THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JUNE 16TH: The Gemini Moon has donned her silver winged sandals and has taken flight to explore new frequencies of thought that nurture our brilliance and intelligence. She begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring us to bring clear rational thinking and planning to the dreams and visions we are committed to. Luna then glides on to an afternoon merger with Mercury who is also gliding through the skies with his winged sandals and winged helmet. Together they nurture patterns of thought that inspire our mental clarity, mental elevation and emotional well being. Luna ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo, to nurture our creative brilliance and our most beautiful romantic ideas.

ARIES: The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring an intelligent review of the logistics of your dreams. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to sharpen your discernment while nurturing your emotional intelligence. The Gemini Moon ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture your heart and your creative intelligence. 

TAURUS:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring clear analytical thinking regarding visionary collaborations. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture your most intelligent profitable ideas. Act on them. She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture brilliant domestic ideas and fiscal family plans. It’s a great day to spend money on what nurtures the heart of your family.

GEMINI:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to reflect on your professional vision and how it supports or thwarts your personal need for self care. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury, inspiring clear and soulful thinking about your true feelings and needs. She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture your creative brilliance and your heart centered intelligence.

CANCER:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to get clear about the logistics of visionary projects and dreams. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury, inspiring you to consciously seek Divine Guidance to inform your thinking and dreaming.  She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture brilliant profitable ideas that it’s time to advance.

LEO:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to get friendly support with the logistics  of mergers and your overall vision. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture brilliant, soulful collaborations. She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture your most beautiful brilliant ideas as she reminds you of just how beautiful and lovable you are.

VIRGO:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring inspiring creative tension between your ideas and goals for professional success and those of your partners. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture your executive and emotional intelligence regarding success. She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo inspiring brilliant executive thinking about how to advance your golden vision.

LIBRA:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring a stellar day to enjoy creative tension between your vision at work and the path to presenting or publishing it. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture your brilliant, publishing ideas and a soulful new clarity. She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture your heart centered social life.

SCORPIO:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to analyze and organize the logistics of your creative dreams and the collaborations that support them. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture your capacity to observe and transmute your  She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture ideas that support your golden creative success.

SAGITTARIUS:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring tension between your domestic vision and your partners needs and visions. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture your capacity to communicate clearly and with emotional intelligence with partners. She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo inviting you to advance brilliant publishing ideas.

CAPRICORN:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to analyze and clarify the logistics of the vision you are committed to. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture your practical skills that support your vision as she sharpens your mind and nurtures your soul. The Gemini Moon ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture your deepest passion and the people and projects that ignite it.

AQUARIUS:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to budget for and invest in your creative and recreational life. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture your creative brilliance. It’s a stellar day for writing projects. Luna ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo inspiring you to follow your heart to beloved friends and partners with whom to enjoy the beauty of life.

PISCES:  The Gemini Moon begins her day squaring off with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to get clear about the logistics of your domestic dreams and family visions. This afternoon Luna merges forces with Mercury to nurture clarity and emotional intelligence within family communication. She ends her day conferring with Venus in Leo to nurture your most beloved creative projects and the skill to manifest it.