ARIES: the Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon great the dawn today with goodwill, fellowship and friendship, inviting you to do the same It’s a gorgeous day to connect with friends, allies, and the dream team who are aligned with your mission and your most high elevated goals. Later today, Luna squares off with Jupiter and Uranus, inviting you to focus the beam of your attention on the energy, frequency and goals you want to embody manifest and create. Define Victory and commit to it.
TAURUS: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing to nurture brilliant professional ideas, and your capacity to advance them with your dream team. Later today, Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus in your sign Taurus, inviting you to embody, manifest, create and succeed at a higher level than ever before.
GEMINI: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon, harmonize at dawn, to nurture the friendships, alliances, and elevated plans and projects that you’re committed to with your dream team and your friends. Later today, Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, inviting you to get free of outworn ideas, and instead advance the increasingly high frequency visions that are calling.
CANCER: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing, to nurture a whole new level of professional freedom that you get to enjoy and succeed at with a little help from your friends. Later today, Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus, inviting you to step out of your social and collaborative comfort zone. Success is a team sport today.
LEO: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing, to nurture big evolutionary shifts within your partnerships and attachment patterns, while advancing brilliant projects. Later today, Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus, inviting you to step out of your professional comfort zone in order to thrive. Get comfortable with growing pains.
VIRGO: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing, to free you from deep emotional patterns and relationship patterns that no longer serve you. It’s time for a healing liberating, empowering change. Later today Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus, inviting you to embody a new level of self worth, and advance, high frequency, ideas, projects, and products that represent a big breakthrough for you.
LIBRA: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing in order to nurture, the friendships, alliances, and creative partnerships that can get you to higher ground. Later today, Luna will square off with Uranus and Jupiter, inviting you to think bigger about your worth and especially about creative mergers.
SCORPIO: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing, to free you from domestic clutter, family patterns, and ancestral patterns that no longer serve you. It’s time for a liberating change on both the home and work fronts. Later today, Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus inviting you to consciously step into new attachment patterns and mutuals empowering dynamics with partners.
SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon, begin the day harmonizing to free your inner artist and inner genius to express more freely and fully through you. Luna will then square off with Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, inviting you to explore breakthroughs on the work front. It’s gorgeous day for a fiscal innovative and creative breakthroughs.
CAPRICORN: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing to nurture brilliant profitable changes both at home and in your financial life. Later today, Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, inviting you to also step out of your romantic and creative comfort zone. Be in the discomfort zone where all growth occurs.
AQUARIUS: The Aries Sun and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing to nurture brilliant ideas, that feel authentic and empowering, and new communication patterns that allow you to assert yourself with clarity and kindness. Later today, Luna will square off with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, inviting you to make necessary changes within family dynamics that support your authentic self and your needs.
PISCES: The Aries Sun, and Aquarius Moon begin the day harmonizing to nurture the visions that bring you prosperity, positive exposure, and new alliances. Luna, then squares off with Jupiter and Uranus, to nurture in your thinking, that allows you to build, grow, and otherwise manifest your most beautiful profitable visions with your dream team.