THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY FEBRUARY 14TH: A Blissful Valentine’s Day to All! Today we celebrate Cupid, also known as Eros, in Greek mythology. In the ancient myths, he is not a plump cherub, but an extremely beautiful youth, the son of Venus and Mars, aka Aphrodite and Ares in the Greek tradition. This handsome youth, armed with his strange and powerful bow was in some respects, more powerful than Zeus, who was also subject to the madness of erotic longing that the shaft of Cupid’s arrow could induce, even in the King of the Gods. It’s a beautiful day to honor Cupid and the delirious longing to merge that makes the world turn.
Astrologically it is an epic Valentine’s Day, as Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, and the mother of Cupid, travels only degrees from massive Jupiter, who in turn is merging forces with Mercury retrograde today. Saturn is also weighing In on this epic line up in Aquarius, adding some gravity to all that we are reviewing regarding love and relationships today.
Mercury retrograde in his merger with Jupiter is calling us into a big reconnection to our authentic selves, as their dance with Venus inspires us remember and recommit to all that we truly, madly, deeply love. Aquarius, the sign of individuation reminds us that we must first be separate, independent individuals, before we can truly take our place in the dance of love that requires us to be able to stand our sacred ground with our beloved as an equal and a partner.
In some ways, the planets are also calling us to reconnect with our beauty, our passion and our true desires, rather than the fantasy romance images so prevalent in entertainment and advertising. True eros arises from us reclaiming ourselves, not a fantasy image of ourselves, but who we really are, then daring to love and be loved from that place of true self possession.
Luna will help us with releasing fantasies this morning, as she travels void through Pisces, the sign of fantasy and Higher Love.
It’s a great morning to spend connecting to the Source of All Love. Release old heartaches, disappointments and unrealistic fantasies into the Sea of Love. Be ready at 10:54 AM EST when the Moon heads into Aries, the sign of Cupid’s fierce father, to reclaim your authentic self and your true desires. May you fall in love with your true self today, and be standing in your authentic power, as ready as anyone ever can be, when Cupid draws back his mighty bow.
May the Power of Love Bless you today and always.
With Love, Demitra
ARIES: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of reflection and connection to Divine Love. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into your sign Aries, the sign of desire, to nurture your authentic feelings, needs and desires. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of all that you love and treasure most. Take note of where your true desire points you, as you celebrate your power and beauty today.
TAURUS: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of reflection on your dreams for your social life. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries, the sign of desire to nurture your inner spiritual warrior, with the courage, strength and vulnerability that love requires. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of all that you love enough to commit to over the long haul.
GEMINI: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of reflection regarding your cherished dreams. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries, the sign of desire, to nurture your love of friendship, community and longing for loving connection. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of the people, places and communities that you love enough to commit to.
CANCER: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of philosophical reflection on your beloved dreams and visions. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries the sign of desire to nurture your desire for long term happiness and fulfillment. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde, and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of your deepest desires and any patterns that keep you from their fulfillment. It’s a beautiful day to release blocks to your heart and instead open it to mighty love!
LEO: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of reflection regarding your deepest dreams and desires. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries the sign of desire to nurture your authentic longing to give and receive mighty love. The Aries Moon will help you blast through false beliefs that have kept you from love. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review and release of outworn partnership patterns, so you stand ready for the Big Love that is seeking you even as I type this.
VIRGO: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of reflection regarding your dreams and visions for partnership. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries, the sign of desire, to nurture your deepest passions and your capacity to merge with your beloved. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of relationship patterns that are ready to heal in a big way. Reflect on the evolutionary step that you are ready to take with those you love.
LIBRA: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of reflection regarding your dreams and visions for happiness. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries the sign of desire to nurture your love and desire within beloved partnerships. Meanwhile Venus, your ruling planet, is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of your heart’s true longing and your commitment to your heart. Step to the beat of your mighty and beautiful heart today. It’s a beat you can trust…Where does it lead you?
SCORPIO: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of consulting with your heart and soul. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries the sign of desire to nurture your capacity to stand in your power, admit your desires and stride toward them. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of family patterns that it is time to release that stand in the way of your capacity to love. Let them go today. It’s time for an empowered approach to love with family, friends and your true love.
SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of rest and reflection at home. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries, the sign of desire, to nurture your heart and your capacity to express your love and passion with courage and creativity. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of love’s and relationships past, present and future. Release what was, heal what is, prepare for what is yet to come.
CAPRICORN: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of spiritual reflection. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries the sign of desire to nurture the foundation of love within your home and family. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of past and present relationships with an eye to who you treasure most. Your mind is a powerful ally in this reflection, but your heart’s beat tells the true story of love and desire. Listen and learn.
AQUARIUS: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a morning of reflection regarding your true values. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries the sign of desire to nurture your mind with clarity regarding who and what you love and the power to boldly express it. Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn, all in your sign, to inspire an epic review of who you truly are and what you truly love. It’s a gorgeous Valentine’s Day to reconnect with your beauty and inestimable worth. Stand in your beauty and power and let love find you.
PISCES: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Pisces, inspiring a beautiful morning of soulful reflection and self care. At 10:54 AM EST, Luna glides into Aries the sign of desire to nurture your authentic self and you true values. Who or what do you love enough to pursue? Meanwhile Venus is aligning with massive Jupiter, Mercury retrograde and executive Saturn to inspire an epic review of your dreams, visions and the part that love and friendship play in them. Consult with your heart. Follow your sacred bliss.