THE DAILY PLANET ~ FRIDAY JULY 26TH: The Aries Moon keeps the focus on intelligent strategic action today, inviting us to move ahead with plans that we are clear about. Today, Luna harmonizes with massive Jupiter in Gemini, inviting us to think bigger and to advance our biggest and most expansive, adventurous ideas, strategies, plans and projects. It’s a gorgeous day to get organized for big success, and organize our thinking, but for today action is the magic word.

The Aries moon goes void tonight at 6:14 PM EDT till tomorrow.

ARIES: The Aries Moon is your power ally today, surrounding you with her nurturing love that energizes you and gets you moving forward. Luna harmonizes with Jupiter today, inspiring a stellar day to reflect on big brilliant adventurous plans and to organize them and begin advancing them.

TAURUS: The Aries Moon is in your spiritual sector again today, devoting herself to nurturing the dreams, visions and ideas you are committed to. Join her! Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, inviting you to organize big, brilliant, projects and begin moving forward with intelligent strategic and inspired action.

GEMINI: The Aries Moon is marching through your social sector today, with a song in her heart, inspiring you to putting your best foot forward to meet new people, forge new alliances, and advance new collaborations. Today Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, inviting you to explore bigger and more adventurous social and networking possibilities than ever before.

CANCER: The Aries Moon is in your executive suite, with her sleeves rolled up, ready to advance professional enterprises, with strategic, intelligent action that leads to success. Today she harmonizes with Jupiter, to expand your thinking about your career, about success, and about everything that makes you happy on the social front.

LEO: The Aries Moon is in your publishing sector today, inviting you to put your best foot forward and advance your best ideas, publishing projects, and enterprises that float your boat and excite your soul. Luna harmonizes with Jupiter today, inviting you to think bigger about all that you have to say, share and the present to the waiting world.

VIRGO: The Aries Moon is marching through the depths of your psyche today, with her luminous lantern shedding light on hidden talents, inner treasures, and shadows that it’s time to confront. Luna harmonizes with Jupiter today inviting you to think bigger about yourself, your life, your possibilities, and how you connect with personal and business partners.

LIBRA: The Aries Moon is marching through your partnership sector, with courage in her heart, and a love song on her lips. It’s a beautiful day to dare to be vulnerable and to seek the love and creativity you desire with personal partners, creative partners, or business partners. Love and beauty are your best calling cards today.

SCORPIO: The Aries Moon is marching through your work and health sector today, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and be a transformational tornado of effective energy to get the job done, or to organize your life and environment. Luna harmonizes with Jupiter today, inviting you to think bigger about the  positive changes you can make in your life, and the beautiful relationships and mergers that are supported by who you are becoming.

SAGITTARIUS: The Aries Moon is marching through your creative sector, taking no prisoners as she goes. It’s a stellar day to be fiercely courageous when it comes to self expression and the pursuit of your happiness. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, your ruling planet, inviting you to think bigger about creative publishing possibilities, and all that you are meant to share with the world.

CAPRICORN: The Aries Moon is marching through your home sector with her sleeves rolled up, ready to set your home and your domestic life and family plans in order. Join her today! She is harmonizing with Jupiter to expand your thinking about home, family plans and projects involving your roots.

AQUARIUS: The Aries Moon is marching through your mind again today, nurturing your most brilliant ideas as she goes, while empowering you to advance them actively. Luna harmonizes with Jupiter today, inviting you to think much bigger about all that is possible for you creatively romantically, and in the pursuit of your happiness.

PISCES: The Aries Moon is marching through your fiscal sector again today, with a song of gratitude on her lips and big profitable plans on her mind. It’s a stellar day to take action to build more prosperity, as you appreciate what you already possess. Today, Luna harmonizes with Jupiter, inviting you to think much bigger about all things domestic.