THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY NOVEMBER 23RD: The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through the Heavens illuminating the path to truth and wisdom as he goes. Meanwhile Luna continues her journey through maternal Cancer, nurturing our souls and our need for domestic comfort and family connections. Today the Moon in Cancer, partners with Venus in Capricorn, calling us to consciously nurture the goals, relationships and the definitions of success that you find most beautiful and are committed to. It’s a stellar day to nurture empowering transformations that allow you to follow your beloved dreams.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your philosophical sector, illuminating higher truth and your path to joyous adventure. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your connection to your roots and your home life. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn inspiring you to commit to your most beautiful, loving goals at work and at home.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, illuminating your deepest desires and the patterns that inform or thwart them. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your fertile mind and your emotional intelligence. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn inspiring you to commit to the most beautiful ideas, beliefs and projects that excite and delight you.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your partnership sector, illuminating the path to joyful, generous relationships that you can commit to. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your capacity to manifest and enjoy abundance. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn inspiring you to advance mergers that delight your heart, soul and your sense of practical realism.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your sector of health, daily work and well being, illuminating your capacity to organize your life and advance success at work. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures you, inspiring you to make space for your feelings and needs today.Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn, inspiring you to nurture your authentic self and the relationships that awaken your heart and align with what you love and find most beautiful.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your creative sector, illuminating your golden path to creative fulfillment. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your soul, calling you to the spiritual practices that lead to higher love and Grace. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn, nurturing your most beautiful goals, practices and visions for success.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your home and family sector, illuminating the roots that grow your fertile tree of life. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your most soulful, loving friendships and communities. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn to nurture the beautiful, loving collaborations that you are committed to. It’s a gorgeous day to collaboratively create.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your sector of mind, illuminating neural pathways in your mind that lead to brilliant ideas and eureka moments. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your public life, and most soulful goals. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn to nurture love and beauty at home, that in turn nurtures your beautiful success in the world.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your fiscal sector, illuminating your path to golden prosperity. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your wisdom and the ideas or projects that you would love to advance. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn to nurture your gorgeous inner executive who can sharpen your focus and your capacity for success.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your sector of self, illuminating you and your unique brilliance and talents as he goes. Meanwhile the Grandmother Moon is in soulful Cancer, nurturing your roots and your deepest capacity to nurture yourself and your inner stability. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn awakening beautiful new approaches to manifesting prosperity both solo and with partners.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your spiritual sector, illuminating the path to souhlexpanding enlightenment as he goes. Meanwhile the gracious Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your most sustaining relationships, inspiring you to do the same. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn to nurture your the love, beauty and Grace that you delight in sharing with those you are committed to.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your social sector, illuminating the path to wise, jovial community with whom to exchange ideas as he goes. Meanwhile the Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your health and happiness on many levels.Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn to nurture the beautiful dreams you are committed to, that truly nourish your soul.

The Sagittarius Sun is traveling through your career sector of long term goals, illuminating the path to your long term success. Meanwhile the gracious Moon in soulful Cancer, nurtures your inner artist and inner child, inspiring you to do the same. Today Luna partners with Venus in Capricorn inspiring you to advance  beautiful collaborations with groups and communities that you would love to commit to.