THE DAILY PLANET – FRIDAY OCTOBER 27TH: The Aries Moon continues to nurture our inner fight, and our very life force as we head toward the Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, which could be bringing up issues of self-worth, financial matters, and our existential connection to life itself. It’s a beautiful day to celebrate the simple joy of living and being.
The Aries Moon reminds us that we are not our body, we are not our bank account, nor our possessions. Our self-worth comes from the Divine Light enshrined within us, and our connection to that, and to all of life. It’s a beautiful day to fight through negativity and celebrate the joy of living and the struggles inherent in life. Enjoy the battle. Win, lose or draw, your life and your aliveness is the Universes great gift to you, and to each of us. It’s a perfect day to advance through the day, with a victory song on your lips. While you’re living, while you’re striving, while you’re engaged in the struggle you have already succeeded.
ARIES: The Aries Moon keeps the nurturing focus on you today, and your legendary joy of living. Today, Luna grapples with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to explore any injuries to your self-worth and patterns within your relationship patterns that you’re ready to tackle with the legendary courage of the warrior. It’s a beautiful day to face your fears, especially regarding love and self-worth. Feel the life force within you and let it guide you toward healing and joy.
TAURUS: The Aries Moon keeps the nurturing focus on your spiritual practice, and the advancement of your dreams, inviting you to maintain constant disciplined contact with The Loving Source of your being and your dreams. Today Luna works with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to seek the Divine Physician’s assistance with inner child wounds, romantic heartache and creative blocks. The Divine Physician is on call 24 seven.
GEMINI: The Aries Moon is gliding through your social sector, inviting you to be fearless as you advance social plans, collaborations and make time for beloved friends with whom you can celebrate life. Today, Luna grapples with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to heal family or ancestral wounds that have gotten in the way of a joyful social life. It’s a beautiful day to put your best foot forward, and connect with loving supportive friends.
CANCER: The Aries Moon is striding through your executive suite today, facing administrative problems, tackling goals and the actions required to achieve them. Today Luna also grapples with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to make some time to advance your most beautiful plans and ideas, as you also explore how to heal patterns of thought that get in the way of your desired success. It’s a beautiful day to banish perfectionism and practice knowing that you and your efforts are good enough.
LEO: The Aries moon is striding through your higher mind, reminding you that she’s always a great ally of yours, mighty Leo. The Aries Moon loves your courage and flamboyance, and today she fans the flames of your courage inviting you to advance your very best ideas, while daring to face belief systems that are no longer in your best interest and were never true to begin with. Today Luna grapples with Venus and Virgo inviting you to heal any issues around your self worth. You are more precious than gold and rubies mighty lion. It’s your job to remember that today.
VIRGO: The Aries Moon is striding through your depths, with her bright lantern in hand, to dispel shadows and cobwebs of fear and self-doubt that are lurking in the subconscious. She’s also shedding light on the diamonds, rubies and precious gold of your talents, that are yours to unearth and retrieve. Today Luna grapples with Venus in your sign beautiful Virgo, reminding you that your precious worth is inestimable and never up for negotiation.
LIBRA: The Aries Moon is striding through your partnership sector, daring you to face all that requires healing within your attachment patterns.Today, Luna also invites you to advance joint efforts, and shared goals with beloved partners. Luna then grapples with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to connect with a Higher Love that can adjust all of your relationships in alignment with heavens beautiful vision for you. It’s another stellar day to put your partnership with Divinity before all other relationships. Enjoy the results.
SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is striding through your sector of health and work, inviting you to face and attend to any healing of mind, body, spirit, or environment that is being illuminated in the lead up to tomorrow’s eclipse. You don’t have to tackle all of these things at once, but organize a list that will get you consistently attending to your work, health, and organizational needs. It’s also time to hone your skill, powerful Scorpio, and Venus and Virgo will help you to thrive with the love and assistance of friends and allies.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your creative sector, inviting you to banish resistance, and dare to make art or follow your heart. Today the Aries Moon reminds you no guts, no glory, when it comes to both works of art and acts of love. Today, Luna will grapple with Venus in Virgo inviting you to seek creative solutions to professional problems and also make time for the creative project that you value most. It could lead to real success.
CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is gliding through your home sector today, inviting you to put your domestic life in order and face any ancestral patterns that require healing as she goes. Today she grapples with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to heal beliefs systems that have stood in the way of your domestic and professional happiness. It’s a gorgeous day to create a home environment that you love, from which you can advance your most beautiful ideas.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is striding through your mind, clearing the mental clutter of worry and disorganized thinking as she goes. Today she is assisting you in prioritizing your thoughts, your ideas and even emotional patterns. It’s a beautiful day for some mental discipline. Put your focus where you want it. Luna will also grapple with Venus in Virgo, inviting you to dive deep and connect with the love that lives at the core of your being.
PISCES: The Aries Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector, nurturing your self-worth, while inviting you to confront any false beliefs that undermine it, as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to advance profitable enterprises and projects. Luna will grapple with Venus in Virgo today inviting you to explore mutually lucrative partnerships on the professional front, and mutually loving and healthy relationships on the personal front.