THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JULY 6TH: The waxing Moon continues her journey through soulful, maternal Cancer. Today she begins her day harmonizing with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting us to reconnect with and nurture the dreams we are committed to. Luna then harmonizes with Mars in Taurus, inviting us to move into constructive action to nurture the things that mean the most to us.
At 12:27 PM EDT, Luna joins up with Venus, inspiring love to flow through us to our friends and families. Luna then harmonizes with Uranus, inviting us to nurture brilliant constructive breakthroughs in our consciousness and material lives. She ends her day harmonizing with Neptune at 11:47 PM EDT, to nurture our highest love, when she goes void till 11:56 PM EDT, when she leaves soulful Cancer and glides into radiant Leo. It’s a stellar day for nurturing what we love.

ARIES: The waxing Moon continues to glide through nurturing, maternal Cancer in your home sector, where today she harmonizes with a host of her fellow planets, inviting you to nurture your dreams, yourself, and your family, with waves of love, kindness, and tenderness. It’s a gorgeous day for tender, loving care on many levels.

TAURUS: The waxing Moon continues her glide through your mind, nurturing fertile brilliant ideas, visionary breakthroughs, and a whole new level of love that is nesting in your mind like a dove. It’s a gorgeous day to reach out with love and tenderness to family, and those you love as you develop your most beautiful brilliant ideas.

GEMINI: The waxing Moon is gliding through soulful Cancer in your fiscal sector again today, inviting you to take practical action to manifest your most visionary ideas, and the dreams you are committed to. Luna also fuses with Venus today, inviting you to cultivate the love and beauty within yourself and within profitable projects that you most want to manifest.

CANCER: The Moon continues her glide through your sign soulful Cancer, after yesterday’s New Moon in Cancer. Today, Luna harmonizes with Saturn and fuses with Venus, inviting you to recommit to your dreams and all that you love and find most beautiful. It’s a stellar day to cultivate love within friendships, within yourself, and within relationships. Luna is infusing your mind and all that you express with beauty, love and tenderness.

LEO: The Moon continues her glide through maternal Cancer in your spiritual sector. Today she nurtures a higher level of love in your soul, and your most Divinely inspired visions. Act on them today. Keep your eye out for breakthroughs, as you radiate love like the gracious Moon.

VIRGO: The moon continues her waxing glide through soulful cancer in your social sector. Today she harmonizes with Saturn, inviting you to cultivate friendships partnerships, and collaborations that align with your dreams Luna also joins up with Venus inviting you to the people you love with love as you develop brilliant ideas and collaborations

LIBRA: The Moon continues her waxing glide through soulful Cancer in your career sector. Success is calling again today. Luna harmonizes with Saturn retrograde in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with beloved dreams and visionary projects. She also joins up with Venus to nurture your most beautiful ideas, your most loving relationships, and the beauty that you most want to nurture and develop.

SCORPIO: The Moon continues her waxing glide through soulful Cancer in your publishing sector, where it’s time to incubate, develop and nurture the ideas you most want to hatch. Luna harmonizes Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to reconnect with your most beloved, creative dreams, and nurture them with love, while delighting in the beauty you are committed to bringing forth.

SAGITTARIUS: The waxing Moon in Cancer, continues her glide through your deepest sector, where today she harmonizes with Saturn, inviting you to reconnect with your most beloved domestic dreams. Today Luna also joins up with Venus, to nurture the depths of your soul with waves of love and a new capacity for profitable collaboration, and much deeper and more soulful love.

CAPRICORN: The waxing Moon in Cancer continues her glide through your partnership sector, where love is in the air. It’s a beautiful day to connect with partners to advance, or reconnect with the dreams that you’re both committed to. Today Luna will fuse with Venus to nurture a deeper level of love and tenderness between you and your partners or those you are committed to.

AQUARIUS: The waxing Moon in Cancer continues her glide through your work and health sector, inviting you to beautify your home, and attend to the details of domestic life and daily life, that align with your dreams. It’s also a gorgeous day for love. Today, love is an action word, expressed in little things and loving gestures.

PISCES: The waxing Moon in Cancer, continues her glides through your creative sector, inviting you to advance creative projects, and romantic pursuits that feed your soul. It’s a gorgeous day for love, and soulful romance. Commit to the dreams that you love, the people you love, and acts of creativity and delight, that light you up, like the gracious Moon.