THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY OCTOBER 4TH: The Virgo Moon is gliding through the day, with her cleaning supplies in one hand and organic healing plants, herbs and medicines in the other. Today the Virgo Moon confers with a number of her fellow planets, inspiring us to keep the focus on practical action and incremental progress. The Virgo Moon partners with visionary Neptune this evening, reminding us that dreams are manifested by attending to a thousand small actions that eventually add up. From small things…big things one day come.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your sector if health, organization and daily work, inspiring stellar day for fall cleaning and preparing for the new season. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to take many little actions that move your vision closer to actualization. Dream and act…Act and dream.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your creative/recreational sector, inspiring another great day for enjoying some down time in nature and advancing the details of your creative vision. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to take action on your own or with creative collaborators to make your artistic vision come to life.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your home sector, inspiring an excellent day for attending to practical domestic details that set your home in beautiful order. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to act on your visions for domestic bliss and professional success. Keep your eyes on the prize as you advance inspired dreams.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your sector of thought and communication, inspiring an excellent day for advancing ideas that lead to health, success and mental peace. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to call your vision to mind, and act to make it so…

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your sector of values, finances and possessions, inspiring another great day to attend to your material life. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to reflect on your vision that requires financing, mergers and sharing your talents and resources with others for mutual gain.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your sector of self, inspiring another stellar day for all forms of soulful and practical self care. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to act on your shared dreams with beloved partners. It’s a gorgeous day to live your dream with partners.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your spiritual sector, inspiring you to attend to the details of your beloved dreams and visions. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to advance both the Big Picture of your vision and the many little details that support your dreams. Delight in the little things as you work toward your Dream.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your social sector, inspiring you to delight in the emotional and practical support of friends and allies. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to review your creative dreams and seek the support or collaboration required to achieve them.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your executive sector, inspiring a stellar day for crunching numbers, reviewing proposals and otherwise seeking clarity regarding goals that lead to success. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to split the day between pursuing your domestic bliss and taking important executive action.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your philosophical sector, inspiring another great day for clarifying ideas, beliefs and how to present them. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring a gorgeous opportunity to explore how to convey the inspired beauty of your vision. A picture is worth a thousand words…

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your sector of shared wealth, intimacy and deepest feelings, inspiring an excellent day for advancing mergers, sharing your talent or wealth and getting clear about your feelings. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to reflect on your vision for all that you want to manifest…and all that you want to share.

The Virgo Moon continues her journey through your partnership sector, inspiring another gorgeous day for nurturing the relationships you are committed to. This afternoon, Luna partners with visionary Neptune in Pisces, inspiring you to recall the dreams that delight your soul…and explore how partnership fits in with them.