THE DAILY PLANET ~ WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1ST: This morning at 6:55 AM the waning Moon cruises into Scorpio, to nurture our capacity for empowering transformation and the depth work required to truly change. We are headed to a complete solar eclipse on December 4th, New Moon which is likely to illuminate much that lurks in the shadows. 

It’s a beautiful day to dive deep and connect with disowned parts of ourselves. They often hold the key to our wholeness.

Today as the new month begins, at 8:22 AM EDT, spiritual visionary Neptune stations direct after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to be still and meditate, noticing what changes we need to make in order to realistically pursue our dreams. It’s a beautiful day to write or map our dreams, then list 5 to 10 practical actions required to manifest them. It’s a beautiful day to enlist the loving assistance of Divine Guidance as we open to the dreams and visions that are ours by Divine Design.

ARIES: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your deep inner empowerment, and your capacity to release what no longer serves who you are becoming. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your spiritual sector after months of retrograde travel. It’s a perfect day to pray, meditate and with the help of Divine Guidance, take stock of your revised dreams. 

TAURUS: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your capacity to deepen with business or romantic partners you trust. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your social sector, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a stellar day to meditate on the revised social plans and group efforts that you are now ready to advance.

GEMINI: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your capacity to transform your health routines, environment and work habits in empowering ways. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your career sector after months of retrograde travel, inspiring you to meditate on the revised professional plans that you are now ready to begin to advance.

CANCER: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture and empower your inner artist and heal or support your inner child. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your publishing/philosophical sector, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to meditate and pray for clarity, as you reflect on the revised vision regarding all that you would present, study, teach or put forth. 

LEO: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your increasingly empowered relationship to home, roots, and family. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your sector of depths and mergers, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to deeply meditate on your vision regarding intimacy, mergers and the dreams that keep calling and won’t let go.

VIRGO: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your mental and emotional empowerment today. Focus on what makes you strong. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your partnership sector, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a perfect day to meditate and take note of your revised dreams regarding business, romantic or creative partnerships. With whom do you share your dreams.

LIBRA: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your sense of self worth and growing prosperity, inspiring you to release what stands in their way. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your sector of daily work and health, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to take stock of your revised dreams for your work life and your daily life. Seek Divine Guidance as you prepare to move forward.

SCORPIO: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your personal empowerment and transformation, inspiring you to release emotional patterns that no longer serve you.  At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your creative and romantic sector after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to write, map or otherwise take note of your creative dreams as you meditate and pray for Divine Guidance.

SAGITTARIUS: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your spiritual empowerment that results from prayer, meditation and increased conscious contact. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your home sector, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to take note of your revised vision for your home life as you invite Heavenly Guidance to inform your dreams. 

CAPRICORN: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your increasingly empowering social life. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your sector of mind, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to take stock of your revised visions. Take note of the dreams that call to you and won’t let go. This is often referred to as your calling. It’s time to answer the call. 

AQUARIUS: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your professional success and public empowerment.  At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your fiscal sector after months of retrograde travel. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on your revised vision for your material and financial life. Take stock of what you are committed to manifesting in your life. 

PISCES: The waning Moon glides into Scorpio at 6:55 AM EST, to nurture your philosophical empowerment. Focus exclusively on beliefs and ideas that strengthen you. At 8:22 AM EDT, visionary Neptune stations direct in your sector of self, after months of retrograde travel. It’s a stellar day to meditate on the revised dreams and visions for yourself that you are clear about.