THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY DECEMBER 23RD: The Leo Moon is striding through the day trailing streams of fierce love and courage as she goes. Today Luna is on the hunt for the passion that awakens our hearts and our capacity to pursue what truly, madly, deeply calls to us. The Leo Moon spends the morning  conferring with visionary Neptune to align our dreams with our true passion. Luna spends the evening conferring with Pluto and Venus retrograde to review our goals and the work habits that inform them. It’s time to use our time and attention to pursue our heart’s true calling. Seize the day and the night!

The Leo Moon is striding through your sector of art, romance and your inner or actual children, nurturing your passion creativity and innocence, as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune inspiring you to align your heart’s desires with your vision by Divine Design. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a recalibration of your long term goals as your mighty heart weighs in.

The Leo Moon is striding through your home sector trailing streams of warm love and creative inspiration, as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune inspiring you to explore how to align your home life and your vision for community. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a heart centered review of your defined goals and mission statement.

The Leo Moon is striding through your sector of mind, aligning your head and your heart as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune to awaken the professional dreams that make your heart beat with passion. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a deep weighty review of your closest relationships, and the dynamics within them.

The Leo Moon is striding through your fiscal/material sector, nurturing your capacity to manifest your creative gold as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune reminding you of the dreams and projects you most desire to manifest or monetize. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, calling you to review partnership dynamics and priorities as you consider your heart centered values.

The Leo Moon is striding through your sector of self awakening your heart’s true feelings and the needs they point to. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune to put you in touch with your deepest dreams and the passion to achieve them. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a review of your daily habits and attachment patterns and how they support or thwart your dreams.

The Leo Moon is striding through your spiritual sector nurturing your inspired vision and capacity to receive and express Higher Love, as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune to align your earthly relationships with the Divine blueprint for them. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a weighty review of your heart’s true desires within creative collaborations and romantic relationships.

The Leo Moon is striding through your social sector, nurturing your most heart centered relationships as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune to align your dreams for your daily life with your desire for a rich, supportive social life. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a weighty review of family dynamics and how to nurture more loving harmony within them.

The Leo Moon is striding through your career sector, nurturing your capacity to succeed ay your heart centered goals for success as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune awakening your creative vision while inspiring you to courageously advance it. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, to nurture a review of your goals and commitments, aligning them with your heart’s true calling.

The Leo Moon is striding through your publishing sector, inspiring your brilliance and creativity as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune to align your creative desires and ideas with your ultimate vision for your home life. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a weighty review of financial issues and a reconnection with creative projects that are calling once again.

The Leo Moon is striding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers nurturing your deep reservoirs of power and mighty strength, as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune to nurture your most inspired vision that aligns with your true passion. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, calling you back to all that you love, while reminding you of your beauty and inestimable worth.

The Leo Moon is striding through your partnership sector, nurturing your need for warmth, love, affection and reciprocity as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune, inspiring you to explore shared dreams and holdings with partners. Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a weighty review of your long term vision for the structure of your relationships. 

The Leo Moon is striding through your work and health sector, nurturing  your body, mind and spirit with mighty love as she goes. This morning she confers with visionary Neptune Tonight the Leo Moon confers with Pluto and Venus in Capricorn, inspiring a heart centered review of friendships, community and/or social life.