THE DAILY PLANET – WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 15TH: the Sagittarius moon is gliding through the day, nurturing our optimism, generosity of spirit and gratitude. She’s also nurturing our capacity to plan wisely. Today she squares off with spiritual Neptune, inviting us on a day of adventurous vision quest. It’s a beautiful day to reflect on our dreams, our dreams, advance our dreams and live our dreams. What will your dream up today?

At 5:57 PM goes void for the rest of the day, inviting us to spend the evening reflecting, resting, and getting organized for tomorrow.

ARIES: The Sagittarius Moon continues her travels through your higher mind, the sector of travel, philosophy and publishing, inviting you to advance brilliant plans, ideas and presentations today. It’s a great day for self promotion and adventure. Dare to toot your own horn and tell the world what you’re good at. Dare to learn something new as you advance beloved visions.

TAURUS: The Sagittarius Moon continues her journey through your depths, inviting you to explore your emotional states and the thought patterns that drive them. Curiosity is your friend today, regarding your thoughts, your feelings and how you share and express them with those you love. It’s also a great day for a creative and visionary collaboration. Dream up something beautiful with those you love today.

GEMINI: The Sagittarius Moon continues her travels through your partnership sector, reminding you to keep an open mind when it comes to partnership and everything you do with partners today. Try seeing your partners, with new eyes. Experiment with exploring entirely ideas, dynamics, new dreams, visions and enterprises with them. It’s a stellar day to advance a new vision filled with new possibilities.

CANCER: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your work and health sector again today, inviting you to explore new work habits, new health practices, new approaches to diet, nutrition, and organizing your life. Today the big adventure exploring new approaches to the practical, mundane aspects of life, and things that you do every day. Enjoy the adventure of seeing what’s around you with entirely new eyes.

LEO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your creative sector, inviting you into a day of creative and recreational exploration. It’s a gorgeous day to create something new, explore something new, and try a new way of having fun that you’ve always wanted to explore. It’s also a stellar day for beloved publishing projects. Follow your heart through this day follow your bliss.

VIRGO: The Sagittarius Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your capacity to explore entirely new approaches to nesting, family activities, and all things domestic. Enjoy the domestic arts today. Try a new recipe, Explore new decor. It’s a stellar day to map your vision for your domestic life, and to create your dream environment for yourself and your family at home.

LIBRA: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your mind, delighted, curious, and open to new ideas. Be like her! Gallop through the day, with gratitude in your heart, and an open mind ready to enjoy new vistas, new ideas, and new visions. Keep your eyes, mind and heart open as you travel through this day. It’s also a stellar day for some vision quest.

SCORPIO: The Sagittarius Moon is galloping through your financial sector, inviting you to explore new streams of income, and new approaches to prosperity. Today she keeps your heart unwaveringly open, generous and grateful. It’s a gorgeous day to explore and consciously cultivate the energy of abundance and how it feels when you feel wealthy, generous, and blessed. Make your current wealth your focus, as you take action to further prosper.

SAGITTARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your sign, and your sector of self today, inviting you into another day of adventure, beauty, gratitude, and generosity of spirit. It’s a beautiful day for giving. Notice how wealthy you are in so many ways, and how much you have to give on so many levels. Delight in your wealth, inner and outer as share your wealth, and make time for some beautiful self care.

CAPRICORN: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your spiritual sector, inviting you to explore the treasures and gifts of the spirit. It’s a beautiful day for prayer, meditation, yoga, nature walks, or anything that connects you to Source. It’s also a beautiful day for mapping your dreams and exploring beautiful, adventurous, visionary plans.

AQUARIUS: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling through your social sector again today, inviting you to go to new places, meet new people, and focus on widening your social network. Make a game of it. Strike up conversations with new people. Enjoy some new group activities. Take a class or workshop. Today connection is the great adventure.

PISCES: The Sagittarius Moon is traveling up the mountain of your most cherished ambitions today, inviting you to join her. It’s a beautiful day to take aim at the goal or vision for success that you most desire. Keep your focus on that today, with a heart full of optimism, and a victory song on your lips.