THE DAILY PLANET ~ SATURDAY JULY 27TH: The day begins with the moon traveling void in Aries, giving us an excellent morning to get organized and review plans and strategies we intend to advance. At 1:23 PM EDT, Luna saunters into sensual, earthy, beautiful Taurus, to nurture our capacity to be grounded and enjoy nature, our senses, and the beauty of life. It’s a gorgeous day for constructive or pleasurable activities or both.

Today, Luna squares off with Pluto in Aquarius and the Gemini Sun, inviting us to take constructive action to build friendships and social networks and share ideas with friends. Luna harmonizes with Mercury in Virgo today, inviting us to enjoy the botanical world, the healing powers of plants, and our capacity to refine beautiful ideas and skills with which we can advance ideas and serve the world.

ARIES: The day begins with the Aries Moon traveling void in your sign, inviting you into an easy quiet morning, great for resting nesting and checking in with your feelings. This afternoon at 1:23 PM EDT, Luna heads into sensual Taurus, inviting you to enjoy your senses, enjoy your life and the simple pleasures that delight you. It’s also a great afternoon for advancing profitable ideas.

TAURUS: The day begins with the Moon void in your spiritual sector in Aries, inviting you into a meditative reflective morning. This afternoon at 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into your beautiful sign Taurus, to nurture you and your capacity to enjoy your senses. Listen to your intuition and advance constructive ideas and pleasurable activities with the people you love.

GEMINI: The day begins with the Moon void in Aries in your social sector, inspiring a great day for reflecting on your feelings and needs regarding your social life and professional network. At 1:23 PM EDT Luna glides into beautiful, earthy Taurus, in your spiritual sector, inviting you on a vision quest today. Enjoy the beauty of nature and how she interacts with your senses. Take beauty as your guide, as you reflect on your dreams and perhaps advance a few.

CANCER: The day begins with the Moon void in Aries in your career sector, giving you a perfect morning for getting your executive ducks in a row and reflecting on your relationship to success. At 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into earthy grounded Taurus in your social sector, inviting you to make time for friends, alliances, and communities that you love. Stretch your social muscle. Enjoy.

LEO: The day begins with the Moon void in Aries in your publishing sector, inviting you to reflect on your feelings and needs about your best ideas and how to advance them most effectively. At 1:23 PM EDT Luna glides into your career sector in earthy Taurus, where it’s a gorgeous day to plant the seeds of success, collaboration, and blossoming prosperity.

VIRGO: The day begins with the Moon traveling void in your deepest sector, inviting you into an excellent morning for deep reflection, rest and relaxation, as you consider your closest relationships. Meanwhile at 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into earthy Taurus in your publishing sector, inviting you to enjoy a day of beautiful exploration of gorgeous new trails. It’s also an excellent day to reflect on your favorite ideas or projects, and get them moving forward with constructive action.

LIBRA: The day begins with the Moon traveling void in Aries in your partnership sector, inviting you into an excellent morning for reflection rather than action, when it comes to partnerships and committed relationships. Instead quietly consult with your feelings and needs. At 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into earthy grounded Taurus in your deepest sector, where it’s time to nurture your roots and advance ideas that could be profitable. It’s also beautiful day to feel your feelings and follow your bliss.

SCORPIO: The day begins with the Moon traveling void in Aries, in your work, health, and organizational sector, making it a stupendous morning for getting grounded, organized, and getting your ducks in a row. At 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into grounded earthy Taurus in your partnership sector, inviting you to enjoy a day of sensual delight with romantic partners, and profitable, constructive action with business partners.

SAGITTARIUS: The day begins with the Moon traveling void in Aries in your creative sector, inviting you into a perfect morning for creative puttering and nurturing your inner artist or inner child. At 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into constructive, earthy Taurus in your work and health sector, inviting you to roll up your sleeves and get the job done this afternoon. It’s also a gorgeous day to profit from your skills and talents.

CAPRICORN: The day begins with the Moon traveling void in Aries in your home sector, making this a perfect morning for domestic puttering, nesting, resting, and reflecting on your feelings and needs about your home life. At 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into constructive earthy Taurus in your creative sector, inviting you out to play in the beauty of summer. It’s a gorgeous day to spend in nature, or art museums, delighting in the staggering beauty that surrounds you, and that you are the embodiment of.

AQUARIUS: The day begins with the Moon traveling void in Aries and your sector of mind, making this an excellent morning to practice quiet meditation and verbal restraint, as you organize ideas, strategies and plans. At 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into constructive earthy Taurus in your home sector, inviting you into a gorgeous day of domestic bliss and advancing domestic or family plans.

PISCES: The day begins with the Moon traveling void, in Aries in your financial sector, inviting you to organize your finances, your fiscal plans and attend to your possessions, and any upkeep they require. This afternoon at 1:23 PM EDT, Luna glides into constructive earthy Taurus in your sector of mind, to nurture beautiful ideas that could be profitable as well. It’s a day to act on pleasurable or profitable ideas.