THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY MAY 16TH: The Virgo Moon is waxing through the day, inviting us to roll up our sleeves and attend to the practical details of work, life, and whatever requires our skillful attention. It’s also a beautiful day to get organized, healthy and fit. She also inspires all forms of cleaning clearing, and organizing. The Virgo Moon is on hand to point out the exquisite details in the day, and help us refine whatever requires fine-tuning.
ARIES: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your work and health sector, inviting you to get intelligent, skillful and organized when it comes to both your work life and your health life. It’s a beautiful day to analyze, organize and do whatever research is required, in order to succeed with the details of work, fitness and health.
TAURUS: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your creative sector, inviting you to attend to the exquisite details of your creative life and beloved projects. It’s also a stellar day for romance, love and recreation. Make time to enjoy the beauty of art, life and love.
GEMINI: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your home sector, making this a stellar day for all forms of housekeeping. Twirl through the day cleaning clearing decluttering leaving a sparkling beautiful environment as you go. It’s also a great day to organize family plans and activities.
CANCER: The Virgo Moon cruising is through your mind, nurturing your analytical, brilliance, and diagnostic intelligence. It’s a beautiful day to train your mind. Keep it on the task at hand, or on a chosen focus that brings mental peace and empowerment.
LEO: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your fiscal sector, inviting you to get organized regarding your financial and material life. It’s a beautiful day to balance the checkbook, pay the bills, invoice clients, and make repairs to possessions that require some upkeep.
VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is surrounding you with her cleansing, healing, energy, inviting you to pursue your mental physical and spiritual well-being today. It’s a beautiful day for all forms of self-care. Spend some time in nature or attending to the exquisite details of life that delight you most.
LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your spiritual sector, nurturing your connection to Heaven, and your capacity to serve the Highest Love through acts of loving service. It’s a beautiful day to also advance your vision by taking tiny little actions that could lead to bigger things. Delight in the little things.
SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your social sector, nurturing your friendships and your connection to beloved community and collaboration. It’s a beautiful day to use your skills to advance collaboration, or to serve friends and allies with your skills. It’s also a great day to seek out the skills of friends and allies who can help you achieve your dreams.
SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon Is at her desk, in the executive suite of your chart today, on hand to help you analyze and organize the details that will ultimately support your success. Today, financial and administrative clarity support your ongoing vision for big success. It’s a stellar day to refine the service you provide to your clients that could reap great dividends.
CAPRICORN: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your philosophical sector of Higher Mind, inspiring you to analyze your beliefs, and the details of projects that you intend to publish or present. It’s a beautiful day to edit, refine and attend to the details as you get clear about your beliefs and make sure they are rooted in truth.
AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your deepest sector, trailing healing, soothing energy as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to analyze your deepest feelings and needs regarding partnership, relationships, and your financial life. Take note of any insights that come to you today from your soul and note the needs your deepest feelings point to.
PISCES: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your partnership sector, nurturing your need for healthy, loving relationships. It’s also a stellar day to nurture functional productive business partnerships that could advance profitable, visionary projects.