone you encounter. Remember and believe that it is our common human destiny to all be truly free.  Join groups that support your most cherished causes. Read the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution or anything written by Abe the Babe Lincoln or Frederick Douglass. Meditate in order to connect with the higher mind.

This month contemplate human rights in relationship to shared resources, the air, the sea, the land, the waterways.

If you are feeling hopeless about world affairs and the human condition at this moment in time, check out Henry Rollins or Dustin Barca on u tube. You’ll feel like you just swallowed an extra quart of guts, and you may just find yourself getting up, and standing up for your rights.

All Blessings as you Fight the Good Fight,




The Planetary Report for February:

The Sun went into Aquarius on January 19th and will remain there till February 18th when it enters Pisces. The New Moon in Aquarius on January 30th begins the growing Aquarian cycle that lasts till the full moon on Valentine’s Day, February 14th at 6:53 pm.  During this time emancipate yourself. Hang out with your friends. Fight for human rights. Be inventive and authentic. Give to Amnesty International or Hawaii Seed or the humanitarian charity of your choice.

Mercury begins the month direct in Pisces, but quickly goes retrograde on February 6th at 4: 43 pm making the first 2 weeks of February excellent for vision mapping , reflection and contemplation. On February 12th Mercury retrogrades back into Aquarius and it is time to reflect upon our independence, friendships and issues of liberty and human rights. Mercury remains retrograde in Aquarius till March 1st, the new moon in Pisces. If you would like to join us for our monthly New Moon ceremony Email me at Demistar814@aol.com to be put on our New Moon list. We will be posting updates at Heaventoearthastrology.com alerting you as to our March 1st New moon registration information.

Venus is direct in Capricorn all month encouraging wonderful business relationships, and helping us have better boundaries in all our relationships. Venus also helps us approach business from a fair and principled standpoint.

Mars is in Libra all month giving us additional social fuel, encouraging us to be fair, diplomatic and compromising. This is a great month to create art and beauty or attend artistic social events.

The T square between Uranus, Pluto and Jupiter continues to foment massive power struggles and the need for social and infrastructure reform across the globe, as the old order fights tooth and nail to hold on to archaic an unsustainable power energy and business models. Dare to be truly progressive this month and align your shopping and investing with your core belief system, and what will support mother earth and humanity.

Neptune in Pisces encourages us to align with transcendental vision that holds all life forms as sacred. Immerse yourself in music, poetry and spiritual practices aimed at developing forgiveness compassion and loving kindness toward self and others.

ARIES: The Sun is shining in your house of friendship and networking, making this an excellent month to connect with friends and attend any social events to promote your cherished dreams and goals. Pluto and Venus at your midheaven make this a lovely and transformational month for your career. There may be nice collaborations with progressive and principled corporations who want to do business with you. Jupiter at your root system has been feeding you a deep level of optimism faith and a way deep down belief that you deserve abundance. Uranus in your sign continues to awaken and liberate you. With Mars passing through your partnership sector this month there may be a new romantic interest appearing this month. As you truly embrace your authentic self your entire life awakens and transforms.

TAURUS: The Sun is shining in your career sector making this a great month to lead and shine with regard to your work and public persona. Your work these days involves relationships more than usual, and it has never been more important to both have and demand good boundaries from others. In all partnerships ask yourself what you are and are not responsible for. With Jupiter in your communication sector, there could be great opportunities that come from speaking, writing and publishing. On February 6th Mercury turns retrograde in your social network making it a time of reflection and reconnection with social contacts. On the 12th Mercury retrogrades into your career house and you are in a deep reflection and reconsideration regarding career issues. Be careful of your speech this month. Let restraint of tongue and pen be the rule.

GEMINI: The Sun is shining in your house of travel and publishing making this a great month to both travel and socialize. Mercury, your ruling planet goes retrograde on the 6th in your career sector asking you to reconsider or reflect upon career issues. On the 12th Mercury retrogrades back into your travel sector and you may be reflecting upon traveling. While Mercury is retrograde be careful and conscious of how you communicate. Your financial life is radically changing as you expand through merging your resources with others. Saturn in your work sector is keeping you very busy, while Mars in the house of play and romance help you balance work with fun and joyful self expression. This is a great month to socialize and work with like minded people on cherished causes.

 CANCER: Opportunity is knocking, as mighty Jupiter remains in your sign asking you to reflect on how you can live a truly abundant life. Your new sense of faith and optimism is changing all your relationships, and this month with Venus in your partnership sector, you may find new partnerships that reflect your new sense of self esteem.  Reflect upon how you can expand your life in ways that truly feed your soul. Uranus at the midheaven continues to bring evolution and change to your career sector. On the 6th when Mercury goes retrograde you may find yourself revisiting travel or publishing plans. The Sun in your house of intimacy and shared resources is illuminating how you deeply connect with others.  This month contemplate sharing your authentic self with others.A financial offer may come through friends and your social network.

LEO: The Sun is shining in your house of partnerships, making this a month when you may find yourself connecting with a likeminded partner. Venus and Pluto in your work sector make this a lovely and powerful month to continue transforming the infrastructure of your daily work. Jupiter remains in your spiritual sector supporting you with tons of Grace from behind the scenes. Mars in Libra in your communication sector gives you lots of fuel with which to write and artfully communicate. Beware of angry outbursts and instead use the Libra energy to make art, do yoga and create balance in your life. Mercury will be going retrograde on February 6th in your house of intimacy and inheritance asking you to resolve joint fiscal issues and to reflect upon issues of intimacy and how you connect with others. On the12th, Mercury retrogrades into your partnership sector and you may be reflecting upon old or new partnerships.

 VIRGO: The Sun is shining in your house of daily work and health making this an excellent month to get clean, clear and organized. This is a great month to do a group cleans or lead a group project at work. With Venus and Pluto in your creativity and fun sector, there may be a big, fun project at work that could be lucrative, or advance your position. On the 6th Mercury, the planet of communication goes retrograde in your house of partnership asking you to reflect upon relationship issues. Be careful and conscious of how you communicate at this time with your partner. On the 12th Mercury retrogrades into your work and health sector, and it is time to reflect upon work and organization routines. Jupiter in your friendship sector brings massive opportunity from that quarter. Mars in Libra in your money sector gives you focused energy to pursue income and lovely new partners to work with.

LIBRA: Mars in your sign gives you lots of energy, as the inner warrior helps you get fit and orderly the better to overcome obstacles and fight the good fight. Your energy is always well used creating beauty and cultivating relationship. This month networking can bring great results. Jupiter at your midheaven makes this a time of major career expansion for you. There are big opportunities around. You simply need the correct infrastructure to land them. The Sun is shining in your house of children fun and self expression, making this a great month to spend with kids or making art or having fun.  Saturn in your fiscal house makes the serious focus for you on money. These days time is most productively spent in income generating activities. On the 6th, Mercury goes retrograde in your house of work making this a good time to revise or rethink work project. On the twelfth when Mercury goes into Aquarius a creative project may return

 SCORPIO: Saturn in your sign continues to test you and your boundaries, demanding that you define yourself and develop a serious work ethic and discipline. All of this new focus aims at creating new forums and formats of communication for you to capitalize on. Jupiter in your other communication house is offering big opportunities for expansion. This month the sun is shining in your house of home, making this a time when issues of home and family are illuminated and lucky. On the 6th Mercury goes retrograde in your house of creativity and it is time to revisit a cherished creative project. On the 12th Mercury retrogrades further into your house of home and issues of home are reviewed. Mars in your spiritual sector makes you the spiritual warrior this month. Meditate, be still, do yoga. Bless those who oppose you.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sun is shining in your communication sector making this a great time to reach out and connect with friends. With Mars in Libra in your friendship sector this social urge multiplies making you a mighty social butterfly this month. Connecting with friends and like minded people over deeply cherished causes is quite fulfilling and productive. Saturn in your spiritual sector gives you great spiritual discipline these days. A mindfulness practice could advance your overall wellbeing and consciousness at this time. On the 6th Mercury goes retrograde in your home sector and you may be reflecting upon or reconnecting with family members. Your financial world is transforming these days with big expansion through merged finances. Jupiter is also teaching you wonderful new ways of sharing as your world expands. This month risk being vulnerable with those you trust.

CAPRICORN: The Sun is in your house of finance, values and self esteem this month, illuminating those areas of life for you. This is a great month to contemplate how your money values and possessions align. It is also a great month to work on group projects where all parties profit.  This is a time for the world to create business models that support rather than exploit humanity and the planet. You are poised to advance this concept this very month. Venus in your sign and Jupiter in your partnership sector, make this a great month for relationship, partnership and loving connection to others. Mars in your career sector gives you jet fuel to further professional goals, which seem to involve partnerships these days. On the 6th Mercury goes retrograde in your house of communication, so it is a very good month to meditate, reflect and work on your vision. Be mindful and restrained in all you say this month.

AQUARIUS: Happy Birthday Aquarius! We send you every blessing as the Sun shines in your sign giving you extra star power to begin your solar year. This looks to be a year largely focused on career with Saturn, the ancient ruler of your sign in your career sector. Saturn at the midheaven in Scorpio helps you define yourself as a powerful presence on the world stage and makes projects involving the underworld, joint finances and resources like land and water, shamanism, death, ancestors and power particularly auspicious this year. Mighty Jupiter, the planet of abundance, travel and big opportunity is in your house of work echoing the work focus and offering you some wonderful opportunities. Uranus, the planet of evolution and revolution is in your communication sector for years to come making you a channel and awakened voice for human rights. Mercury goes retrograde in your fiscal house on the 6th asking you to consider and reflect upon visionary and money making projects. Mars is in your travel sector making this a great month to travel and create cross cultural works of art. Venus and Pluto in Capricorn in your spiritual sector are transforming your increasingly powerful behind the scenes professional team. Now you are building powerful support that can help further your most cherished goals.

PISCES: The Sun is shining in your spiritual sector in the sign of friendship and group activity making this a great month to engage in group activities that align you with a sense of oneness. This is a great month to take a yoga or meditation class or get involved in causes that are near and dear to your soul. Venus and Pluto in your social sector make this a month when you can network with powerful people to further your most cherished goals and wishes. Mighty Jupiter in your house of self expression and recreation offers you creative playful work that could be quite lucrative. On the 6th Mercury goes retrograde in your sign asking you to reflect upon your sense of self and identity. This month can be used as a vision quest, where you ask yourself how you are doing at actualizing your cherished vision and your true potential. Is there something that you have yet to accomplish, that you would deeply regret if you left this earth without doing it?  This month dare to dream your dearest dream.

Namaste Demitra