THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY DECEMBER 4TH: This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon begins her growing journey through Sagittarius, the sign of the archer centaur. Today’s New Moon is also a total Solar Eclipse, indicating that powerful new beginnings and revelations are at hand, especially regarding our beliefs, philosophies, travels, education, faith, publishing, higher justice and anything to do with the media and higher education.

During a total Solar eclipse, the light of the Sun is temporarily obscured, plunging us into a darkness where what lurks in the shadows must be confronted. This particular eclipse calls us to release personal and collective narratives based on falsehoods, in favor of the truth. False beliefs may have served us well at one time, and may have functioned to help us survive a difficult or threatening situation, but there comes a time to let these falsehoods go. This eclipse is just such a time. 

Sagittarius the sign of wisdom and Higher Truth reminds us that it is always truth that sets us free. Luna receives support from responsible Saturn in liberating Aquarius who reminds us that in the Aquarian Age we are each responsible to do the work that leads us to Truth and ultimately liberation, but freedom from illusions, delusions and some of the stories we tell ourselves, or have been told, can be a heavy lift. 

During an eclipse, the planetary ruler of the eclipsed luminary is called the Lord of the Eclipse, which would make Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, the Lord of this eclipse. Jupiter rules the Higher courts, travel, world religions, philosophy and higher education, indicating that much will be surfacing regarding these areas that will require our conscious attention. 

Jupiter is in Aquarius in the sector of art and children squaring off with Mars in Scorpio, indicating that we are called to seek empowerment and freedom from oppression for our inner child and for the children of the world. Big creative projects and collaborations could be especially fertile this New Moon.

Though Jupiter is the traditional Lord of a Sagittarius Eclipse, Mercury is traveling within 3 degrees of the New Moon, which according to some astrological traditions makes Mercury the new Lord of the Eclipse. Mercury, even in fiery, at times dogmatic Sagittarius, can help us seek detachment from pet philosophies, ideas and narratives in favor of exploring facts, empirical evidence and revealed truth with some objectivity. It’s a beautiful eclipse as the Sun Moon and Mercury travel through the sign of truth and faith, to pray for Higher Guidance to lead us in our research for truth, wisdom, and new understanding.

In the eclipse chart cast for Washington DC, the national chart, The New Moon, Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius along with Mars in Scorpio, are all found in the fiscal sector of the chart, which is also the sector of values and possessions. This planetary line up inspires reflection and action regarding ideas and enterprises that we value enough to invest in. 

This eclipse also offers us  the opportunity of healing our self worth and our relationship to prosperity.

The Ascendant of the New Moon/Eclipse chart cast for DC, (the national chart) is Libra rising, indicating that we can expect to see much activity regarding justice and the courts in the coming weeks and months, that may be revelatory and shadowy in nature. On a more personal level, we are called to the path of balance, beauty and partnership once again this month seeking grace, poise and fairness within our relationships.

The planet Uranus is in Taurus, making an adjusting aspect to the New Moon, indicating that in the world at large, we may see some market fluctuations and adjustments. We are also called to take evolutionary steps within our relationships, especially regarding how finances, possessions, and values are shared.

Venus and Pluto are traveling arm in arm in the home sector of the chart, calling us to transform our relationship to home and family with love, beauty and empowerment guiding  our changes.

Neptune in our creative sector calls us to follow our creative dreams, while Chiron in Aries keeps the healing focus on our sense of self our health and our daily habits.

The North Node of the eclipse chart is in Gemini in the deepest sector of the chart, inviting us to shine the light of rational thinking into the nooks and crannies of our souls, as we release false beliefs and emotional patterns that keep us impoverished in one way or another. The Gemini North Node calls us deeply inward where an inner Sun shines that is never eclipsed. Connect with that Sun and share your much needed Light and deepening wisdom with the waiting world.

To register for my New Moon/Solar Eclipse the seminar, go to my events page.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun in your sector of higher learning, publishing and wisdom, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings regarding beliefs, ideas, and how you express them. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating new information may be coming to light that could lead to big changes and bigger opportunities.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, where revelations and transformations are underway. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that you are able to explore deeply entrenched emotional patters with some objectivity as you deepen with allies and advance mutually profitable mergers. 

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun in your partnership sector, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings and revelations within your committed relationships. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that you are called to explore new approaches to honest communication within your committed relationships.  

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your sector of daily work and health. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that it’s time to explore new approaches to success in your daily life and your approach to radiant health and your true idea of success.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your creative sector of art children and romance. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that it’s time to release creative blocks and go for the gold, as you heal your inner child, and follow your heart to the love you desire and deserve. 

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your sector of home and family. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that its time to explore new ideas for your domestic life as you jettison family patterns that don’t grow corn. It’s time to clear the past and follow your domestic bliss.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your sector of mind. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that new continents of thought are emerging in your mind as old ones sink and dissolve. It’s time to explore your new ideas, beliefs and the most beautiful wise profitable ways of communicating them.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your fiscal sector where revelations are at hand. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that it’s time to release all scarsity beliefs and explore the truth of your innate prosperity and ideas that will lead to all forms of wealth. It’s time to market your best ideas.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your sector of self. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that it’s time to tell yourself a new story about yourself. Release negative beliefs about yourself and what is possible for you. Write the story you want to inhabit, with yourself as the hero. May victory be thine.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your spiritual sector. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that it’s time to analyze your dreams releasing those that no longer apply committing to those that do. Open to your Guiding Stars Within. Heavenly Guidance awaits you as does your vision by Divine Design.

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your social sector. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating that it’s time to explore new ideas, beliefs and travels that will bring you closer to beloved community with whom you can share ideas and adventures. 

This morning at 2:43 AM EST, the New Moon in Sagittarius eclipses the Sun, initiating a lunar cycle of new beginnings in your career sector. The New Moon travels with Mercury, indicating it’s time for you to explore new ideas, beliefs and projects that lead to your true sense of success. Release blocks to authentic success or anyone else’s idea of success. It’s time to go for YOUR gold.