THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY MAY 30TH: The waning Moon heads into Aquarius today just after midnight as the new day begins. The Aquarius Moon will be helping to free us of emotional patterns, ideas and beliefs that no longer serve us, and constitute a mental prison of sorts. Luna will be harmonizing with the Gemini Sun, to shed rational, liberating light on our minds, helping us discern truth from falsehood. Tonight the Aquarius Moon grapples with Uranus to update our nervous systems and our relationship to the material world, opening us to new possibilities. Late tonight at 11:22 PM EDT, the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture our deep reflection regarding our authentic commitments and revised ideas about success. Meanwhile Mercury begins his retrograde journey through Gemini, calling us inward to reflect. It’s a stellar time to reach upward for Divine Guidance to inform our intelligent soulful reflection.

ARIES: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your social sector as the new day begins, nurturing your friendships and community connections as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to nurture new approaches to finance, income, possessions and how you embody yourself. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture the deep reflection regarding your social commitments that you are in the midst of.

TAURUS: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your career sector as the new day begins, nurturing your soulful approach to success as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to align your personal evolution with your professional goals. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture the weighty professional reflection that you are in the midst of as you review executive goals and plans for ideological and structural soundness.

GEMINI: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your philosophical sector as the new day begins, nurturing your mental and philosophical freedom as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to free you from outworn dreams and awaken you to new ones that align with who you are becoming. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to inspire a review of your beliefs, ideas and projects that support your freedom and authentic expression.

CANCER: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your sector of emotional depths and mergers, as the new day begins, nurturing your freedom from deeply entrenched emotional patterns that it’s time to be done with. Today Luna will grapple with Uranus, to inspire new behavior within friendships, group efforts and your social life. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture your commitment to your deep inner freedom and authentic empowerment.

LEO: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your partnership sector as the new day begins, nurturing your  commitment to relationships that align with your authentic self as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to nurture professional partnerships, and collaborations that support your authentic success. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture your weighty review of partnerships and your commitment to them.

VIRGO: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your sector of work and health as the new day begins, nurturing new approaches to health, success and happiness as she goes. Today Luna will grapple with Uranus, to nurture your evolving beliefs and breakthrough ideas that you are eager to share or present. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture the weighty review of work habits and projects that may require revision.

LIBRA: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your sector of art and children as the new day begins, nurturing your creative, expressive freedom as she goes. Today Luna will grapple with Uranus, to inspire new approaches to creative, emotional and financial freedom. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture your commitment to your inner child and inner artist. Take impeccable care of both.

SCORPIO: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your home sector as the new day begins, nurturing your soulful relationship to home and family as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to inspire evolution within family relationships. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to inspire a deep inner review of family patterns, relationships and how they inform your home life.

SAGITTARIUS: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your sector of mind as the new day begins, nurturing your mental freedom and powers of invention as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to nurture evolving approaches to your daily habits and work life. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture the weighty review of ideas and emotional patterns that you are exploring through Saturn’s retrograde.

CAPRICORN:  The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your fiscal sector as the new day begins, nurturing your capacity for financial freedom as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to inspire a review of how to market or monetize creative efforts. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to inspire a weighty financial review. It’s a great day to reflect on how your values align with your finances.

AQUARIUS: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your sector of self as the new day begins, nurturing your authentic self as she goes. Today she will grapple with Uranus, to nurture evolution on the home from that aligns with your authentic self. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture a soulful and weighty review of your true feelings, needs and the commitments they point to.

PISCES: The waning Moon glides into Aquarius and your spiritual sector as the new day begins, nurturing your spiritual evolution and the vision it inspires as she goes. Today Luna will grapple with Uranus, to nurture your inventive brilliance and intellectual freedom. Late tonight the Aquarius Moon merges forces with Saturn retrograde to nurture the weighty reflection regarding your dreams visions and the devotional path that leads you to your bliss.