THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 10TH: This morning at 7:57 AM EST Mercury and Mars merge forces in powerful Scorpio, to turbo charge our capacity for empowering transformations within our thinking and our actions as they illuminate our depths where energy reserves are always found. 

Meanwhile Luna is flying through the dizzying heights of Aquarius, where at 11:15 AM EST she merges forces with Saturn, nurturing us with liberating energy that helps us to free up stuck energy and deploy it toward empowering goals and a commitment to our true bliss. It’s a stellar day to invite liberating Light into our depths as we keep after the gorgeous changes we desire in mind, body, spirit and environment. Step out of your comfort zone today, where positive change awaits you!

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring empowering changes in your thinking, especially regarding mergers, finances and your approach to intimacy. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon  merges forces with Saturn today, inspiring a true commitment to the friends allies and group or team efforts that align with the true you.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your partnership sector, inspiring you to act on your best ideas and desires within committed relationships. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces today, inspiring you to commit to the success you were born to achieve. Assemble your team and climb toward it today!

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your work and health sector, inspiring an amazing day to be a powerful change agent at work or within your own life. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces today, inspiring you to act on ideas, beliefs and group efforts you are committed to.  

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your creative sector, inspiring you to act on your powerful creative desires and your beautiful romantic desires. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces today, inspiring you to commit to your deep inner freedom and to the relationships in which you can truly be yourself.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your home sector, inspiring a stellar to make empowering, transformational changes on the home front. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces in your partnership sector today, inspiring you to nurture the relationships you are truly committed to.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your sector of mind, inspiring powerful action to advance your best ideas. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces in your work and health sector today, where its time to commit to health, happiness, team work and new success.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your fiscal sector, inspiring action to advance financial success and material transformation. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merges forces in your creative sector today, inspiring you to commit to your heart and your joy of living.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your sector of self, inspiring a stellar day for self care, and advancing your personal transformation. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces in your home sector today, where it’s time for empowering change.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your spiritual sector, inspiring empowering changes that flow from your spiritual practice and awaken your dreams. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces in your mind today, where it’s time to commit to your best ideas and your intellectual freedom of expression.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your social sector, inspiring a stellar day for advancing empowering, transformational social plans. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces in your fiscal sector today, inspiring you to nurture profitable group efforts you are committed to.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your career sector, inspiring you to act on empowering public plans or professional efforts that could be game changers. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces in your sector of self today, inspiring you to nurture your authentic self. Stay committed to who you really are.

Mercury and Mars, merge forces in powerful Scorpio this morning, in your publishing sector, inspiring empowering action on your best ideas, projects and presentations. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon and Saturn merge forces in your inner ashram today, inspiring you to commit to the dreams that make your heart sing.