THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY MAY 31ST: This morning in the predawn hours, Mercury joins up with Uranus, the liberating planet of the higher mind, to nurture our most brilliant, constructive, inventive thinking. It’s a gorgeous day for mental liberation, from ideas that may have become lodged in our bodies and energy fields. Set yourself free from them today with the help of your higher mind. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will join up with Saturn and Neptune today, to nurture visions we are committed to, while opening us to more Heavenly visions. It’s amazing day for visionary thought and action.

ARIES: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, joins up with liberating Uranus, the planet of invention and the higher mind to free you from mental, physical, and financial patterns that your are outgrowing. It’s a gorgeous day to think outside the box, and to embody a whole new level of consciousness. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will join up with Saturn and Neptune today inviting you to commit your vision with visionary action.

TAURUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury the planet of thought joins up with liberating Uranus in your sign, inspiring brilliant, out of the box ideas that lead to enlightenment and prosperity. Meanwhile today the Pisces Moon will join up with both executive Saturn, and visionary Neptune, inviting you to commit to your earthly success and your heavenly enlightenment.

GEMINI: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, will join up with Uranus, the planet of liberation and the higher mind, in your spiritual sector, where it’s time for some brilliant, visionary, thinking and manifesting. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will join up with executive Saturn and spiritual Neptune inviting you to nurture your professional success and your spiritual success as well.

CANCER: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury joins up with Uranus in your social sector, to nurture, big intelligent breakthroughs, regarding your social life, networking efforts and group associations. Meanwhile, today, the Pisces Moon will join up with both Saturn and Neptune, to nurture your executive capacity to advance your visions and open to the Divine Inspiration that keeps you rowing toward them.

LEO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, joins up with Uranus, inspiring brilliant profitable breakthrough ideas on the career front. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon joins up with both Saturn and Neptune, in your sector of emotional depths and mergers, inspiring your commitment to your deepest visions and your capacity to seek Divine help to achieve them.

VIRGO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury the planet of thought, joins up with Uranus in your publishing sector, inspiring brilliant breakthrough ideas regarding publishing projects, travels and presentations. Meanwhile the Pisces Moon joins up with both Saturn and Neptune in your partnership sector, to nurture your commitment shared visions with both business and personal partners.

LIBRA: This morning in the predawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, joins up with Uranus, the planet of genius, innovation, liberty, and the higher mind, in your deepest sector, to nurture brilliant ideas and a new level of self-worth and prosperity thinking. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will connect with Saturn and Neptune today, to nurture your commitment to your vision for your daily life and visionary projects that could be game changers.

SCORPIO: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, joins up with Uranus, the planet evolution in your partnership sector, inspiring brilliant, breakthroughs within relationships. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will join up with Saturn and Neptune, to nurture your creative discipline and your capacity to commit to beloved, inspired creative projects. Act on them.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, joins up with Uranus, the planet of evolution, in your work and health sector. It’s time for intelligent brilliant profitable breakthroughs at work. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will join up with Saturn and Neptune today, in your home sector, to nurture your domestic vision, and your capacity to seek Divine Guidance to achieve it.

CAPRICORN: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, joins up with Uranus, the planet of innovation, genius and breakthroughs, to nurture brilliant, creative ideas and gorgeous breakthroughs that could be profitable. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will join up with both Saturn and Neptune today, to nurture your visions and the disciplined commitment and action required to achieve them.

AQUARIUS: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury, the planet of thought, joins up with Uranus in your home sector, where brilliant, breakthroughs, and new ways of thinking about your home and family life, lead to freedom and happiness for all. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon joins up with both Saturn and Neptune today, to nurture your financial visions and your capacity to invest intelligently in your dreams.

PISCES: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, Mercury will join up with Uranus, in your sector of mind, to nurture brilliant, constructive, ideas that are way outside the box, and could lead to massive fiscal benefit. Meanwhile, the Pisces Moon will join up with both Saturn and Neptune to nurture your self-discipline and your capacity to commit to yourself and the dreams and visions that are calling and won’t let go..