THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY MAY 28TH: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through the day nurturing our resolve and our most soulful commitments. Today Luna harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus, inspiring a new self worth that informs how we embody ourselves and what we are able to manifest in our lives. It’s a stellar day to commit to emotional security and do the inner work to achieve it as we do outer work to succeed with worldly plans.

ARIES: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your sector, nurturing your executive intelligence as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken new approaches to  financial breakthroughs. Think outside the financial box!

TAURUS: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your career sector, nurturing your executive intelligence and long term plans as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken your self worth and your powers of invention which could lead to a beautiful leap in your income.

GEMINI: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your philosophical sector, nurturing your executive plans and philosophies you are committed to, as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken your emerging authentic self and the ideas that harmonize with who you are becoming. Take note of insights and new ideas.

CANCER: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your partnership sector, nurturing your commitment to soulful partnerships, as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken your desire for authentic community and alliances that could blossom into partnerships. It’s a gorgeous day for your social life.

LEO: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your sector of work and health, nurturing your self discipline and your capacity to effectively follow through on professional and long term goals as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken your most beautiful professional goals, inspiring quantum leaps to new success.

VIRGO: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your creative sector, nurturing your commitment to beloved creative projects as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken new ideas and breakthroughs in how to manifest or market them. It’s a beautiful day to delight in the beauty of your creativity and all it could bring you.

LIBRA: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your home sector, nurturing your capacity to create domestic security for yourself. as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken your ability to think outside the box regarding finances as you reflect on your deep emotional needs.

SCORPIO: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your sector of mind, nurturing your executive intelligence as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken new approaches to business and personal partnerships that result from great boundaries and a new level of emotional maturity.

SAGITTARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector, nurturing your financial clarity, discipline and capacity to plan as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to inspire a quantum leap in your approach to your daily work and how you profit from it. Keep your eye on the bottom line today.

CAPRICORN: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your sector of self, nurturing your authentic self as she goes. It’s a beautiful day for all nesting activities and all forms of self care. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to awaken your creative brilliance and your capacity for authentic inventive expression. Create outside of the box.

AQUARIUS: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector, nurturing your vision for your long term happiness as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to inspire a quantum leap out of ancestral patterns that no longer serve you, and into a domestic life that excites and delights you.

PISCES: The Capricorn Moon is cruising through your social sector, nurturing your commitment to beloved friends and authentic community as she goes. Today she harmonizes with evolutionary Uranus to inspire brilliant leaps and Aha! Moments in your thinking and understanding. It’s a great day to explore your most inventive ideas.