THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JUNE 4TH: The Aries Moon is striding through the day, energizing us and inspiring purposeful intelligent action as she goes. This afternoon she harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius, inspiring us to review our executive plans before we act on them. This evening Luna will harmonize with the Gemini Sun inspiring us to act on our best thinking, or the rethinking that Mercury retrograde is inspiring. It’s another stellar day to consult with the spiritual warrior within and to invite Divine Intelligence to inform our plans before we move into right action. Action is the magic word.
ARIES: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your sector of self, nurturing and empowering you as she goes. Make some space for your feelings today as you act on your desired plans. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your social sector, inspiring you to act on revised social or networking plans. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your best thinking regarding your authentic needs and desires.
TAURUS: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your spiritual sector, nurturing your spiritual discipline as she goes. Start your day with meditation to get your Divine marching orders. This afternoon she harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your career sector, inspiring you to act on executive revisions you are clear about. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your best plans to generate income, wealth and abundance.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your social sector, nurturing your need for a social life that supports you. This afternoon she harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your philosophical sector, inspiring you to re connect with friends who are on your wave length as you reflect on revisions in your approach to networking. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your most luminous creative brilliant social plans. It’s time to shine with friends.
CANCER: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your career sector, nurturing your inner executive as she goes. This afternoon she harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring you to review fiscal plans and mergers you are considering before proceeding. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your most Divinely Inspired executive plans. Meditate and receive them.
LEO: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your publishing sector, nurturing your most empowering ideas, beliefs and the best means of sharing them. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your partnership sector, inspiring you to review your beliefs about partnership, as you advance joint efforts or projects.. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun inspiring you to reach out to beloved friends and allies to share your thoughts and feelings.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your sector of depths and mergers, nurturing your core of inner strength and your authentic desires and relationships as she goes. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your work and health sector, inspiring youth actively make structural changes to your work and health routines that support your authentic goals. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your best executive plans and the mergers that support them.
LIBRA: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your partnership sector, nurturing the relationships you are committed to and your shared desires and plans. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your creative sector, inspiring action to advanced revised creative or child rearing plans. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your most creative partnerships and the plans and projects you are meant to advance.
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your sector of work and health, inspiring action to clean, clear and organize your life. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your home sector, inspiring a review of your long term plans for home and family. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your deepest needs, feelings, and any healing required in your deep seated patterns of thought and feeling.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your creative sector, nurturing your inner child and inner artist as she goes. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of mind, inspiring you to review or revise creative efforts and projects. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your creative partnerships and the relationships that nurture your inner artist.
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your home sector, creating order and beauty as she goes. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your fiscal sector, inspiring a review of your financial plans and where they may need review or revision. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your ability to organize your ideas and your environment, creating inner and outer clarity that supports you.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your sector of mind, nurturing your strategic intelligence as she goes. This afternoon she harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of self, inspiring you to review your duties and commitments to yourself and long term plans. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your creative intelligence. It’s a great day to act on creative inspiration.
PISCES: The Aries Moon spends the day striding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your most profitable plans and strategies as she goes. This afternoon Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your spiritual sector, inspiring you to seek Divine Guidance to inform the vision you are considering. This evening the Aries Moon confers with the Gemini Sun to nurture your most profitable family plans.