THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JULY 14TH: The waxing Moon glides into deep, intense Scorpio at 10:53 AM EDT today, to nurture our transformational powers. Today the Scorpio Moon squares off with Pluto in Aquarius and Venus and Leo, inviting us to transform social dynamics and blast away all that stands in the way of our creativity, radiant beauty and our mighty power to love. It’s a gorgeous day for some evolution. Think caterpillar to butterfly. Where do you most need some gorgeous, loving, empowering change?

ARIES: Today at 10:53 AM EDT, the waxing moon glides into Scorpio in your deepest sector, to nurture your power to change. Today, Luna squares off with Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in Leo, inviting you to explore where you most desire to deepen, transform and make changes in your social life, creative life or within team efforts. It’s a gorgeous day to evolve, with beauty, love and power as the endpoint.

TAURUS: The Scorpio Moon is gliding through your partnership sector today, as of 10:53 AM EDT, to nurture new empowering dynamics within you and within all your relationships. Today Luna is squaring off with Pluto in Aquarius, and Venus in Leo, inviting you to explore where you most desire change at home, and within career dynamics. It’s a lovely day for some upgrades.

GEMINI: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT, the Scorpio Moon glides into your work and health sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and make practical yet empowering change changes, that could lead to big transformations. It’s a gorgeous day to think about how to change your mind and your beliefs, with an eye to empowerment. It’s a perfect day to free your mind, and fill it with love.

CANCER: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT, the Scorpio Moon glides into your creative, romantic sector, inviting you to delight in your powers of creativity and your power to love. Luna will be squaring off with Pluto in Aquarius, and Venus in Leo today, inviting big changes in your social dynamics, your intimate life, and your relationship to money. It’s a great day to make friends with prosperity.

LEO: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT the Moon glides into Scorpio in your home and family sector, inviting you to make a beautiful, empowering changes on the home front. Today Luna will square off with Venus in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to also transform ancestral patterns that have affected your sense of self and your relationship patterns negatively. It’s a perfect day to transform and upgrade family patterns.

VIRGO: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT, the Moon glides into Scorpio and heads into your sector of mind, to nurture your capacity for laser focus and mental empowerment. Today Luna will be assisting you in making big changes to your sense of self-worth, your financial life, and your attachment patterns. It’s time for empowering changes on many fronts.

LIBRA: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT, the waxing Moon glides into transformational Scorpio in your financial material sector. It’s a gorgeous day to transform your relationship to prosperity and self-worth. It’s also a stellar day to dissolve, creative blocks and express the beauty and love in your heart and soul.

SCORPIO: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT the waxing Moon glides into your transformational sign, beautiful Scorpio, to nurture your legendary power to change. Today Luna will square off with Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in Leo, inviting you to reclaim your power to succeed creatively, and to make empowering changes at home. It’s time to rise and shine!

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT, the Moon glides into transformational Scorpio in your spiritual sector, inviting you to consciously nurture the spiritual connection to the Loving Source of your being, that leads to all positive change. Luna will be squaring off with Venus in Leo and Pluto in Aquarius, inviting you to liberate and change your mind, and express your creative gold.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT, the waxing Moon glides into empowering Scorpio in your social sector, to nurture your mutually empowering friendships and alliances. Luna will be squaring off with Pluto in Aquarius and Venus in Leo, inviting you to connect with your fellow mavericks and creative geniuses, to manifest and monetize brilliant innovative collaborations.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 10:53 AM EDT, the waxing Moon glides into empowering Scorpio in your career sector of public life, to nurture your relationship to success, visibility, and public empowerment. Luna will square off with Pluto in your sign, Aquarius, and Venus in Leo, inviting you to make evolutionary changes, that illuminate the path to golden, heart centered love. it’s a gorgeous day for some upgrades that lead to higher love and golden success.