THE DAILY PLANET ~ THURSDAY JUNE 6TH : This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the New Moon in Gemini begins her waxing journey through the sign of the twins, fused to beautiful Venus and traveling also with wise, expansive Jupiter and brilliant Mercury. This is an extraordinary New Moon for mind expanding possibilities that are infused with beauty and love! There are massive opportunities in the air that call us to advance big, beautiful brilliant ideas, plans and possibilities.

Gemini, the sign of the power of the word, is the sign of writers, teachers, and speakers, and this new moon is calling us train our minds to dwell in love, beauty and gratitude. It’s time to think way outside the box, to think bigger and more beautifully than ever before and to advance our biggest and most beloved plans and ideas. An hour or so after the new moon at 9:36 AM EDT Luna will merge her energy with Venus, infusing our conscious and subconscious minds with waves of love! This is a beautiful time to pray, bless and cultivate love that can be expressed verbally or even silently. It’s a gorgeous New Moon to make your mind a temple of Love.💗

My Love to All, Demitra
There’s a gorgeous extraordinary New Moon in Gemini on today, with 5 planets in Gemini! To register click here:

ARIES: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the New Moon in Gemini begins her waxing journey through your sector of mind, thought and communication, where big beautiful possibilities are in the air. Luna is traveling with Venus, expansive Jupiter and brilliant Mercury to expand your thinking.. It’s a gorgeous New Moon to think bigger, and to explore big beautiful plans. It’s time to learn new things, travel new places, and generally expand your thinking while infusing it with love.
TAURUS: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your fiscal/material sector, where big beautiful possibilities are blossoming. This New Moon is traveling with Venus your ruling planet, and brilliant mercury and expansive Jupiter are in the gorgeous lineup in your financial sector. Luna is expanding your possibilities for gorgeous, beautiful profitable, ideas and projects. It’s time to advance the ones you love and value most!

GEMINI: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your sector of self, where gorgeous, big possibilities are beginning to blossom like peonies in the spring! This new moon is traveling with lovely Venus, brilliant Mercury and expansive Jupiter, expanding your most beautiful thinking about yourself and your possibilities. It’s time to seize the day and advance your biggest, most gorgeous, and cherished plans and ideas, as you open your mind to love and train your mind to think only loving beautiful thoughts about yourself.

CANCER: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins for waxing journey through your spiritual sector, joined by lovely Venus, brilliant Mercury and expansive Jupiter. This beautiful lineup is like a host of angels traveling through your psyche, elevating your consciousness, expanding your dreams and guiding you to align your thinking with Divine thinking. It’s a gorgeous New Moon to advance your most inspired, heavenly thinking and plans.

LEO: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your social sector, traveling with lovely Venus, brilliant Mercury, and expansive Jupiter. Your social life is poised to expand in a big beautiful way! It’s time to be a social butterfly and connect with people you love making new friends, and acquaintances as you go! Gorgeous collaboration is also in the air! Allow love and beauty to guide your collaborations, and social plans!

VIRGO: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your career sector, traveling with lovely Venus, brilliant Mercury and mighty Jupiter. This beautiful lineup is inspiring your best biggest, best and most beautiful thinking about, and planning for professional success! It’s time to advance gorgeous ideas, projects and enterprises that lead to desired and beautiful success!

LiBRA: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your publishing sector, traveling with lovely Venus massive Jupiter and brilliant Mercury. It’s time to advance your most beautiful and brilliant plans, ideas and presentations that you intend to share and present to the world. It’s time to think bigger and more beautifully about possibilities as you  act on opportunities!

SCORPIO: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through the deepest sector of your chart, traveling with lovely Venus, expansive Jupiter and brilliant Mercury. It’s time for a deep inner shift in your soul, that fills you with love, deepens your relationships and increases profitable possibility through brilliant, beautiful mergers.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your partnership sector, traveling with lovely Venus expansive Jupiter, and brilliant Mercury. Big, beautiful, possibilities are in the air, when it comes to business and personal partnerships, and now is the time to explore them, develop them, initiate them or advance them!

CAPRICORN: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your work and health sector, traveling with lovely Venus, massive Jupiter, and brilliant Mercury. Some big brilliant opportunities are in the air when it comes to your work life, your daily life, and your health and fitness life. Seize the day and advance your best ideas, they could lead you somewhere entirely new!

AQUARIUS: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your creative sector of art, romance and children, traveling with lovely Venus, expansive Jupiter, and brilliant Mercury. It’s time for some brilliant new thinking when it comes to your creative life, romantic life, and your inner or actual children. It’s time to explore, create and travel way outside the box, with love and beauty as your guides.

PISCES: This morning at 8:38 AM EDT, the Gemini New Moon begins her waxing journey through your home sector, traveling with lovely Venus, massive Jupiter and brilliant Mercury. It’s time to explore some gorgeous, adventurous, beautiful and loving ideas regarding your home and family. Love is in the air in your home, in a big way this New Moon! Make your home a beautiful place for love to nest as you plan some wonderful family adventures!