THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JUNE 17TH: It’s a big day on the planetary front! In the pre-Dawn hours the Libra Moon goes void at 2:05 AM EDT, till 2:38 AM when she heads into deep transformational Scorpio. Meanwhile at 2:30 AM EDT this morning, lovely Venus leaves Gemini, and heads into soulful, maternal Cancer. At 5:07 AM EDT, Mercury joins her in the sign of the soulful crab.

Three planets shift from intellectual air signs, to watery signs of feeling today. Our feelings may be cresting high. Lovely Venus and brilliant Mercury will be paving the way for summer, which officially begins this Thursday. It’s a beautiful day to water the family tree with love, kindness, and memory, as we connect with and strengthen our roots. Venus and Mercury heading into Cancer together, will be nurturing our most loving, beautiful ideas about home, roots, and family for weeks to come. It’s also a beautiful time to incubate our most beautiful, fertile, and loving ideas and enterprises.

ARIES: Today at 2:38 AM EDT, the waxing Moon glides into Scorpio to nurture your roots, ancestry and connection to your deepest feelings and needs. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, both Venus and Mercury head into soulful, maternal Cancer in your home sector. Love, beauty and brilliance are connecting you to your roots. It’s time to appreciate where you came from and the souls going back through time that got you here.

TAURUS: Today at 2:38 AM EDT, the waxing Moon glides into Scorpio to nurture mutually empowering partnerships and your capacity to change relationship patterns for the better. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, both Mercury and Venus head into soulful Cancer in your sector of mind, where beautiful, brilliant ideas are incubating and some are hatching. It’s a gorgeous day to sit on your golden eggs and enjoy the beauty that is already hatching.

GEMINi: Today at 2:38 AM EDT the Moon glides into Scorpio and your work and health sector, where empowering transformation is at hand. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, both Venus and Mercury leave your sign, Gemini, and head into your fiscal sector in soulful maternal Cancer, to nurture your most fertile, beautiful and profitable ideas for weeks to come. Act on them.

CANCER: Today at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your creative sector, to nurture your most empowering approaches to creative and romantic ideas and pursuits. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, lovely Venus and brilliant Mercury head into your sign, to kick off your birthday season, which begins on Thursday. Love and beauty are cruising through your sign, nurturing your charisma, your soulful beauty, and your most beautiful fertile ideas and their expression for weeks to come!

LEO: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your home sector, to nurture your roots and your power to transform your home life in a positive way. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, both Venus and Mercury head into soulful maternal Cancer in your spiritual sector, to nurture your connection to Divine Love, mercy, compassion, forgiveness, and the dreams that are yours by divine design. Act on them.

VIRGO: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your sector of mind, to nurture your mental empowerment, and your laser like focus. Meanwhile, in the pre-Dawn hours, both Venus and Mercury head into soulful maternal Cancer in your social sector, where they will be nurturing your most, loving, beautiful, fertile relationships, friendships, and networking possibilities for weeks to come.

LIBRA: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your fiscal sector, to nurture your financial empowerment. Meanwhile, in the predawn hours, Venus and Mercury head into soulful Cancer in your career sector, to nurture, beautiful, fertile, profitable, professional ideas for weeks to come. It’s time for some soulful success!

SCORPIO: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT the moon glides into Scorpio and your sector of self to nurture you and your alchemical powers of transformation. It’s a beautiful day to make positive change that nurtures you. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours both Venus and Mercury will head into soulful Cancer in your sector of publishing and the higher mind, to nurture fertile beautiful ideas that it’s time to explore from a higher perspective.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your spiritual sector, where angels and ancestors are already nurturing you and making contact. Open to Divine Guidance today. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, lovely Venus and brilliant Mercury head into soulful Cancer in your deepest sector, to nurture brilliant possibilities and your capacity to deepen with those you love.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your social sector, to nurture mutually empowering friendships, alliances, and collaborations. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, lovely Venus and Mercury both head into soulful Cancer in your partnership sector, to nurture your most beautiful, loving, brilliant, and fertile relationships for weeks to come.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your career sector, to nurture your professional or public empowerment, or both. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, lovely Venus and brilliant Mercury head into soulful Cancer in your sector of work and health, where it’s time to enjoy some beautiful domestic ideas and projects, while exploring habits and practices that support your physical and emotional health and well being.

PISCES: This morning at 2:38 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio in your publishing sector of the Higher Mind to nurture your most empowering ideas, beliefs, projects, and presentations. Give them some attention today. Meanwhile, in the pre-dawn hours, lovely Venus and brilliant Mercury, head into soulful Cancer in your sector of art romance, and creativity, to  nurture your need for fun, creativity and heart centered activities for weeks to come.