THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY DECEMBER 13TH: It’s a big day on the planetary front! Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars leaves Scorpio, after his long sojourn in the underworld, and saddles up to ride off into Sagittarius for weeks to come. Mars will be fueling our quest for truth, philosophical explorations, publishing projects and travels as he journeys through the sign of the archer. Mars will also help us take aim at our authentic goals, with a spirit of adventure and optimism in our hearts. Mars will be in Sagittarius till January 24th when he heads into Capricorn, the sign of his exhalation to fuel our ambitions.

Later today at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought and communication leaves Sagittarius, just as Mars enters that sign, and heads into responsible Capricorn, to inspire our mental discipline and nurture our executive intelligence for weeks to come. Mercury will retrograde back into Capricorn after a stint in Aquarius in January. The retrograde will begin in Aquarius on January 14th. It looks to be a reflective and consequential New Year as Venus will also be retrograde in Capricorn, inspiring a weighty review of our relationships and most beloved commitments.

Meanwhile the Aries Moon nurtures our capacity to take empowering action today, as the planets shift. It’s a stellar day to connect with our inner spiritual warrior, whose strength and inner stability is unshakable.

Luna goes void at 9:52 tonight till tomorrow.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your sector of depths and mergers, and heads into Sagittarius and your travel sector of philosophy, publishing and higher learning to nurture your higher mind and spirit of adventure for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn, inspiring your best executive thinking about professional success and long term goals for weeks to come. Prepare to succeed.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your partnership sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your sector of depths and mergers to nurture new emotional patterns for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn, and your sector of the higher mind, inspiring your best executive thinking for weeks to come.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your work and health sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your partnership sector to fuel shared actions and desires with partners for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn and your sector depths and mergers, inspiring intelligent, executive thinking, regarding mergers and your deepest emotional patterns for weeks to come.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your creative sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your sector of work and health, providing plenty of energy to devote toward work habits and health practices for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn, inspiring brilliant executive thinking and long term planning within partnerships for weeks to come.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your home sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your creative sector, to fuel brilliant creative activities and projects for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn, inspiring you to refine your executive thinking, and commit to disciplined work and health habits, for weeks to come. Focus on preparing for success.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your sector of mind, and heads into Sagittarius and your home sector for weeks to come, putting the energetic focus on your home front. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn, and your creative sector inspiring your best executive thinking around your art and creativity for weeks to come. It’s a great time to commit to your creativity and prosper from it.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your fiscal sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your sector of mind for weeks to come, inspiring brilliant expansive thinking, and big ideas that it is time to act on. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought, leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn and your home sector, inspiring brilliant executive thinking about your home life, for weeks to come. Enjoy scheduling your home life.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your sector of self, and heads into Sagittarius and your fiscal sector, inspiring action to generate prosperity and abundance to for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn, inspiring your mental discipline and executive intelligence for weeks to come. It’s time to commit to your success and the ideas and projects that support it.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your spiritual sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your sector of self, to join the Sun, inspiring you to act on your authentic desires as you let yourself shine for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn in your fiscal sector, inspiring your executive intelligence to inform your fiscal success for weeks to come. Plan for prosperity.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your social sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your spiritual sector, inspiring your spiritual discipline, and your capacity to act on your vision for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn, inspiring brilliant thinking, clear communication and new empowering ideas about yourself for weeks to come.

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your career/public sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your social sector to fuel your social life and group efforts for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought, leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn in your spiritual sector, inspiring your most practical yet visionary thinking for weeks to come. 

Today at 4:53 AM EST, Mars the planet of action leaves Scorpio and your philosophical sector, and heads into Sagittarius and your career sector to fuel your capacity to act on long term goals and professional ambitions for weeks to come. Later this afternoon at 12:52 PM EST, Mercury, the planet of thought leaves Sagittarius, and heads into Capricorn in your social sector, inspiring practical executive thinking regarding your social life and group efforts for weeks to come.