THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY MARCH 13TH: Blessings of the New Moon in Pisces to All! This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon begins her growing cycle through visionary Pisces, as a fertile new tide for our dreams, visions and spiritual development begins to bless our lives. This New Moon calls us to a Higher Love and an authentic vision as the Sun and New Moon travel with spiritual, visionary Neptune and lovely Venus, in the sign of highest love inspired vision and compassion. It’s a beautiful New Moon to commit to a spiritual practice or go on a vision quest to align with our true love and true bliss.

In the New Moon chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, the Sun, Moon, Neptune and Venus are found in the sector of identity, calling us each to embody the higher love and spiritual consciousness that is characterized by compassion, transcendence, forgiveness and a true desire for universal redemption. We are called to be the Higher Love we want to see blessing the world. We are also called to begin to embody the unique sacred vision that calls to each of us. It is a beautiful New Moon to imagine becoming the person who achieves the vision we each feel called to dream up. Chiron the wounded healer is also found in the sector of self, in Aries, the sign of the warrior, calling us to heal all wounds that prevent us from living the dream we imagine.

The DC chart is Aquarius rising, putting us on the path of collective consciousness and  group achievement this New Moon. We are reminded that our personal dreams, and our shared dream of a more blissful heavenly world can only be achieved with others, and by an elevation of our personal and collective consciousness. 

Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury in liberating Aquarius are found in the spiritual sector of the New Moon chart calling us to connect with the friends, allies and communities with whom we would create the visions that call to us, as we seek spiritual and visionary awakening. This New Moon invites us to awaken from delusions and fantasies, and instead commit to manifesting our true visions, thus creating new realities. Powerful Pluto, also in the spiritual sector will assist us in ruthlessly releasing outworn dreams and blocks to both our spiritual development and living our dreams.

We have powerful planetary support in manifesting our authentic dreams as evolutionary Uranus in earthy Taurus, in the material sector of the chart, inspires financial breakthroughs and new approaches to manifesting our heart’s desires. Mars in Gemini, will be assisting us to push through mental blocks and advance desired strategies, as the North Node in Gemini calls us to explore new ideas and clear objective thinking about home and career.

The Pisces New Moon remind us that each of us were dreamed up by the Divine Dreamer, whose Dream we call reality. Our gift back to our Creator is to use our gifts, talents and creativity to manifest the pieces of the Greater Dream that is ours to manifest and fulfill. Open to the Divine Inspiration this New Moon that will lead you to your vision.

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ARIES: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your spiritual sector of dreams and visions, initiating a time of new beginnings in which to pursue your dreams and awaken to your unbreakable connection to Divine Source. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring you to dream up the beauty, love and vision that align with your soul’s true calling. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire a spiritual awakening and a desire for collaboration as you awaken to your dream and the team required to manifest it. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to financing and nuts and bolts approaches to build and concretely manifest your dreams.

TAURUS: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your social sector, initiating a beautiful time to begin manifesting your dream team and beloved community. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring you to dream up the friends, allies and community with whom to create your most inspired vision. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius, inspire an expanding commitment to your professional community and the success you are meant to achieve with them, as they convene in your career sector. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to self expression and all that you build as you awaken to your authentic self.

GEMINI: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your career sector, initiating a beautiful time for manifesting your most beautiful vision for professional success. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring you to commit to doing what you love and what nourishes your soul in the realm of career or public life. Meanwhile Mercury Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius inspire you to find like minded friends and community with whom to succeed, as they convene in your philosophical, travel sector. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to tangibly manifesting your vision and higher levels of consciousness, from your spiritual sector, where an awakening is afoot.

CANCER: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your philosophical sector of the Higher Mind, initiating a new cycle of faith in beautiful outcomes as your vision begins to emerge. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring your most beautiful dreams that align with your true bliss. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire deep inner liberation, and a commitment to your authentic self, as they convene in your sector emotional depths and mergers. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to your social life and collective endeavors as your find your ay=thentic community and the team you want to dream and create with.

LEO: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, initiating a fertile lunar cycle for deep healing and unearthing your deepest vision and true, soulful desires.The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring waves of Grace to bless your soul with compassion and forgiveness while revealing your true vision by Divine Design. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire authentic new approaches to committed relationships, as they convene in your partnership sector. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to career, where breakthroughs to new levels of success are occuring.

VIRGO: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your partnership sector, initiating a beautiful fertile cycle for cultivating relationships that align with your dreams. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring beautiful love and gorgeous shared vision to flourish within your partnerships. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire a new commitment to health, happiness and shared success, as they convene in your sector of work and health. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to manifesting or presenting your most beautiful and profitable ideas, products or presentations as you manifest your dreams.

LIBRA: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your sector of work and health, initiating a fertile new cycle for manifest health and success within your work and daily life. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring you to pursue the exquisite and practical details that will support the daily life, success and happiness that you imagine. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire a new commitment to your creativity and your actual or metaphoric offspring, as they convene in your sector of art, romance and children. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to manifesting your dreams with partners.

SCORPIO: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your creative sector, initiating a beautiful cycle for manifesting your creative and romantic dreams and visions.The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring you to advance the gorgeous creative dreams that truly nurture your soul as you open to new love. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire a commitment to the home life you truly desire, as they convene in your home and family sector. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to partnership based on your authentic self and your authentic dreams.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your home and family sector, initiating a beautiful time to advance your dreams, visions and domestic bliss at home. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring waves of love and Grace to bless your home and your connection to family and ancestors. It’s a beautiful time to forgive family members releasing all from old wounds. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire a commitment to authentic communication and brilliant ideas, as they convene in your sector of mind. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new and profitable approaches to work and to your daily life as you follow your dream.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your sector, of thought and communication, initiating a beautiful time to pursue the dreams and visions that are cresting in your brilliant, imaginative mind. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring you to truly follow your gorgeous bliss and the dreams you find most beautiful. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire financial breakthroughs as they convene in your fiscal sector. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to art and manifesting the creative dreams that it is time to begin building.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your fiscal/material sector, initiating a great time to begin manifesting or financing your dreams. The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus, inspiring you to begin manifesting the dreams that are most beautiful and blissfully inspiring to you. Meanwhile Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn in Aquarius inspire a big beautiful and solid commitment to yourself, as they convene in your sector of self where the true you is emerging. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring new approaches to home and family as you release outworn family patterns and commit to new life on the home front as spring approaches.

PISCES: This morning at 5:21 AM EST, the New Moon in Pisces begins her fertile journey through your sector of self, initiating a beautiful time to advance your authentic dreams and visions.The Pisces Moon is traveling with visionary Neptune, and lovely Venus inspiring  you to pursue your most beautiful dreams both for manifesting love and creative fulfillment in your life. It’s a beautiful time to nurture yourself on all levels as the Moon waxes. Meanwhile Mercury Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius inspire a deeper commitment to your vision, your spiritual life and collective creativity, as they convene in your spiritual sector. Uranus in Taurus will be inspiring constructive new approaches to building, manifesting or monetizing all that you are dreaming up starting this very day!