THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JULY 22ND: This morning bight and early at 3:44 AM EDT, the glorious Sun rides his solar chariot into radiant magnificent Leo his home sign, and the Leo season begins! Happy Birthday season to all my fellow Leos! May your hearts be courageous and filled with Love and Light. The Leo Sun always illuminates the path to creative self expression, mighty love and breathtaking courage. It’s a beautiful time to face our fears and march toward our true passion.

Meanwhile, the Aquarius Moon is harmonizing with massive Jupiter in Gemini today, inviting us to share big brilliant ideas with friends and allies. Next Luna will partner with Venus in Leo, inviting us to explore a new kind of love, to which we can be our authentic self, and celebrate who we truly are, with those we truly love.

ARIES:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun rides his chariot into Leo in your sector of love, creativity, recreation, and romance, to light the fire of passion and mighty love, in your brave and beautiful heart. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with friends, and to delight in romance. Flex, your social muscle! extend to hand of friendship and the heart of love, as you enjoy the love that surrounds you.

TAURUS:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun glides into radiant Leo, his home sign, in your home and family sector as the Leo season begins. It’s a beautiful day to light the flame of love in your heart for your family, and plan some fun, family activities for the next four weeks. Today the Aquarius Moon partners with Venus in Leo inviting you to enjoy some work/life balance. Bring lots of love to both your career and your home life. Follow your bliss!

GEMINI: This morning, bright and early, the Sun glides into Leo, the sign of courage, creativity, romantic love, and radiance, in your sector of mind, where brilliant, beautiful and loving ideas are percolating and seeking expression. It’s a gorgeous day to connect with friends, to share big beautiful ideas, and to express and share the love you feel. No hoarding.

CANCER:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun glides into courageous, radiant, Leo, his home sign, in your fiscal sector of values and materiality for the next four weeks. The Leo Sun is inviting you to get brave about manifesting, marketing, or monetizing your creative gold. It’s also time to spend some money on what you love and what nurture’s your heart and creativity. It’s a stellar day to go deep with those you love and explore big brilliant ideas.

>LEO:Happy Birthday Season Leo! This morning, in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun glides into your sign brilliant Leo! The Sun has come home to shine brightly on you, and remind you that you were born to shine with love and creative brilliance like the radiant Sun. Meanwhile the Aquarius Moon is inviting you into brilliant partnerships, where it’s time to share big ideas, and enjoy gorgeous romantic relationships. It’s a perfect day to roar with passion, love and courage mighty Leo! Remind us what courage sounds like.

VIRGO:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun rides his chariot into radiant Leo in your spiritual sector, as the Leo season begins, and continues for the next four weeks. The Sun will be illuminating the path to heart centered enlightenment, brilliant creative visions, and your most heart centered dreams. It’s a beautiful day to act on any of these things, and connect with your inner Sun. It’s time to radiate spiritual, beautiful light suffused with mighty love.

LIBRA:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun leaves maternal Cancer, and rides his chariot into golden, flamboyant, courageous, expressive Leo in your social sector. It’s time to lead with love, as you connect with friends, allies, colleagues, and complete strangers. It’s a gorgeous time for creative collaborations, heart centered fun, and making time for the people you love!

SCORPIO:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun rides his chariot into golden, courageous Leo, in your career sector, where he will be spending  the next four weeks. The Leo Sun is shining at the top of your chart, illuminating the path to your most heart centered success. It’s a beautiful time to define the success your heart is committed to, and begin taking courageous steps upward to it, like a mountain lion heading to the peak. Rise and Shine!

SAGITTARIUS:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun rides his chariot into expressive, courageous, Leo, in your creative sector, where he will be spending the next four weeks. The Leo Sun is illuminating the path to creative, courage, romantic courage, and all manner of heart centered delight. It’s time to connect with your inner child and your inner lover, and express yourself authentically.

CAPRICORN: This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun rides his golden chariot into Leo, in the deepest sector of your chart, where he will be pitching his golden tent for the next four weeks. The Leo Sun is illuminating the path to your soul’s, deepest love, your brilliant creative talent, and the relationships that mean the most to you. It’s time to be brave and unearth your talent as you reclaim your power and passion. Your brilliance is meant to be shared.

AQUARIUS:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun glides his golden chariot into Leo in your partnership sector, where he will be spending the next four weeks. The Leo Sun is joining Venus, who is already in your partnership sector, inspiring a gorgeous time for love, summer fun and creative relationships. It’s time to put your best foot forward, and open your heart to express the love, courage and creativity that you are meant to share.

PISCES:This morning in the pre-dawn hours, the Sun glides his golden chariot into courageous, brilliant Leo, in your work sector, where he will be spending the next four weeks. It’s time to excavate and refine your golden talents and skills, especially the ones that will support your creative vision. It’s also time to surrender any blocks to love that you’re ready to relinquish, so that mighty love can flow through you, like a river, blessing you, and everyone you meet.