THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY DECEMBER 3RD: Just after midnight the Scorpio Moon squares off with Jupiter in Aquarius then promptly goes void till 7:13 AM EST when she glides into Sagitarius in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon total Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius which occurs tomorrow, Saturday at 2:43 AM EST. It’s a great day to reflect on Higher Truth that can correct where we may be mired in falsehoods.

It is always falsehood that binds us, personally and collectively. Take note of where you have been bound in your life by false beliefs or ideas, especially about yourself. Meditate on what lies may be at work in any areas where you feel bound, or experience feelings of constriction, lack or the inability to move toward your bliss. Apply the same metric to our collective bondage. Tomorrow’s Eclipse reveals both lies and truth that we need to be made aware of in order to be free or more free. It’s a stellar day to reflect on Truth. 

What is true? How do we know it is true? Seek Higher Guidance as you ponder.

To register for my New Moon/Solar Eclipse the seminar, go to my events tab.

ARIES: The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your sector of higher learning, higher truth, wisdom and generosity today at 7:13 AM EST, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a beautiful day to seek Higher Guidance regarding beliefs, ideas and presentations you are considering. It’s a perfect day to release self defeating beliefs on the waning lunar tide. Clear the way for new ideas and higher truth.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your sector of depths and mergers today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a perfect day to release deeply held beliefs that stand in the way of your desired attachment patterns. Clear the way for a new kind of relationship.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your partnership sector today at 7:13 AM EST, in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a beautiful day to release false beliefs that have informed your business and personal partnerships in ways that have led to unsatisfactory results. Clear the way for reciprocity.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your work and health sector today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a beautiful day to release false beliefs about your health, happiness and capacity for self disipline that leads to success. Let go of self defeating ideas, habits and clutter today. Clear the way for the New Moon.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your creative sector today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a stellar day to surrender creative blocks and childhood patterns that stand in the way of your creative and heart centered fulfillment. Release old heartache to open the door to new love.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your home sector today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a beautiful day to release family patterns and ancestral clutter that is weighing you down in advance of the New Moon. Clear your home energetically. Prepare for new domestic blessings.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your sector of mind today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a beautiful day to release outworn ideas, beliefs and narrative that simply no longer apply. Clear your mind of self defeating tendencies. Keep the focus on ideas and beliefs that strengthen you.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your fiscal/material sector today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s aGreat day to release all sacristy thinking and self defeating beliefs about money, prosperity and abundance. Release all that keeps you constricted. Clear the way for wealth to find you.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your sector of self today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a stellar day to release outworn emotional patterns and false beliefs about yourself and your possibilities. Clear the way for the truth about your beauty, talent and sparkling inestimable worth to find you.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your spiritual sector today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a perfect day to release outworn dreams and visions along with and spiritual blocks you are ready to release. Surrender all fear doubt and beliefs that don’t work for you into the outgoing tide. Open to the Divine Breath of new inspiration…coming soon.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your social sector today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a beautiful day to release social patterns that keep you from the social life, community or group efforts you desire. Reflect on the friendship and love you are committed to as the New lunar tide comes in tomorrow.

The waning Moon cruises into Sagittarius and your career sector today at 7:13 AM EST in preparation for tomorrow’s New Moon/total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. It’s a perfect day to release goals and professional ambitions that no longer call to you. Reflect on your true calling…the one that keeps calling. It will soon be time to answer the call.