THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JUNE 4TH: The Moon begins her waning journey through Sagittarius today, inspiring us to reflect on the ideas, beliefs, plans and our feelings about them that were illuminated by yesterday’s Full Moon. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on the beliefs we truly want informing our lives and the journey we are on.

It’s a stellar day to also reflect on ideas, plans, projects and adventures we are committed to.

This afternoon at 3:49 PM EDT, Mercury and Uranus will merge forces in earthy, constructive Taurus, inspiring us to take concrete steps to advance breakthrough ideas and constructive projects. It’s a beautiful day to be on the lookout for liberating insights. Act on them!

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your philosophical sector, inspiring you to reflect on your life’s journey, and the ideas, beliefs and projects you are committed to that surfaced around yesterday’s Full Moon. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your fiscal sector, inspiring beautiful, constructive breakthroughs in your self worth and fiscal life. Open to eureka moments.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring a day of deep reflection about your core beliefs and how they inform your closest relationships as she wanes. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your sector of self, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your sense of self, that free you to connect with others in an authentic new way.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your partnership sector, inspiring you to reflect on the beliefs that inform the relationships you are committed to as Luna wanes. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your spiritual sector, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your consciousness and within your dreams and how you build, finance or manifest them.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, inspiring reflection regarding daily habits, work projects and beliefs that inform your daily life that surfaced in the lead up to yesterday’s Full Moon. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your social sector, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your social life or within collaborations.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your creative sector, inspiring you to reflect on the creative ideas and romantic desires that surfaced in the lead up to the Full Moon. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your career sector, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your relationship to success. It’s a great day to act on constructive and creative goals.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your home sector, inspiring you to reflect on domestic ideas and family patterns revealed during the Full Moon, as she wanes. It’s a great day to commit to domestic plans that you are clear about. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your philosophical, publishing sector, inspiring aha moments within belief systems and constructive projects you are committed to.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your sector of mind, inspiring brilliant ideas, and adventurous plans that were illuminated in the lead up to yesterday’s Full Moon. Act on those today. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your emotional life and in how you collaborate with others.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, inspiring you to reflect on financial and material plans, patterns and concerns that were illuminated in the lead up to yesterday’s Full Moon. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your partnership sector, inspiring brilliant, liberating breakthroughs in your relationship patterns. It’s a great day to step into new dynamics.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your sector of self, inspiring your to reflect on your life’s journey and the feelings and needs that came to light in the lead up to yesterday’s Full Moon, as she now wanes. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your work and health sector, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your beliefs that inform your work life, financial life and daily life. 

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector, inspiring you to reflect on your true dreams and the beliefs that inform them, as Luna now wanes. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your creative sector, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your creative life. Act on your creative dreams today.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your social sector, inspiring reflection regarding your social needs and the beliefs that inform your social life as Luna now wanes. It’s a great day to connect with like minded allies. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your home sector, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your domestic life and family dynamics. It’s time for something new.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your career sector, inspiring you to reflect on the professional or long term goals you are committed to, as Luna now wanes. Today Mercury and Uranus merge forces in your sector of mind, inspiring brilliant breakthroughs in your thinking, that lead to constructive gorgeous ideas that are calling….

this very day.