THE DAILY PLANET – WEDNESDAY JULY 24TH: The Pisces Moon keeps the focus on our dreams and our spiritual development again today. This morning she squares off with massive Jupiter in Gemini, inviting us to work on the logistics of our dreams and our visions, as we also work on mental patterns and thinking that supports our spiritual development. Later today, the Pisces Moon will join forces with executive Saturn, to nurture our capacity to commit to visionary projects and the inspired dreams that we are devoted to. Act on them today.

ARIES: The Moon is gliding through your spiritual sector today nurturing your dreams and your capacity to commit to them today. Luna squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to work on the logistics of dreams, and the logistics of your spiritual practice. Later, Luna will join up with Saturn inviting you to get serious about the visions dreams and ideas your devoted to. Act on them today.

TAURUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your social sector again today, inviting you to delight in connecting with soulful friends and community that share your visions. Today, Luna squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to reflect on big, brilliant, networking plans to promote profitable ideas and possibilities. Tonight, Luna will join up with Saturn, to nurture your capacity to commit to friends, your team and your beloved community.

GEMINI: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your executive suite today, nurturing visionary, brilliant ideas, that could lead to success. Today Luna squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to think about the big brilliant plans that most resonate with your vision. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn inviting you to get serious about your desired success. Imagine it and act on it.

CANCER: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your philosophical sector of publishing and higher learning, nurturing your most inspired ideas, enterprises, and projects that you want to share with the world. Today, Luna squares off with Jupiter, inviting you to expand your thinking about your vision. Tonight she will join up with Saturn, inviting you to put a solid foundation beneath your dreams.

LEO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your deepest sector, nurturing the dreams, relationships, and connections that align with your beloved dreams. Today Luna squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to reflect on group collaborations that could put some money in your pocket and some joy in your soul. Later, Luna will join up with Saturn, inviting you to get serious and clear about collaborations and what you bring to the table within them.

VIRGO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your partnership sector again, from which today she squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to explore big brilliant ideas with partners that could lead to mutual professional and worldly success. Today Luna will join up with Saturn, inviting you to hammer out the executive administrative details and finer points of partnerships. Clarity leads to success today.

LIBRA: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your work and health sector, inviting you to enjoy advancing and refining the finer details of visionary projects. Today, Luna squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, inspiring you to work on the logistics of these projects. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn, inviting you to commit to the habits, projects, and practices that align with your beloved dreams.

SCORPIO: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your creative sector today from which she squares off with massive Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to make time for your creativity, as well as for mergers and collaborations that are calling, but don’t put your creative dreams on the back burner today. Meanwhile, tonight, Luna joins up with Saturn, inviting you to commit to your creative vision with structure, regular time commitments, and support that strengthens your commitment.

SAGITTARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your home sector, nurturing your soulful love of your ancestors, and your dreams for your home sweet home. Today, Luna squares off with Jupiter in Gemini, to expand your thinking about partnerships, and how they support your domestic dreams. Tonight Luna will join up with Saturn, inviting you to get serious and committed, about making your dreams come true on the home front.

CAPRICORN: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your mind again today, nurturing your visionary brilliance, and big gorgeous ideas and projects that it’s a stellar day to explore and advance, as you hammer out the logistics of them. Later today, Luna will join up with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring you to commit to your dreams with concrete, practical, and executive decisions and actions.

AQUARIUS: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your fiscal sector today, nurturing once again, your capacity to manifest your dreams, which today are expanding. It’s a stellar day to reflect on your vision for your love life, creative life, and recreational life. Later today, Luna will join up with Saturn, inviting you to commit to your dreams with executive, practical, action, and perhaps some financial action as well.

PISCES: The Pisces Moon is gliding through your sign again today, traveling with you like a spirit dolphin guiding you beautifully, to the flow and current that leads to your dreams and your bliss. Today Luna squares off with massive Jupiter in Gemini, inviting you to think much bigger about home and family. Later she will join up with Saturn, inviting you to commit to yourself, and step into a whole new level of visionary authority.