THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY OCTOBER 23RD: Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun glides into Scorpio to illuminate the sign of ancestors, depth, transformation, death and rebirth. The Sun will be illuminating our deepest feelings, needs, and closet relationships through which we seek soulful connection.

Scorpio also confronts us with our shadow, which is comprised of both positive  and negative disowned parts of ourselves that once integrated within us lead to wholeness. Scorpio invites us to transform and gives us the miraculous example of the butterfly as a template for this process. Nurture shows us that it is possible for us to become an entirely reborn creature if we are willing to do the deep inner work of letting go. 

The past month has revealed much in ourselves and our relationship patterns that requires empowering change. Today the Scorpio Moon illuminates the path to transformation and deep sharing. It’s a beautiful day to honor the ancestors with prayers and gratitude, as we reflect on the changes we are willing to make in order transform ourselves and our lives.

Meanwhile Luna glides into Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT, to nurture our clear rational thinking, even as we enter the realm of emotional depths.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your sector of ancestors, depths and mergers, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be illuminating your deepest feelings and needs along with ancestral patterns you wish to celebrate and ancestral patterns it is time to release. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to nurture your quick nimble mind and your capacity to have some rational detachment as you explore your feelings.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your partnership sector, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be shedding transformational light on your committed relationships and how to deepen and share meaningfully and fairly within them. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT, to intelligently nurture your material life and all that is most important to you.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your sector of work and health, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be shedding transformational light on your work life and health routines, inspiring you to make empowering changes within them. Meanwhile Luna glides into your sign brilliant Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT, to nurture your quick mind, and beautiful soul, inspiring you to attend to your feelings and needs today.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your sector of art, creativity and romance, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun shedding light on your creative power, heart centered passion and your capacity to express yourself and attend to the needs of your inner child and inner artist. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT inspiring you to reach up and connect with the Divine Intelligence that can guide you correctly in all your affairs.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your home and family sector, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be empowering you at home, inspiring you to release patterns that disempower you, while committing to a home life in which you can shine.  Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT, nurturing you through beloved friends. Reach out for intelligent and loving support today.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your sector of mind, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be inspire you to change your mind in positive empowering ways, by refusing to entertain disempowering thought patterns. It’s time to commit your most empowering ideas and the patterns of thought that make you strong, powerful and successful. Practice keeping your focus where you want it. Practice makes perfect. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to assist you in nurturing empowering thoughts ideas and projects.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your fiscal sector of values and possessions, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be inspiring you to take fiscally and emotional empowering actions in the weeks to come as you attend to and deepen the relationships that matter to you the most. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to nurture your love of new ideas and new terrain. Delight in new experiences as you let your mind wander.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters your sign Scorpio begin your birthday season and illuminate your sector of self, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be shedding light on your brilliance, while inspiring you to shine ever more brightly as you deepen with yourself and those you trust. The Scorpio Sun always inspires transformation, so ask yourself today, where you most desire gorgeous empowering change in your life. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to provide some clarity and rational thinking, regarding your deepest feelings and needs.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your spiritual sector, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will inspiring you to deepen your devotional practice and your conscious connection to Divine Source and to your ancestors. It is also a perfect time to advance mergers that align with your dreams. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to nurture a beautiful meeting of the minds with partners.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your social sector, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun with be spotlighting he friendships, collaborations and communities that truly empower you and light you up. It’s a great time to advance mutually profitable group efforts. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to nurture the logistics of your best ideas. Get clear about the details, then proceed.

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your career sector, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be calling you into the public or professional spotlight this month, inspiring you to rise and shine in an empowered way. Dare to pursue your objectives in the professional arena or in the public eye.  Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to nurture your need for playful recreation and creative self expression. Enjoy yourself today!

Today at 12:51 AM EDT, the Sun enters Scorpio to illuminate your philosophical sector, for the next four weeks. The Scorpio Sun will be nurturing your most empowering beliefs, while inspiring you to release false disempowering ones. It’s a great month to advance empowering presentations and collaborations. Meanwhile Luna glides into rational Gemini at 3:57 AM EDT to nurture your love of nesting activities and family connection. Enjoy your home life today.