THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY MARCH 17TH: A joyous Saint Patrick’s Day to all who celebrate! This year the waxing Moon is cruising through green growing Taurus as the people of the Emerald Isles celebrate the wearing O’ the Green. It’s a beautiful day to focus on green growing fertile plans as the Moon waxes toward the coming of spring. The Taurus Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring us to reflect on the people, groups or teams with whom we want to build and grow success in the coming season. It’s a gorgeous day to cultivate the garden of our lives, pulling weeds, planting seeds and tending to all that is sprouting, growing or in full bloom. 

ARIES: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your fiscal sector of values and possessions, nurturing your relationship to your body, senses, possessions and finances as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your social sector, inspiring you to advance fertile plans that will require group efforts and group investments. It’s a gorgeous day to take action to make the fertile garden of your life bloom with beauty and prosperity.

TAURUS: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your sector of self nurturing you and your most beautiful material plans as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your career sector, inspiring you to connect with allies and colleagues, to advances shared efforts that you would love to see blossom this spring. You are the farmer of the zodiac Taurus. Use your skill to plant seeds and tend the fertile fields of your life.

GEMINI: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your spiritual sector, nurturing your material plans that are part of your sacred, inspired vision as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your philosophical publishing sector, inspiring you to advance relationships with like minded allies, with whom your dreams align. It’s a great day to dream and build collaboratively. 

CANCER: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your social sector, nurturing your fertile, growing social life and professional network as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring you to explore connections with groups who may be interested in financially backing your fertile plans. Today success and liberation are both team sports.

LEO: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your career sector, nurturing your most beautiful, constructive plans for success as she goes. She begins her day squaring off advance the with Saturn in Aquarius in your partnership sector, inspiring you to advance fertile professional plans with groups or partners you can commit to. Delight in shared action to grow your emerald garden of success.

VIRGO: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your philosophical sector of publishing, nurturing your most beautiful and profitable ideas and presentations as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your work and health sector, inspiring you to advance the practices and team efforts at work that will advance your  most inspired ideas, efforts and presentations. Nurture your most beautiful ideas today. Share them with the waiting world.

LIBRA: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your sector of ancestors and emotional depths, nurturing your deepest sense of beauty, worth and the relationships that support both as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your creative sector, inspiring you to advance creative projects with the people or groups who might be interested in financing your creative efforts. It’s a gorgeous day to nurture the creativity you want to see blossom this spring.

SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your partnership sector, nurturing the relationships in your life that align with your growing sense of beauty, worth and value as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your sector, inspiring you to reflect on how your partnerships align with your commitment to your home and family life. It’s a beautiful day to work with the tension between domestic needs and relationship needs.

SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your work and health sector, nurturing your growing success and prosperity at work, as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your sector of mind, inspiring a new level of commitment at work to authentic communication and thinking outside the box. Nurture the ideas that are exciting to you and outside your comfort zone. Advance the nuts and bolts of those ideas. 

CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your creative sector, nurturing your most gorgeous, pleasurable and potentially profitable creative ideas and projects as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your fiscal sector, inspiring you to explore mentoring or seeking financing for creative efforts. It’s a great day to assemble your creative or financial dream team…or both.

AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your home sector, nurturing the roots of your ancestry and your domestic stability as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your sector of self, inspiring you to incorporate the aspects of your ancestry that align with your authentic self, and release what binds you or does not feel authentic. It’s a good day to work with the creative tension between your personal needs and your family duties.

PISCES: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your sector of mind, nurturing your most beautiful and potentially profitable ideas as she goes. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Aquarius in your sector, inspiring you to take stock of the dreams that you are committed to, that will involve group effort, team work and financing. Advance any or all of these aspects of your dreams today.