THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY FEBRUARY 27TH: The Gemini Moon is winging through the day, trailing streams of brilliance as she goes. Today she is busy nurturing our clarity of thought and intellectual curiosity. This morning Luna harmonizes with Venus in Aries, to nurture beautiful ideas that we feel passionate about. She then confers with mighty Jupiter in Aries to expand our thinking, plans and horizons. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars in Gemini, nurturing our capacity to act on brilliant ideas. It’s a perfect day for intelligent, daring action. Seize the day!

ARIES: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector of mind, nurturing your mental clarity and your emotional intelligence as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter in Aries to nurture beautiful brilliant expansive ideas, that it’s a great day to act upon. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, that provides a burst of mental energy that fuels your capacity to act on brilliant ideas, desires and strategies.

TAURUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your fiscal sector nurturing brilliant, treasured and profitable ideas as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries to nurture beautiful, expansive visions and plans that it’s a great day to manifest or monetize. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, providing you with the energy to courageously act on your inspired profitable plans.

GEMINI: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector of self, nurturing you and your emotional needs as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture big, beautiful, brilliant social plans and collaborations that support your authentic self. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, to nurture a new energized capacity to act on beloved desires, ideas and plans. 

CANCER: The Gemini Moon is winging through your spiritual sector nurturing your connection to Divine Guidance as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture big, brilliant, beautiful ideas that nurture professional success that aligns with your inspired dreams. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, that nurtures your inner spiritual warrior, who knows when to advance, when to retreat and when to be still and listen for Divine Guidance.

LEO: The Gemini Moon is winging through your social sector, nurturing your need for friends, allies and brilliant collaborations as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture big, beautiful ideas, projects and collaborations with friends and allies. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, awakening your capacity to act on big bold ideas.

VIRGO: The Gemini Moon is winging through your career sector, nurturing your executive intelligence as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture big, beautiful bold relationships, mergers and collaborations that align with professional goals. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, inspiring action to advance professional plans.

LIBRA: The Gemini Moon is winging through your philosophical sector, nurturing brilliant ideas, beliefs and presentations  as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture big, beautiful ideas with partners. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, inspiring you to act on exciting adventurous ideas. 

SCORPIO: The Gemini Moon is winging through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, nurturing your deep inner security as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries to nurture the nuts and bolts of big, beautiful ideas at work and in your day to day life. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, inspiring action to transform your inner life in beautiful empowering ways.

SAGITTARIUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your partnership sector, nurturing your need for fair, reciprocal partnerships as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture big, bold and beautiful collaborations with partners and allies. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, awakening your passion within romantic partnerships and your desire to act on shared ideas and plans.

CAPRICORN: The Gemini Moon is winging through your work and health sector nurturing your capacity to attend to the logistics of brilliant ideas as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries to nurture big, bold and beautiful domestic and family ideas. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, to energize and clarify your thinking, and your capacity to act on ideas you are refining.

AQUARIUS: The Gemini Moon is winging through your creative, romantic sector, nurturing your creative brilliance and romantic courage as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture your biggest and most beautiful ideas, which it is a great day to act on. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, to awaken your creative passion and your capacity to follow your mighty heart.

PISCES: The Gemini Moon is winging through your domestic sector nurturing your best ideas for home and family as she goes. Today she confers with Venus, then Jupiter, both in Aries, to nurture your biggest and most beautiful and potentially profitable ideas. Luna ends her day in a passionate embrace with Mars, to awaken your capacity to act on brilliant domestic plans.