THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY MARCH 19TH: The Gemini Moon is cruising through our minds today, exploring a variety of exciting ideas and winning strategies with friends and allies. Lina begins her day squaring off with Mercury in spiritual Pisces, inspiring us to begin the day with meditation, seeking the visionary Guidance of Divine Inspiration. Later in the day Luna merges forces with Mars the planetary warrior, providing us with a burst of mental energy with which to advance ideas and brilliant strategies that lead to victory and success. The Gemini Moon ends her day harmonizing with executive Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring us to connect with the friends, allies and associates that we are interested in succeeding with. It’s a great evening to make time for friends you love and allies you are committed to. Fly with your birds of a beloved feather.
ARIES: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector mind, nurturing your rational intelligence and your emotional intelligence as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to connect with Divine Guidance to inform your thinking about your dreams. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of mental energy to advance ideas while practicing wise verbal restraint. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius inspiring a great evening to connect with friends and allies, you would love to succeed with.
TAURUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your fiscal sector, nurturing your best fiscal ideas as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to seek Divine Guidance reading the plans you are dreaming up with others. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of energy with which to advance winning fiscal strategies. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring a great evening for sharing ideas with colleagues you are committed to.
GEMINI: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector of self, nurturing you and your most brilliant ideas as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to advance professional dreams that nurture your soul. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing you with a burst of energy to devote to self care, communication projects and your favorite ideas. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to connect with birds of a like minded, philosophical feather.
CANCER: The Gemini Moon is winging through your spiritual sector, nurturing your mental connection to Divine Intelligence, as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring a beautiful morning for meditation on your dreams and visions that you want to advance today. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of visionary energy that propels your dreams forward. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius inspiring you to advance mergers and deepen relationships with those you love and trust.
LEO: The Gemini Moon is winging through your social sector, nurturing your most soulful friendships and alliances as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to advance mergers and collaborations that align with your vision today. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of visionary energy with which to pursue your dreams. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius inspiring you to commit to the partnerships that delight you and align with your dreams, visions and authentic self.
VIRGO: The Gemini Moon is winging through your career sector, nurturing your best ideas for professional success as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to consult with business partners to advance shared efforts that lead to shared success. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of executive energy with which to advance administrative matters and professional projects. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring a great evening for connecting with the work team you are committed to.
LIBRA: The Gemini Moon is winging through your philosophical sector, nurturing your best ideas, beliefs and projects as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to advance a number of work projects that align with your vision. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing you with a burst of mental energy with which to advance your dream projects. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to commit to your creative bliss, and the team required to manifest it.
SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your mental and emotional empowerment as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to advance personal and professional mergers that align with your creative bliss. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of transformational energy with which to jettison outworn patterns and commit to the gorgeous new creature you are becoming. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius inspiring a new freedom from ancestral patterns that frees you at the root level.
SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your partnership sector, nurturing a number of soulful business, creative and romantic partnerships as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to advance your domestic dreams with your family and your partner. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of energy with with you advance relationships and collaborations. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius inspiring you to commit to the ideas and collaborations that light you up and free your native brilliance.
CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector of work and health, nurturing your mental balance and brilliant ideas at work as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring inspiring you to prioritize the actions required to manifest your dreams. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of mental energy, with which to organize your thinking and your best ideas. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius, inspiring you to commit to the people and fiscal projects that align with your authentic self and dreams.
AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your creative sector, nurturing a number of your most brilliant ideas as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to advance ideas and visions that require marketing or financing. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of creative energy to devote to your creative bliss. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius inspiring you to commit to the creativity that expresses your authentic self.
PISCES: The Gemini Moon is winging through your home sector, nurturing your soulful connection to home and family as she goes. Luna begins her day squaring off with Mercury in Pisces, inspiring you to delight in advancing the visions that involve home and family today. This afternoon the Gemini Moon merges forces with Mars, providing a burst of energy to devote to domestic efforts. Luna ends her day harmonizing with Saturn in Aquarius inspiring a deep level of commitment to your beloved dreams. Act on them. Action demonstrates commitment.