THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY DECEMBER 19TH: This morning at 1:02 AM EST the Gemini Moon goes void till 4:42 AM EST, when she glides home into Cancer, her home sign for some much needed R&R after yesterday’s Full Moon in Gemini. It’s a beautiful day for nesting, resting and family activities as we explore our feelings and needs after the more intellectual focus inspired by yesterday’s Full Gemini Moon. 

We will have further cause to explore our feelings, at 5:36 AM EST, when lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn, initiating a weighty, reflection on our relationships and all that we love , value and find beautiful enough to commit to. Venus will be gliding backward through executive, responsible Capricorn for weeks to come, calling us back to review professional goals and to reconnect with our most beautiful ideas of success. 

Venus will be winging retrograde as the year turns, calling us into deep reflection as the year begins. Venus will station direct on January 29th, inviting us to slowly advance revised goals and commitments. Till then, commit to all that you love and find most beautiful and worthwhile. Commit to the effort, discipline and sacrifice required to use your time to achieve our goals. Commit to yourself and the true prompting of your beautiful soul.

For a recording of yesterday’s Full Moon tele seminar click here:


The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your home sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture need to rest nest and connect with family.  About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your executive sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding the professional goals and long term goals that you are truly committed to. Reflect on who and what you truly love!

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your sector of mind at 4:42 AM EST to nurture your most soulful, fertile and productive thinking.  About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your philosophical sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding deeply held beliefs, ideas, presentations and professional commitments that is time to re examine. 

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your fiscal sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture your fertile relationship to prosperity.  About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your sector of depths and mergers, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding your closest relationships, deepest commitments and emotional patterns that it is time to reconnect with, or revise.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your home sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture  About an hour later at5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your partnership sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding your personal and professional partnerships and your commitment within them. It’s time to reconnect with your commitment to authentic love and success.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your spiritual sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture your capacity to receive Divine Love, Grace, and abundance. About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your work and health sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding the daily habits, work projects and health practices that support your commitment to your health, happiness, beauty and beloved success.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your social sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture your supportive friendships and community.  About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your creative sector, of children, art and romance, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding creative projects, romantic pursuits and your deep commitment to your actual or inner children.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your career sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture public life and professional success.  About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your home sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding your home and family life and your commitment to a loving, stable, beautiful home life.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your publishing sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture the ideas, projects and beliefs that delight your soul and support your well being.  About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your sector of mind, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding the goals, patterns of thought and gorgeous projects you are committed to. Commit to your gorgeous focus.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your sector of emotional depths and mergers at 4:42 AM EST to nurture to nurture your deepest relationships.  About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your fiscal sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding the projects, relationships and approach to prosperity that you can truly commit to.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your partnership sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture the committed relationships that nurture you. About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your sector, of self, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding your relationship to yourself. It’s time to recommit to loving yourself as you remember your beauty, value and exquisite irreplaceable value. Reconnect with all that you love.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your work and health sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture your capacity to care for your body, mind, spirit and your overall well being as you also see to practical details that. About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your spiritual sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding the dreams and beautiful visions you are committed to, as Venus also calls you back to meditate on  your vision by Divine Design.

The Gemini Moon glides into soulful Cancer and your creative sector at 4:42 AM EST to nurture your need for fun, play and joyful recreation. About an hour later at 5:36 AM EST, lovely Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn in your social sector, initiating weeks of reflection and review regarding friendships, beautiful collaborations and beloved community.