THE DAILY PLANET -~ WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 22ND: This morning at 9:03 AM EST the Sun rides his solar chariot into fiery, wise, adventurous Sagittarius, illuminating the path to adventure, wisdom and generosity for weeks to come. Today Luna will also switch signs. At 10:10 AM EST, she goes void in oceanic visionary Pisces till 12:19 PM when she heads into assertive action oriented, Aries.
It’s a big elemental shift today with the Sun and Moon both leaving emotional water signs and heading into fire signs. The Sagittarius Sun will lift our spirits, and give us a higher perspective on the eclipse corridor that we’ve recently come out of, and the deep diving that the Scorpio season always inspires. The Aries Moon will help us act on the dreams and visions that we have been developing. This afternoon is a stellar day time for wise, intelligent action.

ARIES: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun heads into Sagittarius and your sector of adventure, higher learning publishing and presenting for the next four weeks. It’s a beautiful time to cultivate a higher perspective, and a spirit of generosity, joy, and optimism. Meanwhile this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST the Moon heads into your sign, Aries, inviting you to seize the day. Action is the magic word today! Act on your desires.

TAURUS: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun rides his solar chariot into Sagittarius and your deepest sector of the zodiac. It’s time to explore your feelings and needs from a higher perspective and to deepen with those you love and trust. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST, the Moon heads into Aries in your spiritual sector, inspiring you make time for prayer, meditation and to seize the day and act on your beloved dreams.

GEMINI: This morning at 9:03 AM EST the Sun gallops into Sagittarius and your partnership sector for weeks to come, inviting you to enjoy the adventure that can be found within business and personal partnerships. It’s a great time to try seeing your partner with new eyes, and exploring new territory or new goals together. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST the Moon glides into Aries and your social sector, inviting you to seize the day and take some social initiative to expand your network reach out to those you love.

CANCER: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun gallops into Sagittarius in your work and health sector, illuminating the path to health, happiness and success for weeks to come. It’s a beautiful time to explore new ways of doing things, that you do every day. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST the Moon glides into Aries and your career sector, inviting you to take some executive initiative and actively seek success. Action is the magic word today and for you executive action in particular.

LEO: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun gallops into Sagittarius and your creative sector for weeks to come mighty Leo. You are the sign of creative, self expression, and the path has opened for you. Join the beautiful radiant Sun, your ruling planet, and be the artist and creator you are meant to be. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST the Moon glides into Aries in your publishing sector, it’s an especially good day to advance writing projects and brilliant.

VIRGO: This morning at 9:03 AM EST the Sun leaves Scorpio for the year, and glides into wise, jovial, Sagittarius in your home and family sector. It’s a gorgeous time to decorate and enjoy your home. Enjoy an adventurous family life. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST the Moon glides into Aries in your sector of the emotional depths and mergers, inviting you to take deepen with those you love and advance mergers that could be mutually profitable.

LIBRA: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun glides into Sagittarius and your sector of mind, inviting you to entertain beautiful, brilliant, inspiring ideas and learn some new things. It’s a gorgeous day to hop in the saddle with grandmother Moon, and explore new trails of thought, beliefs, philosophy, and even some actual new territory. Meanwhile at 12:19 PM EST, Luna glides into Aries in your partnership sector, inviting you to nurture business and romantic partnerships. You’re the sign of partnership and it’s a beautiful day to explore the give-and-take that keeps love alive.

SCORPIO: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun glides into Sagittarius and your fiscal sector of values, possessions, and material life for weeks to come. It’s a beautiful day to explore profitable ideas that you want to manifest and market. It’s a great time to be generous and take calculated risks with financial investments, while keeping your feet on the ground. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST Luna glides into Aries in your work and health sector inviting you to get organized for success and prosperity.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun glides into your sign, Sagittarius, and your birthday season begins! Happy birthday season! We’re headed into the time of gratitude and generosity, which you are so famous for, Begin your day with the beautiful Sagittarius Sun, galloping along the path of generosity, gratitude, adventure, and largess. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 PM EST, the Moon glides into fiery Aries in your creative sector, inviting you to seize the day creatively. Make art! Paint, Dance! Express yourself! Dare to follow your bliss and live fully today.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun glides into your spiritual sector as he heads into Sagittarius for weeks to come. It’s a beautiful time to explore new devotional practices that expand your conscious connection to Source. It’s a gorgeous day to pray, meditate, bless, do yoga, spend time in nature, or any activity that brings you peace, and a deep sense of wellness. Meanwhile this afternoon, the Moon heads into daring Aries in your home sector, inviting you to take initiative on the home front. Set your home in order. Plan some fantastic family activities as the holiday approaches.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 9:03 AM EST, the Sun leaves Scorpio for the year in gallops into Sagittarius and your social sector. It’s a fantastic four weeks for your social life. Seize the social reins of your life, get out there and network, socialize, entertain, and generally get to know new people, places, and things. Meanwhile today, Luna heads into Aries in your sector of mind, inviting you to be direct and speak your mind as needed. It’s a great day for writing, teaching, speaking and generally communicating, and developing plans that are on your mind.

PISCES: This morning at 9:03 AM EST the Sun leaves Scorpio for the year and heads into Sagittarius and your career sector for the next four weeks. It’s a fantastic time to hop in the saddle of adventurous ambition, and take aim at the goals that really call to you. Think about the target you’re trying to hit and then like Sagittarius the archer, take aim. Meanwhile, this afternoon at 12:19 EST, Luna heads into daring Aries in your fiscal sector, nurturing your capacity to take decisive action in order to prosper. It’s a fantastic day for professional and financial success Pisces. Action is the magic word today!