THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JUNE 19TH: The waxing Moon continues her glide through Libra, one of the most social signs of the zodiac. Today, true to form, she spends the day networking with a host of planets to nurture our capacity to relate to others in a balanced healthy way without losing our center. The Libra Moon also nurtures our most beautiful reciprocal relationships and collaborations today. It’s a gorgeous day to create beauty and exchange ideas with partners or prospective partners. Luna confers with Mercury in Gemini and Saturn in Aquarius, both retrograde, inspiring us to reconsider ideas, relationships and commitments with an eye to balance, beauty and fairness…It’s a great day to restructure with beauty and balance as our twin guides!
ARIES: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your partnership sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes, inspiring brilliant and beautiful relationships and collaborations. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your sector of mind, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your social sector, inspiring a review of ideas and a reconsideration of friendships and alliances that require your soulful attention.
TAURUS: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your work and health sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire beautiful, balanced work relationships and health habits that support your peace and well being. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your fiscal sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your career sector, inspiring a review of fiscal mergers and work efforts with an eye to solvency and fiscal balance.
GEMINI: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your creative sector of art, romance and recreation, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire your most beautiful enjoyment of and expression of yourself. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your sector of self, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your philosophical sector, inspiring a review of your beliefs about yourself and how they support or thwart your authentic expression.
CANCER: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your home sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire beautiful development on the home front. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your spiritual sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of depths, inspiring a review of your most inspired visions as you invite Heaven to dissolve any inner barriers to your freedom and success.
LEO: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your sector of mind, conferring with a host of planets as she goes, to inspire all manner of brilliant ideas and fruitful collaborations. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your social sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your partnership sector, inspiring you to reflect on your social life and the partnerships that could emerge out of it.
VIRGO: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your fiscal sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire, brilliant and profitable alliances. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your career sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your work and health sector, inspiring a weighty and intelligent review of professional efforts and whether or not they are viable. Consult with your bottom line.
LIBRA: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your sector of self, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire a day of delightful self care as you nurture the relationships that nurture you. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your philosophical sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your creative sector, inspiring a review of creative ideas, your child rearing duties, presentations and travel plans, and how they gel with your committed relationships.
SCORPIO: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your spiritual sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire alliances and efforts that align with your beloved dreams and visions. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your sector of depths, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your home sector, inspiring a weighty reflection on your true desires regarding home, family and your deepest needs and desires regarding both.
SAGITTARIUS: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your social sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire all manner of fruitful connection with friends, allies and colleagues. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your partnership sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of mind, inspiring a review and restructuring of your thinking about partnerships and approaches to collaboration.
CAPRICORN: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your career sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire a number of brilliant ideas and alliances, that could lead to success and long term fulfillment. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your sector of work, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your financial sector, inspiring a weighty review of a number of ideas and the financing required to manifest or market them.
AQUARIUS: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your philosophical sector, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire all manner of connection and collaboration with friends and allies. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your recreational sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your sector of self, inspiring a great day for rest and relaxation as you review your long term creative plans for self expression and enjoyment.
PISCES: The Libra Moon continues waxing through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, conferring with a host of planets as she goes to inspire ideas regarding collaborations and mutually beneficial alliances. Today Luna consults with Mercury retrograde in Gemini in your home sector, and Saturn retrograde in Aquarius in your spiritual sector, inspiring some reflection on family partnerships and how they align with your long term vision.