The Sagittarius Moon continues her journey through the day, riding with her posse of planetary allies as she heads towards tomorrow’s Full Moon in Capricorn. Luna spends the day nurturing our largess, generosity of spirit and understanding of both universal and particular truths. At 10:50 AM EDT she partners with Mercury stationing direct in Gemini, to nurture new wisdom gleaned during the retrograde. Take stock of new awarenesses, truths, revelations and understandings that came to you over the past few weeks, and slowly begin to clarify or act on them.

The Sag Moon goes void tonight at 10:09 PM EDT…

To register for the Capricorn Full Moon, click my Events tab..

The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your beliefs and ideas that are grounded in truth today, inspiring a day of wise thought, wise word, wise action. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your sector of mind, inspiring you to review ideas, revelations and understandings that it is time to begin acting on.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your depths today, inspiring you to invite Divine Wisdom to correct a brood of subconscious errors that you are ready to release. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your fiscal sector of values, where the recent retrograde has led to changes in profitable ideas and, values grounded in a new understanding.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your partnership sector today, inspiring a day of nurturing your relationships with ample doses of gratitude and generosity of spirit. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in your sign Gemini, inspiring you to treat yourself with immense generosity of spirit and gratitude for all that you are and all that you do. It’s a gorgeous day to love yourself. Set the bar of all other relationships by how you treat yourself.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your daily routines today, inspiring wise practices that lead to health, well being and skillful success. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your spiritual sector, where dreams and visions have been calling to you to reconnect with or revise. Give some thought to the dreams you are crystal clear about and those that are still foggy.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your creative intelligence today, inspiring you to saddle up and explore creative projects, ideas and creative risks you are willing to take. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your social sector where support with your creativity is increasingly available. Explore creative collaborations that call to you.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your home and family today, inspiring a stellar day to explore new domestic ideas and actual new territory with your family today. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your career sector, inspiring a review of how your home base affect your professional plans and vice versa. Seek domestic and professional clarity today.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your mind today, inspiring patterns of thought that lead to emotional peace, power and security. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your philosophical sector, where it’s time to review changes of plans, new beliefs and ideas you are increasingly clear about.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your finances today, inspiring expansive thinking and generous beliefs that lead to an attitude of gratitude, wealth and prosperity. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your sector of depths and mergers, where deep inner changes to deeply entrenched mental patterns have been underway, resulting in greater empowerment and new thinking. Take stock of new ideas and empowering beliefs.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your wise, generous, soul today, inspiring a day of gratitude and generous self care. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your partnership sector, where Mercury is just stationing direct after inspiring revelations and new approaches to partnerships and empowering communication within all your relationships. Give some thought to how you want to proceed within partnerships.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your connection to Source, and the wisdom and vision that stream to you therefrom. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your sector of work and health, where adjustments to mind, body and spirit have been underway revealing new approaches to work, health and daily habits that keep you healthy, wealthy and wise.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your social life today, inspiring you to take wise action to expand your social life and cultural reach, on a number of social fronts today. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your creative sector of art and romance calling you to reflect on the calling of your heart and mind. It’s a beautiful day to express yourself in works of art and acts of love.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your career and long term goals today, inspiring wise action to advance your ambitions and exciting plans for success. This morning at 10:50 AM EDT, Luna faces off with Mercury just stationing direct in Gemini, in your home sector, inspiring you to consider family plans that could lead to collective success and domestic plans that support your career.