THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY JUNE 22ND: The day begins with Luna cruising void through Scorpio till 8:55 AM EDT, when she emerges from the crystal caves of Scorpio, hops in the saddle of Sagittarius to gallop through the day. The Sagittarius Moon will be nurturing our wisdom, generosity and sense of adventure, inviting us to enjoy the journey through the day.
It’s a gorgeous day to consciously cultivate gratitude for every little and great blessing as we travel through the day with a song in our hearts and ceaseless gratitude on our lips. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury will station direct in Gemini, the sign of thought and communication.The retrograde likely gave us much to reflect on that we may now be ready to act upon. We will be in the opposite shadow of the retrograde till July 7th, an excellent time for needed adjustments and course corrections.
Use the evening to journey and meditate on insights gleaned. Meanwhile Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are all still traveling retrograde inspiring ongoing deep weighty visionary review through the summer.
ARIES: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your philosophical sector of travel to nurture your curiosity, wisdom and sense of gratitude. It’s a beautiful day to delight your sense of adventure as you explore new ideas and new territory. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your sector of mind after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review the insights and revelations that came to you during the retrograde.
TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your sector of depths and mergers to nurture your closest relationships that align with your beliefs and philosophies. It’s a beautiful day to nurture those relationships and the exchange of ideas within them. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your fiscal sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review insight and revelations that occurred regarding your values, finances and possessions during the retrograde. Reflect also on profitable ideas that may have occurred to you.
GEMINI: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your partnership sector to nurture your sense of soulful adventure within your committed relationships. It’s a beautiful day to enjoy exploring feelings, needs and ideas with partners. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your sector of self after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review insights and revelations regarding your self and how they affect all of your other relationships. It’s a great night to meditate and seek further insight.
CANCER: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your work and health sector to nurture your spirit of wisdom and adventure within your daily routines. It’s a beautiful day to explore new ways of doing daily tasks and practical maintenance. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your spiritual sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review spiritual insights and revelations regarding your true dreams and visions that came to you over the past 3 weeks.
LEO: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your creative sector to nurture your inner artist and inner child. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate your sense of creative adventure. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your social sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review any insights that came to you over the past few weeks regarding your social life, group efforts and networking ideas.
VIRGO: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your home sector to nurture your home and family with wise practices that bring cultural richness into your home. It’s a beautiful day for adventurous nesting. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your career sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review executive ideas and insights that came to you during the retrograde. Take note of the changes you would like to make.
LIBRA: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your sector of mind to nurture your most optimistic and generous thinking. It’s a beautiful day to entertain your most adventurous ideas. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your publishing/travel sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review publishing ideas, travel plans and beliefs that require revisions that came to you during the retrograde.
SCORPIO: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your fiscal sector of possessions and values to nurture your financial wisdom and relationship to prosperity. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate gratitude and all levels of wealth.Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your sector of depths and mergers after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review your deepest feelings, needs and the insights regarding your fiscal and personal empowerment that came to you during the retrograde. Reflect also on your love life and insights about that.
SAGITTARIUS: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your sector of self, to nurture your authentic self and your innate wisdom and generosity as she goes. It’s a beautiful day for all forms of self care. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your partnership sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review the insights and revelations regarding partnerships and adjustments required within them, that came to you during the retrograde.
CAPRICORN: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your spiritual sector to nurture your connection to the Loving, Generous Source of your being and your dreams. It’s a beautiful day to cultivate your dreams and visions. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your work and health sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review mental patterns that require further adjustment and insights regarding work ideas and daily practices that require some changes.
AQUARIUS: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your social sector to nurture your friendships community and collaborations that call to you. It’s a beautiful day to nurture group efforts and delightful friendships. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your creative sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review your recreational, creative and romantic insights that have occurred to you over the past few weeks. Check in with your heart.
PISCES: The Scorpio Moon begins the day traveling void till 8:55 AM EDT, when she glides into Sagittarius and your career sector to nurture your most soulful, adventurous ambitions. It’s a beautiful day to pursue your favorite definition of success. Tonight at 6:00 PM EDT, Mercury stations direct in Gemini in your home sector after weeks of retrograde travel. It’s an excellent night to review insights regarding home and family relationships that occurred to you during the retrograde. It’s almost time to act on those insights