THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY MAY 26TH: The Leo Moon goes void today at 2:38 AM EDT, for much of the rest
Of the day, providing us with an excellent day for heart centered reflection, considering our true desires and organizing beloved creative ideas and all that requires courage and passion in our lives. Luna spends the day grappling with Neptune in pisces and Pluto in Aquarius, inviting us to consider our dreams from a heart centered perspective as we free ourselves from patterns that no longer serve our evolution.
At 11:05 PM EDT. Luna glides into Virgo to nurture our mental clarity.
ARIES: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for reflecting on your heart’s desire as you organize creative and recreational projects. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to meditate on your dreams and your changing social life.
TAURUS: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for reflection on your feelings and needs about home and family as you set your house in order. Today Luna will make adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to reflect on your vision, and your changing goals for home and career.
GEMINI: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for consulting with your heart as you organize creative ideas. Today Luna will make adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to reflect on creative visions that advance your professional success and social empowerment.
CANCER: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for reflection on your creative ideas and financial plans for profiting from them. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to work on the logistics that will advance your vision as you reclaim your power.
LEO: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for all forms of self care and heart centered reflection. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to reflect on your deepest creative dreams, and your changing approach to partnership.
VIRGO: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for meditation and reflection on beloved creative visions. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to reflect on your vision for partnerships and your transforming daily life.
LIBRA: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for reflection on your social life and recreational needs as you go with the flow. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to reflect on visionary work projects and your transforming approach to collaborations.
SCORPIO: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for reflection on professional creative goals and getting organized for success. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to organize the next steps to advance your creative vision and do some transformational housekeeping.
SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for philosophical reflection while organizing creative projects. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to make time to nurture your domestic vision as you commit to empowered thinking that includes changing your mind when the facts support a new viewpoint.
CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for deep reflection on your heart’s desire as you organize creative collaborations. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to allow yourself to play creatively with your vision and reflect on a new approach to financial success.
AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for reflecting on your feelings and needs about relationships as you go with the social flow. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to reflect on the financial side of partnerships, as you commit to empowering personal changes.
PISCES: The Leo Moon goes void in the pre dawn hours, providing you with an excellent day for creative reflection and attending to the details of work projects and daily life. Today Luna will make some adjusting aspects to Neptune and Pluto, inviting you to organize your dreams and reflect on the team required to achieve them.