THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY MAY 27TH: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius, inspiring us to release ideas, beliefs and narratives that no longer serve us as we cultivate true beliefs that nurture our wisdom and emotional empowerment. At 1:35 PM EDT the Sagittarius Moon goes void till late tonight at 10:23 PM EDT when Luna heads into Capricorn to nurture your sense of authority. While the Moon is void today, meditate, contemplate, organize ideas curriculum and publishing projects. It’s a beautiful day to enlist Divine, Angelic wisdom to inform your thinking, ideas and the projects you want to advance.
ARIES: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your philosophical/publishing sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for advancing ideas, studies and presentations. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day, inspiring an excellent window for reflection and organizing your thinking and projects, rather than acting on ideas.
TAURUS: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your sector of depths and mergers, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for advancing mergers or collaborations. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection rather than action regarding your deepest feelings and deepest needs. It’s a great evening for releasing outworn emotional patterns.
GEMINI: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your partnership sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for advancing shared dreams and efforts with partners. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection rather than action regarding relationships and your patterns within them. It’s time for a liberating change.
CANCER: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your sector of work and health, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for organizing ideas, projects and presentations that call to you. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection, housekeeping and organizing ideas, rather than action regarding projects that require your attention.
LEO: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your creative sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for creative efforts and recreational enjoyment. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection and organizing creative projects rather than decisive action regarding creative or recreational efforts, especially art and writing projects.
VIRGO: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your home sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for advancing nesting and family efforts. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection, housekeeping and organizing your home, rather than decisive action regarding family or domestic plans.
LIBRA: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your sector of mind, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for advancing ideas, presentations and philosophically based projects. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for quiet mental and philosophical reflection, rather than decisive action regarding plans. Get organized. Chance favors the prepared mind.
SCORPIO: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your fiscal sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon advancing profitable ideas and nurturing your relationship to prosperity. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection, fiscal organizing your fiscal life, rather than taking decisive action that leads to prosperity.
SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your sector of self, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for all forms of self care and advancing your favorite ideas, presentations and publishing projects. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection rather than action regarding a variety of ideas and beliefs, some that you want to release, others that you want to cultivate.
CAPRICORN: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your spiritual sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for prayer, meditation and advancing beloved dreams and visions. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection regarding the dreams you want to release and the dreams you are committed to manifesting. Prepare for success this very day.
AQUARIUS: The day begins with the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your social sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for advancing group efforts and making social plans. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection rather than action regarding friendships, your social life and collaborations you are committed to.
PISCES: The day begins wilth the waning Moon in Sagittarius gliding through your career sector, inspiring a great morning and early afternoon for taking action that leads to professional success. At 1:35 PM EDT, the waning Moon goes void for the rest of the day inspiring an excellent window for reflection rather than action regarding your path to professional success and the next steps required to get you there. Prepare for success.