THE DAILY PLANET ~ SUNDAY JULY 28TH: The Taurus Moon keeps the focus on our material lives, and how we embody ourselves, as well as how we plant, build, or grow the ideas and projects we are committed to. That commitment is given extra support today when Luna harmonizes with Saturn in visionary Pisces, inviting us to open to the vision that is ours by Divine Design and put a solid foundation beneath it. Everything that surrounds us begins in the imagination. What are you imagining today? What are you dreaming up? What are you committed to building? Act on that.

ARIES: The Taurus Moon keeps the constructive focus on your finances, material life, and how you embody yourself, your worth and your stability. It’s a beautiful day to nurture your sense of feeling rock solid within yourself. Luna will harmonize with Saturn in visionary Pisces today, inviting you to reflect on the dreams and visions that you are committed to building, manifesting, or otherwise bringing into being.

TAURUS: The Taurus Moon keeps the nurturing focus on you again today, surrounding you with her loving light that nurtures your stability and self-worth as she travels through your sign. Today, Luna harmonizes with Saturn in visionary Pisces, inviting you to reflect on the dreams and visionary projects that you are committed to. It’s a great day to put a solid foundation beneath your dreams.

GEMINI: The Taurus Moon keeps the focus on your spiritual sector, inviting you to open to the blueprints of dreams and visions that are yours by Divine Design. It’s also a beautiful day to commune with the Source of your being, while enjoying nature. Luna will harmonize with Saturn today, inviting you to reflect on the professional visions you are committed to, and how to put a solid foundation beneath them so you can build them prosper and thrive.

CANCER: The Taurus Moon keeps the focus on your social life, providing you with another excellent day for building friendships, social networks and community. Today Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to commit to the visionary projects, presentations and ideas, that inspire you. It’s a stellar day to seek the support required to build or otherwise achieve them.

LEO: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your career sector, where it’s another stellar day to build relationships, and advance projects that lead to professional success. Today, Luna harmonizes with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to advance mutually profitable, inspiring, beautiful, visionary projects that will benefit all involved.

VIRGO: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your publishing sector of the higher mind, inviting you to make time for travel plans, publishing projects presentations, and beautiful ideas that it’s a gorgeous day to build or grow in some fashion. Today Luna will harmonize with Saturn in visionary Pisces, inviting you to nurture the partnerships that share your viewpoint and your dreams.

LIBRA: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your deepest sector, nurturing your roots, and your emotional stability as she goes. It’s a beautiful day to feel the strength that comes to you from your ancestors, and from Mother Earth as you advance mergers and collaborations that excite and delight you. Luna harmonizes with Saturn in visionary Pisces today, inspiring you to advance visionary projects, that may need some funding. Seek it today.

SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your partnership sector, nurturing the relationships you are committed to, and your capacity to enjoy simple pleasures within them. It’s also a stellar day to advance profitable business partnerships, that you are committed to. Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to commit to the creative partnerships that excite and delight you.

SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your work and health sector, inviting you into another stellar day for enjoying daily health routines and attending to the little details that keep your life healthy, and keep your business prosperous. Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces, inviting you to do some housekeeping when it comes to work projects and your domestic life.

CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your creative sector, where it’s another stellar day for enjoying creativity, recreation, and building your most beloved art projects. Today Luna will harmonize with Saturn in Pisces, inspiring a stellar day to put a solid foundation beneath your creative visions and start building upward.

AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your home sector, where it’s another stellar day for domestic and family activities. Enjoy the simple pleasures of domestic life. Meanwhile, today, Luna will harmonize with Saturn in visionary Pisces, inviting you to invest a little money in your home or in family plans that delight and nurture your soul, and soul of your family.

PISCES: The Taurus Moon continues her glide through your mind, nurturing your most constructive thinking as she goes. Today she harmonizes with Saturn in your sign visionary Pisces, inviting you to draw up the blueprints of your dreams and start building.