THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY DECEMBER 16TH: The Sagittarius Sun continues to illuminate the path to wisdom, generosity and higher truth, inspiring an attitude of gratitude in our hearts and minds. Meanwhile Luna begins her day in earthy Taurus, providing us with an excellent morning to enjoy practical, constructive activity.  

At 11:08 AM EST, the Taurus Moon goes void, providing us with an excellent few hours to get grounded, centered and organize our material lives. At 3:43 PM EST, Luna glides into winged Gemini, the sign of swift thought and word, where she will be Full this Saturday. It’s a lovely late afternoon to clarify our thinking. Tonight Luna will face off with Mars in philosophical Sagittarius, inspiring us to get clear about  our beliefs and the way our beliefs support or thwart our happiness and success!

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action regarding your finances and material concerns first thing this morning, as she cruises through your fiscal sector. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get grounded as you organize your material life.  At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your sector of thought, to nurture your clarity of mind, and your best ideas.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action to nurture yourself first thing today, as she cruises through your sector of self. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get grounded as you reflect on your feelings and needs. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your fiscal sector to nurture your most profitable thinking.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action to advance your dreams, as she cruises through your visionary sector. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get grounded and meditate to cultivate greater enlightenment.  At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your sector of self to nurture you, inspiring an evening of gentle, kind self care.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action to build your social life, as she cruises through your social sector. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to reflect as you organize your social calendar. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your spiritual sector with flocks of angels to nurture, guide you and protect you, while elevating your consiousness.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive executive action first thing today, as she cruises through your career sector. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get grounded and organize for success. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your social sector to nurture a number of beloved relationships. Join her, reach out friends.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action to advance your best ideas, presentations and projects, first thing today. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get grounded and organize your best ideas. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your career sector to nurture your executive intelligence and ideas that lead to success.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action to advance mergers, as she cruises through your sector of emotional depths and mergers. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get deeply emotionally grounded regarding your feelings and needs. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your publishing sector to nurture your best ideas and how you present them.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action regarding partnerships, first thing today. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring reflection as you organize share goals.  At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your sector of emotional depths, to nurture your awareness of your deepest feelings and needs. 

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive, detailed action at work first thing this morning. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get  grounded and organized for success. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your partnership sector to nurture your committed relationships. Join her.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive creative action first thing today, as she cruises through your sector of art and romance. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you together grounded and centered indoor heart. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your work and health sector to nurture you very best habits and ideas.

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action at home and with family first thing today. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to get grounded and see to some light housekeeping. At 3:43 PM, EST, Luna wings into Gemini and your sector of art, heart and recreation to nurture your need for fun, self expression and delight!

The Taurus Moon inspires constructive action on your favorite ideas as she cruises through your sector of mind. At 11:08 AM EST, she goes void for a couple of hours, inspiring you to reflect rather and get organized rather than act on ideas till 3:43 PM, EST, when Luna wings into Gemini and your home sector to nurture your need to nest and rest.