“ We are not enemies, but friends. We must not be enemies. Though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection. The mystic chords of memory, stretching from every battlefield and patriot grave to every living heart and hearthstone all over this broad land, will yet swell the chorus of the Union, when again touched, as surely they will be, by the better angels of our nature.”

Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address


The Sun began its journey into Aquarius last month along with the New Moon at zero degrees of the sign. This was the fourth in a consecutive sequence of New Moons at zero degrees of their respective signs, beginning back in October with the New Moon in Scorpio. The next will be on February 18th in Pisces the sign of of spirituality and imagination. (To join us for our next New Moon tele seminar click HERE. ) Clearly the Universe is asking for a new approach to each of these signs as the environmental and humanitarian stakes on our planet get increasingly higher.

The Aquarius New Moon on January 20th was also a signal for a new approach, but unlike the last three New Moons, it was immediately followed, the very next day by Mercury, the planet of thought, turning retrograde in Aquarius. This month in order to go forward, we must first go back, and reflect on Aquarius past, Aquarius present, and the Dream of Hope that is Aquarius yet to be.

Aquarius is the sign of humanity, democracy and activism. It is the sign responsible for the American and French Revolutions, the Constitution, and every Civil Right ever established along with the protest movements and activism that won them. Aquarius is the sign of Liberty that comes along to overthrow tyranny and oppression in every form. Finally Aquarius is the sign of friendship, which is perhaps the word and idea that  Aquarius holds most dear.

In this sign are enshrined the highest truths and principles that govern humanity as a whole, which must be followed, if we are to achieve our common yet glorious destiny. Aquarius is the sign of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and Sorority. It is associated with Awakening, evolution and revolution. It is the sign of technology, genius and the higher mind.

As we reflect on all things Aquarius, we can do no better than to review, remember and reflect on the writings and actions of Abe Lincoln, an Aquarius, and arguably the greatest statesman that history has yet recorded. Lincoln sets the shining example of how adherence to Aquarian principles can guide us out of the darkest of circumstance.

If we are to truly manifest the Aquarian Age with its great promise of Liberty for All, two things are prerequisite. We must Universally agree on the equal rights of all people regardless of class, race, gender, nation, religion, sexual preference or any other consideration. The second fundamental principle is Liberty. Human beings are by nature free, and must be free to explore their native genius and pursue their happiness. This freedom is only safeguarded when Democracy, or a government of the people, by the people and for the people is at work. Lincoln reminds us “no man is good enough to rule another man without that man’s consent”

In Lincoln’s day the two great threats to liberty were the the expansion of American Slavery, the horror of which made a mockery of American Democracy from the get go, and the dissolution of the Union by open rebellion and secession. It is easy to forget how new Democracy was then as a form of government. It was an experiment in self rule that was a mere 87 years old at the time of the Civil War. No one really knew how it would fare. Lincoln’s obsession with preserving the Union was an obsession with preserving  Democracy, the last best hope of humanity, against the tyranny of monarchy. That he was able through brilliant and at times crafty statesmanship to preserve the union, while freeing the victims of American Slavery (itself an outgrowth of monarchy and empire) is a super heroic achievement. That this was accomplished Constitutionally is close to miraculous.

At this moment we are poised at another Aquarian crisis. While we have come far in the United States,  in securing and enlarging human rights to include at least on paper all races, both genders and are increasingly giving full human rights to the LGBT community, our democracy is paradoxically facing, perhaps its greatest crisis, which Lincoln in his great wisdom foresaw:

“ We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end. It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood…It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless.”  Lincoln in a letter to Col. F. Elkins. Nov. 21 1864.

In Lincoln’s prophetic words lie both our grave problem and the beginning of its solution. If we as a people do not permit anything or anyone to “work upon our prejudices” we cannot be so easily controlled and Democracy so easily subverted.

Aquarius rules the Higher Mind, the source of flashes of genius, intuition and liberation. This month as Mercury moves retrograde through Aquarius, remember your Higher Mind, invoke it often for guidance. The Higher mind often communicates using guiding principles. Principles are Universal and unerringly steer us to the highest resolution of a problem. An awakened population guided by the higher mind will easily manifest Democracy and more. The ultimate aim of Aquarius is a Universal brotherhood and sisterhood of humanity. This is of course the truth already, we simply have yet to realize it. We are right now truly all equals. We share, right now, a common destiny. We are right now, if we but lay down our fear based conditioning, friends.

To expedite the Age of Aquarius this month begin the practice of silently identifying all human beings as a brother, sister or friend. Adopt a meditation practice or any practice that keeps you present and Awake. Give up any fancied prejudice toward any group. Learn your democratic rights and work to protect them. Get active for human and environmental rights. Work to limit the influence of outside money in our government, the people’s government. Work to change  and regulate our monetary and corporate systems. Spend time with your friends. Be a good friend. Build a bigger friendship network. Your network is much larger than you realize.

Imagine our world when friendship is the common expectation. It is not so far off. Each day our overwhelming contact with one another is friendly, is peaceful. When it is not, some lie has sprung up between us. For as Lincoln reminds us, and I would include All of Us: “We are friends; we must not be enemies.”

I too like Lincoln am loathe to close. In writing this column I am moved by the thought of my connection to you. All of you. Those reading this and those I will never meet. Webster defines friend as: One attached to another by affection and esteem. One not hostile. May it ever be so between us and may we come to realize together our common joyous destiny: One Humanity, Dear Friends, Indivisible with Liberty and Justice for All……

Your Friend, Demitra


This month on the 25th of February I will be doing an Evening of: Lincoln, The Captain of the Aquarian Age, for the Barbara E. Giordano Foundation, in Pleasantville New York. We hope you will join us for an evening of inspiration as we explore the Aquarian spirit of humanitarian love enshrined in all of us, through the prism of Abe Lincoln, one of the greatest Aquarians of all time. To register click HERE



The Sun cruised into Aquarius along with the New Moon on January 20TH. As mentioned above, this was the 4th in a sequence of New Moon’s that took place at zero degrees of the sign beginning with Scorpio. This month a new approach to all things Aquarius is being asked of us. Our new approach to humanity as a family of equals begins with an immediate retrospective. The day after the New Moon, Mercury went retrograde in Aquarius reminding us that in order to go forward, we must first go backwards.

Mercury’s retrograde will continue till February 11th when it will go direct at one degree Aquarius. We are being asked during the retrograde to review our history as human beings and our approach to human rights. This is a time to reflect on humanitarian causes and our social networks.This is a time to reflect upon Democracy and all that currently impedes it. This is a time to reflect and reconnect with friends and our most cherished rights and principles. This is a wonderful time to reflect upon creative collaborations. Mercury will remain in Aquarius all month and beyond till it enters Pisces on March 12th.

The Sun will leave Aquarius and enter Pisces on the 18th of February which is the 5th New Moon at zero degrees of the sign. The Sun and Moon glide into Pisces together, as they have for the past 4 months. The masculine and feminine lights of heaven are forming a united front in ushering in a new approach to each sign. This month New Light is shed on how we shall behave and treat one another as human beings. On the 18th New Light is shed on our approach to spirituality and Unity with all life forms.

February begins with Venus and Mars both in Pisces, where they join transcendental Neptune to inspire us all to a new level of compassion and empathy. Venus and Mars, respectively the planets of love and desire dance closely all month and in fact both enter Aries within a day of each other, on the 19th and 20th of Ferbuary, moving us from vision and compassion into decisive action.

Jupiter continues retrograde in Leo affording us time to reconsider creative projects, our connection to self expression as well as our approach to and treatment of children and animals worldwide.

Saturn continues its journey through the earliest degrees of Sagittarius this month requiring that we examine cross cultural relationships. We can expect some interesting development in the higher court system along with shifting international relationships. We can expect both greater tolerance and greater intolerance moving forward. Next month Saturn will retrograde back into Scorpio

Uranus in Aries continues to spark global awakening, evolution and revolution while it remains in tight square with Pluto the planet of destruction and rebirth in Capricorn the sign of the state, banking and currency. The old decaying and corrupt system of corporate malfeasanse is under continuing and massive pressure to evolve or fall.


Transcendental Neptune continues her soulful kirtan reminding us of our interconnectedness and the sacredness of all life.


ARIES: The month begins with you in a reflection around friendships and group efforts. This is an area where you are shining these days. How can you recreate your current success. There may be follow up revision or review required. Use the first part of the month to review your plans to widen your web of community. After February 11th take action on new group efforts. There is a major line up in your spiritual sector this month. Venus, Mars and Neptune are all on board to inspire a higher spiritual love. Connect with your Angels and the Source. This month you are asked to be the blessing you want to see in the world. The New Moon on the 18th takes place in your spiritual sector beginning a whole new cycle of connection to the sacred and realization of the Unity of all life.  Use the better part of the month to reflect on and write up a vision plan for your life. After the 20th, both Venus and Mars enter your sign fueling and inspiring you with beauty and desire to take action on behalf of your most cherished dreams. This is a great month for creative collaboration with a spiritual approach. Assemble your team and advance after the 11th.

TAURUS: The month begins with you in a reflective pause regarding your career. You are shining beautifully, like never before. Your  professional crew has expanded. This month reflect on your team. With whom do you wish to connect or reconnect. Are there discussions that need to be had with associates? The first part of February till the 11th is an excellent time to renegotiate, reconnect and revise your approach to personnel and collaborators. This is also a great time to dream up new projects keeping in mind both what has been successful in the past and what has not. Use this time to also reflect upon your cherished ideals. Is you career aligned with your values? Joint financial deals are a major focus this month. Allow your philosophy to guide you in profit sharing. After the 11th move ahead on creative professional projects. Your friendship network is especially loving kind and transcendentally empathic this month. Spend oodles of time spiritually networking. Attend classes and events geared toward meditation and inspiration, this month you could find love as you do. The New Moon on the 18th takes place in your social sector beginning a wonderful, social cycle for you. Enjoy!

GEMINI: The month begins with Mercury, your ruling planet retrograde in your philosophical sector of higher learning and travel. You are in a reflection till the 11th about your beliefs, particularly around friendship and humanitarian activism. This is also a fertile time to explore your message and how you want to broadcast it.. Your capacity to express yourself both creatively and in a heartfelt generous way has been expanding since the summer. This month give some thought to creative projects you would love to undertake, and the crew you will need to help you. This is also great moth to contemplate your growing message and how to convey it. A big beautiful creative vision is revealing itself this month. New and loving professional partnerships may be developing. Spend the first part of the month on a vision quest. After the 11th move into action. on what you have discovered. The New Moon on the 18th takes place in your house of career. Prepare for a beautiful new career cycle. Align with a new vision. Partnerships are getting serious this month. Contemplate commitment.

CANCER: The Sun is shining in your house of shared resources which is also the deepest darkest house of the zodiac. Mercury, the planet of the conscious mind is also on hand moving retrograde though this sector to illuminate nooks and crannies in your soul that could use some healing. Use the first half of the month to reflect on your capacity to share yourself and your resources with others, Reflect on your self esteem and how well or how little you value yourself and your contribution. Big creative opportunities are around these days, this month is a healing pause before moving ahead. This month review all financial agreements and make sure they are fair. Do some deep inner work around self esteem and creativity. Mercury in Aquarius can help liberate you from outworn and false core beliefs that may have held you back. After the 11th you can begin to move  forward. The New Moon on the 18th takes place in your sector of publishing, higher learning and faith. Engage in any devotional practice that aligns you with faith and higher learning. A beautiful new cycle of understanding and communication is beginning at this time. Remember a picture is worth a thousand words.

LEO:  The month begins with the Sun and Mercury retrograde illuminating your house of partnerships. Allow yourself to stroll down memory lane on a healing journey regarding your past relationships. Aquarius the liberator wants to set you free from the dysfunctional patterns of the past. Use the first part of the month to contemplate both your ongoing expansion into new opportunities, and what must change about your approach to relationships in order to achieve both happiness and success. This is a good time to also reflect on current partnerships and collaborations and what needs to be adjusted or reviewed on those fronts. Jupiter is moving retrograde in your sign also asking you to reflect on your biggest creative passion and your hearts true desire. Spend the time till the 11th in a healing reflection on all of this. After the 11th move ahead with respect to your crew, team or partners. The new moon on the 18th sheds new healing light on you with respect to intimacy and deep healing. Get ready to release the past on a wave of compassion and forgiveness.

VIRGO: The month begins with you in a healing reflection regarding your daily work and health routines. The Sun and Mercury want you to adopt a new approach to work and to team work, but first you need to look back at what has not been working, or what simply needs to be adjusted or revised. Give some thought to work with teammates and colleagues. What requires a chiropractic or energy adjustment? This is also a wonderful time to explore healing modalities. Explore the relationship between your mind, body and spirit. Yoga, massage, reflexology or any healing modality is good to explore this month. Creativity is also up for reflection. These days art is your devotional path. Explore creating mandalas or sacred imagery  to feed your heart and soul. Massive and beautiful devotional art and performance are an increasingly productive focus. What is your big golden vision. This month focus on the team required to manifest it. The new moon on the 18th takes place in your house of partnerships, beginning a wonderful new cycle on that front. Energetically invite beautiful, visionary partners into your life.

LIBRA: Your creativity is calling out for your attention this month. The Sun is illuminating the golden potential of your art to bring both joy and wealth into your life. Mercury retrograde in this sector is asking you to go back and review or resurrect projects that could be successful. You are also being asked to review the creative team and what may need to be revisited there. Your creativity especially with regard to events looks promising. Use the time till the 11th to reflect and review. After the 11th move ahead. The new moon on the 18th takes place in your sector of daily work and health. You are increasingly visionary at work and may be asked to communicate through image or to assist people to with their big picture. Get ready for a lovely and transcendental approach to work beginning on the 18th. It is also a good time to engage in new health routines. After the 20th wonderful new partnerships may appear. Be willing to both take the initiative and say yes!

SCORPIO: The month begins with retrograde planets in both your home and career sector requiring healing across both houses. These two sectors are opposites and yet constantly inform each other. Mercury retrograde and the Sun in Aquarius are asking you to look back into your family history and down into your roots to see what might be holding you back from creating both the home you desire, and your professional fulfillment. Mighty Jupiter in your career sector also retrograde has you reviewing what  has been blocking you or needs to be reviewed regarding career. Review and release your approach to teamwork that stems from your family. After the 11th when Mercury goes direct move ahead. Jupiter is retrograde all month and beyond, asking you to review your career plans. Explore any revisions that need to be made there as well. Inner child work could be helpful this month. The New Moon on the 18th takes place in your house of art, the inner child, romance and creativity. A whole new cycle of creativity is beginning for you with this New Moon. Allow yourself to have fun. Explore your creativity. Recreation enlivens your whole chart. Don’t scrimp here. Have fun. Enjoy wholesome pleasure.

SAGITTARIUS: The month begins with the Mercury Retrograde and the Sun in your house of writing and communication. You are in a refection about your message and the team and technology required to get the word out. There is also a retrograde in your house of publishing, where Mighty Jupiter is expanding your big beautiful creative message. Spend time on rewrites and edits. This month is sort of a wind up before the pitch. Take the first part of February to contemplate your message, your team, your audience and your technology.  After the 11th move ahead on those fronts. Jupiter will remain retrograde in your publishing sector though early April inspiring you to rewrite revise or reflect on the big beautiful expansion you are poised to take. The new moon on the 18th takes place in your home sector beginning a beautiful new cycle of compassion and forgiveness on the home front. Express loving kindness to your family. Forgive them for all offenses real or imagined. Forgive yourself as well.

CAPRICORN: The month begins with you in reflection and recovery around finances. There may well be loose financial ends that require your attention. This is a great month to review issues around profit, billing, contracts or any unfinished financial business. This is also a great month to review group creativity and self esteem Reflect on how you relate to the group. In what way might you want to adjust your behavior. How can duties and responsibilities be shared more equitably. This is also a great month to reflect on how to recreate recent successes. Mighty Jupiter in your house of shared resources is also moving backward this month asking you to recover in the areas of deep sharing. You are poised to take a mighty leap in early April when Jupiter moves direct. For now just notice what you want to change in how you share yourself and your creativity with others. The new moon on the 18th takes place in your communication sector. It is as though a beautiful wave of blessing and compassion inspires your thought and speech beginning with this New Moon. Be the voice of Divine Love you want to hear in the world.

AQUARIUS: Happy Birthday Aquarius!!!! The New Moon in your sign last month began a beautiful new phase of liberation and expansion for you. Before this new cycle can truly begin however,  you are being asked to review your life and what needs healing revising or adjusting before you take the beautiful expansive opportunities that are coming your way. You are a social sign, but also treasure your freedom. This month work on healing around true individuation so you can truly enter into the golden creative partnerships that are appearing. After the 11th you will be done with your meditation on the self and can move ahead. Jupiter in your partnership sector will be moving retrograde till early April, encouraging you to continue healing around partnerships. Allow yourself to review your historic  approach to partnerships. Release the past. Prepare for the Golden journey ahead. The new Moon on the 18th takes place in your center of money and self esteem. A beautiful, transcendental approach to both these areas begins with this lunar cycle. You are walking and the Universe is walking with you. You are changing and the Universe is changing with you. You are awakening and the Universe is awakening through you. You are receiving Love and the Universe is receiving through you.

PISCES: The month begins with you in a quiet and spiritual contemplation. You are the sign of spirituality more than religion. You are the sign of Being, Presence, Stillness and Enlightenment. This month the question is how to enjoy these states which are usually solitary, with a group. Meditation, yoga, surfing, music, nature walks, ceremonies and inspirational groups are all great for you ways to connect. This is a great month to reflect on building your team and network. You are building a spiritual community,  assemble your team and collaborate to create works of creativity, inspiration and healing that touch the heart, mind, body and soul. You are also the sign of the Sea, which is a metaphor for our Unity with all life forms and critters on the planet. Spend time each day this month feeling your Unity to the natural world and the Universe. The new moon on the 18th takes place in your sign beginning a cycle when you are a channel for a vision of Unity and Higher Love, Forgiveness and Compassion for All.