THE DAILY PLANET – SUNDAY DECEMBER 3RD: The Moon continues her glide through heart centered Leo, on the prowl for all that ignites the flame of love and passion in our hearts. Today Luna gets very busy conferring with her fellow planets, inspiring us to take tangible steps to manifest our creative dreams, visions and potentially profitable projects that could be game changers. Luna also inspires us to take responsibility for our lives, our love and for our happiness. She ends the day harmonizing with Venus in Libra, inviting us to enjoy the beauty of life and love with friends, partners and community.
ARIES: The Leo Moon continues to glide through your sector of love, romance, and creativity. She gets very busy conferring with her fellow planets to nurture you and your heart again today. It’s a beautiful day to unfetter your heart, and pursue the dreams, projects and relationships that awaken, the loving power, beauty and strength of your soul.
TAURUS: The Leo Moon continues to kindle the flame of love and warmth in your hearth and home. Today she confers with her fellow planets from your home sector, inspiring you to explore beautiful new domestic dynamics, as you pursue your dreams for your home, your family and relationships that bring you both peace and passion.
GEMINI: The Leo Moon continues to prowl through your mind, on the hunt for your most beautiful, golden, brilliant, loving ideas, and how best to express them. Today Luna confers with her fellow planets, inspiring entirely new visions, creative dreams, and inspired ideas. it’s a gorgeous day to take practical steps to manifest your creative brilliance and visionary gold.
CANCER: The Leo Moon continues her journey through your financial material sector, inspiring another stellar day for creating and manifesting the beauty and brilliance you feel inspired to bring forth. It’s also a gorgeous day to spend some time and money on your creativity, and the things that bring you the most joy. Invest in your creative and recreational dreams today you won’t regret it.
LEO: The Leo Moon continues to surround you with a golden blanket of love and light, reminding you that it is always better to BE the candle, rather than curse the darkness. You are a sparkler, radiant Leo, and the world needs your sparkle, and needs you to manifest your brilliance, your dreams and your visions. Get busy on that today, you won’t regret it.
VIRGO: The Leo Moon continues to glide through your spiritual sector, nurturing your spirit with the invincible power of Love. Open to that love and radiate it out to the world today. It’s a gorgeous day to also make time to manifest your inspiring, creative, dreams and visions. Delight in the details and the little things that advance the big, beautiful golden dreams you’re a conjuring up.
LIBRA: The Leo Moon continues to glide through your social sector, trailing streams of love, warmth, affection and brilliant ideas as she goes. It’s another stellar day to reach out to friends, allies, and colleagues. Have fun! Collaborate! Celebrate! Be a holiday light today, the world needs your festive and beautiful spirit.
SCORPIO: The Leo Moon continues her glide through your career sector, nurturing your courage to succeed as she goes. Dare to be visible today. Dare to define goals and to follow through on them. Dare to follow your heart to your most heart centered definition of success. Be the boss of your life today. Be responsible for your happiness. Step into your power.
SAGITTARIUS: The Leo Moon continues her glide through your philosophical, publishing sector of the higher mind, inspiring your best and most brilliant, thinking, and creative output and expression. It’s a gorgeous day to be the artist you want to see creating in the world. Dare to express your unique viewpoint! Dare to create using your God-given brilliance and talent!
CAPRICORN: The Leo Moon continues her luminous, radiant glides through the depths of your soul, nurturing your passion your brilliance, and the depth of your mighty, powerful, love. It’s a gorgeous day to admit your true passion, and to pursue the people, places, and projects that you feel most passionate about. Passion is a clue. On the detective hunt of life, passion guides us to our true bliss, that we were born to pursue, embody and manifest.
AQUARIUS: The Leo Moon continues her glide through your partnership sector, trailing streams of love, affection, warmth, and magnetism as she goes. Today is a beautiful day to follow the trail of your heart. Use your intuition to find the relationships that awaken your mighty heart. It’s a gorgeous day to also connect with friends and enjoy recreational activities and delights as the holidays approach
PISCES: The Leo Moon continues her glide through your work and health sector, nurturing your hearten all levels today. It’s a beautiful day to release heartache, and to pursue what excites and delights your heart. It’s also a great day for some cardio. Enjoy yourself today! Delight in everything you do! Feed your heart, loving spoonfuls of gratitude, kindness, affection, and mighty Love.