THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY NOVEMBER 25TH: A Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving to All! Today as we celebrate a day devoted to gratitude, the Sun and Mercury travel through wise, jovial Sagittarius, the sign of largess, generosity and gratitude! It’s a perfect day to consciously cultivate these qualities giving thanks for all blessings great and small. The Leo Sun will assist us in expressing the love that grows in our hearts when we count the many blessings in our lives.

Glide through the day like the Leo Moon trailing streams of generous love in your mighty wake. Love requires courage. Gratitude requires wisdom. Today the Lights go Heaven inspire both! Seize the Day! Be the Love! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your irreplaceable presence in my life!

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your sector of higher wisdom, guiding you to nurture a mind filled with gratitude today. It has been said that there is no greater wisdom than kindness. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your loving, courageous heart with waves of powerful Grace. Share your love with the waiting world!

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your deepest sense of wisdom, inspiring you to cultivate generosity of spirit and deep down generosity as you travel through the day. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through your home sector, nurturing the flame of love in your heart and your hearth. As you tend that flame, you tend the heart of your family.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate the path to wisdom and generosity of spirit within beloved partnerships. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing mental brilliance and your desire to share your inspired thoughts and loving ideas with your audience of choice. Express yourself.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your path to the wise health practices, work habits and approaches to life that will result in happiness and success. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your capacity to bring your most beloved ideas, creations and enterprises to fruition. It’s also a beautiful day to manifest love and generosity.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate the path to your heart where your love, passion and creative bliss are beating with joy. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your soul, reminding you of all that you love and delight in most.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate the path to domestic health, happiness and  harmony. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your most inspired dreams and visions. Today Luna inspires your capacity for big and mighty Love!  Be the Love that saves the world one compassionate generous action at a time today.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your mind with mental brilliances, big beautiful ideas and intellectual curiosity. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your love of friends, family and beloved community. It’s a beautiful day to reach out far and wide with a loving heart and a generous spirit.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your capacity to pursue your wisest definition of prosperity as you travel through the day. It’s a beautiful day to share your wealth as you feel moved to. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your capacity for public and professional success. Today your generous heart is your best calling card.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your feelings, the needs they point to, and your capacity to tend lovingly to both. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your creative and intellectual brilliance. It’s a beautiful day to share your gifts with the waiting world.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your path to enlightenment again today, inspiring you to pursue inspired dreams. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing the depths of your soul with generous love and radiant Light. It’s a beautiful day to share your deepest feelings with those you love and trust.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your social sector, where it’s a great day for intellectual and recreational adventure. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing your need for warmth, reciprocity, and loving partnership or brilliant creative collaborations.

The Sagittarius Sun and Mercury illuminate your capacity for brilliant success and professional adventure. Meanwhile the Leo Moon glides through the day, nurturing health, happiness and creative skill. It’s a beautiful day to use your brilliance and skill in the service of others. Share your talent.