THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JULY 19TH: The Sagittarius Moon goes void at 3:58 AM EDT till 4:14 AM EDT, when she grabs her briefcase and heads into executive Capricorn nurture our executive intelligence, self-discipline, and relationship to success. Luna will be preparing for her second Full Moon in Capricorn this summer. It’s a stellar day to step into our power, authority and take full responsibility for our happiness and success. Take responsibility and retake your power.
To register for my Full Moon in Capricorn tele seminar click here:

ARIES: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, Luna, heads into Capricorn in the executive suite of your chart in preparation for Sunday’s 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn of the summer. It’s a stellar day to get serious about success, and all that you are truly committed to. It’s a great day for disciplined, focused activity, that leads to success on many levels.

TAURUS: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the Moon heads into disciplined, executive Capricorn in your publishing sector, where it is time for to get serious about projects, presentations, and enterprises you intend to publish or share with the world. It’s also a stellar day to crystallize your principles, your mission statement, and the philosophy that guides all that you are building.

GEMINI: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in the deepest sector of your chart, where she will be full on Sunday morning. It’s a gorgeous day to get serious about the mergers, relationships, and financial enterprises you are committed to, and intend to succeed at. 

It’s a stellar day to keep your focus relentlessly actions that lead to success.

CANCER: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your publishing sector, where she will be full on Sunday morning. It’s a perfect day to nurture the partnerships that you are truly committed to, and take disciplined, focused action, that leads to personal and professional shared success.

LEO: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your work and health sector, where she will be full on Sunday morning. It’s a stellar day to roll up your sleeves, get organized and serious. Take the practical actions and attend to the details that support your success and lead to it. Today stay present with the little things, that support the long term goals you are committed to.

VIRGO: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn, in your creative sector where she will be full on Sunday morning. It’s a stellar day for disciplined, focused action that advances romantic plans, creative projects and recreational bliss. Even fun things require discipline and focus and certainly commitment. Commit to your happiness with action.

LIBRA: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your home sector, where she will be full on Sunday morning, inviting you  to set your domestic life in order on all levels. It’s a stellar day to roll up your sleeves, and get to work, both at home, and regarding professional projects that you are committed to. Commit to what you love with action.

SCORPIO: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your sector of mind, where she will be full on Sunday morning. It’s a beautiful day for mental discipline, and the rewards it brings. Keep your mind focused on the task at hand, and the long-term goals that you are committed to. Stay blissfully present, as you work for your future.

SAGITTARIUS: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your fiscal sector, where she will be full on Sunday morning. It’s a stellar day to roll up your sleeves, and work on financial planning, clarity, and financial prosperity. Get clear, organized and committed to a well organized, well oiled, financial life. Commit to your prosperity.

CAPRICORN: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your sector of self, where she will be full for the second time this summer on Sunday morning. Your feelings may be waxing, and the need for more self-care may also be waxing. It’s time to prioritize your your needs. Make a list of all the ways in which you require some beautiful self-care, and move into action to take care of your mind, body spirit, and soul.

AQUARIUS: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your spiritual sector, where she will be full for the second time this summer on Sunday morning. It’s a beautiful day to connect to the Loving Source of your being, and commit to your spiritual life. It’s also a stellar day to take full responsibility for your dreams and making them a reality with practical action.

PISCES: This morning at 4:14 AM EDT, the waxing Moon heads into Capricorn in your social sector, for the second time this summer, where she will be full on Sunday morning. It’s a stellar day for networking and building the relationships, friendships, and alliances you are committed to. It’s also a stellar day to commit to group activities, collaborations and projects that could lead to collective success.