THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY MARCH 22ND: The waxing Moon continues her journey through soulful Cancer, her home sign, where today she is nesting, resting and inspiring us to do the same. It’s a beautiful day to take refuge within yourself, nurturing your sense of inner peace and well being. Be at home within yourself. If this feels challenging experiment with comforting and reassuring yourself. It’s a beautiful day to see just how loving, kind and compassionate you can be toward yourself. When in doubt practice self acceptance and explore acts of self care. You are worth it.
ARIES: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your relationship to your home, your roots, and your family, as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to nest, rest and advance your plans involving home and family. Join Luna and nurture your soul by nurturing your roots and the strength that flows to you through them, like a growing plant in the early spring.
TAURUS: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your mind and your soul as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to nurture your most fertile, beautiful, soulful ideas. Join Luna and nurture your mental and emotional ideas that inspire a cozy sense of comfort and well being. Advance inspiring fertile ideas as you communicate lovingly with yourself and kindly with those you encounter today. Be a voice of nurturing care today.
GEMINI: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your relationship to the material world, as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to nurture your body, and financial well being as you advance profitable ideas. Join Luna and nurture your prosperity and your physical well being today. Take beautiful care of your body. Take care of your possessions and enjoy your sustaining relationship to Mother Earth.
CANCER: The Moon continues her waxing journey through your sign, soulful Cancer, nurturing your soul and your emotional well being as she goes. It’s another beautiful day for all forms of self care, restoration and enjoying the pursuits that delight your soul. Join Luna and nurture your sense of emotional well being today. Cocoon with your feelings, as you advance all that calls to you.
LEO: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your relationship to Spirit as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to pray, meditate and strengthen your connection to Dive Love. Join Luna and nurture your soul by connecting to Source and your Vision by Divine Design. It’s a beautiful day to remember that you are a beloved child of the Universe and you have a right to be here and to thrive here.
VIRGO: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your soulful friendships and social life as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to nurture beloved friendships and take actions to advance your most beloved social plans, and group activities. Join Luna and nurture your social connections along with fertile group efforts today. Delight in weaving your soulful social network today.
LIBRA: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your professional success and most soulful long term happiness as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to nurture the early spring garden of your success. Join Luna and nurture fertile projects, ideas and enterprises today. Reflect on your long term happiness, as you take step after step towards it. Make time for nesting and resting.
SCORPIO: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your patterns of thought and belief that support your sense of well being, as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to advance soulful, fertile ideas, presentations and projects as you cultivate your emotional well being. Join Luna and nurture your inner peace and emotional security today. It’s a gorgeous day to nurture your mind and soul.
SAGITTARIUS: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your deepest sense of peace and security. as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to deepen with yourself and those you love and trust, as you commit to your emotional well being and fiscal prosperity. Join Luna and invite nurturing light into your depths. Call your soul home and cultivate a sense of comfort within yourself today, as you advance fertile mergers and blossoming success.
CAPRICORN: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your capacity to attract, cultivate and enjoy soulful, loving, fertile successful relationships as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to make time for partnerships that nurture your soul, your success or both. Enjoy a partnership with the gracious Moon today, Let her guide you through the day wrapped in a blanket of nurturing light, that leads you to fertile new opportunities.
AQUARIUS: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your soulful well being and success at work as she goes. as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to do some organizing and spiring cleaning. Prepare for the new season by decluttering your mind, and your environment. Clear the way for the success that is seeking you even now!
PISCES: The Moon continues her waxing journey through soulful Cancer, nurturing your fertile creativity and your soul’s need for recreation as she goes. It’s another beautiful day to advance your favorite art projects and enjoy your favorite hobbies or recreational activities. Join Luna and nurture your your budding creativity. Do what utterly delights you today.