THE DAILY PLANET ~ MONDAY JULY 29TH: The Moon continues her journey through earthy, grounded Taurus, where today she joins up with evolutionary Uranus, to nurture our capacity to step into higher states of consciousness and new states of prosperity. It’s a perfect day to explore mental emotional and material upgrades. At 4:59 PM.EDT, Luna goes void till 5:28 PM EDT when she glides into winged Gemini to nurture our intellectual brilliance. This evening she harmonizes with transformational Pluto, helping us change our minds in positive ways. It’s a stellar day for change in in general. Change is not easy, but today the planets support it!

ARIES: Today, the Taurus Moon joins up with evolutionary Uranus, in your fiscal, material sector, inviting you to make empowering, positive, evolutionary changes, regarding your approach to income, finance, and materiality. Luna goes void at 4:59 PM EDT, till 5:28 PM EDT, when she heads into Gemini and harmonizes with transformational Pluto, helping you change your mind in empowering ways. It’s time to reclaim your mental empowerment.

TAURUS: Today the Taurus Moon joins up with evolutionary Uranus in your sector of self, making this a stellar day for your personal evolution. Be on the lookout for aha moments, and advance positive change that you want to make. At 4:59 PM Luna goes void till, 5:28 PM EDT when she heads into winged Gemini in your fiscal sector, and harmonizes with powerful Pluto, to nurture brilliant ideas that foster prosperity and deep self worth.

GEMINI: Today the Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus in your spiritual sector, inviting a day of spiritual insight, enlightenment and visionary action. At 4:59 PM EDT she goes void till 5:28 PM EDT, when she heads into Gemini in your sector of self, and harmonizes with Pluto, to nurture you, your feelings, the  needs they point to, while empowering you to make changes that support your empowerment.

CANCER: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your social sector, to nurture evolutionary, empowering changes you want to make in your social life. It’s a stellar day for brilliant, new collaborations. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 5:28 PM EDT, when she heads into Gemini in your spiritual sector, to nurture you and an evening of spiritual communion, deep peace, and brilliant, inspired thinking.

LEO: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your career sector, inviting you to explore evolutionary leaps that you’re ready to take on the professional front. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 5:28 PM, when she heads into Gemini in your social sector, to nurture brilliant and mutually empowering friendships, and alliances.

VIRGO: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your higher mind, to nurture brilliant breakthroughs in your thinking, belief systems, and within ideas and presentations you are developing. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 5:28 PM EDT, when she heads into Gemini in your career sector, where it looks like a stellar evening for executive empowering, thinking.

LiBRA: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your deepest sector, to nurture your emotional evolution, and deep inner changes regarding self-worth and mutually profitable mergers. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:28 PM when she heads into Gemini in your, higher mind to nurture your best and most empowering thinking and publishing projects or presentations.

SCORPIO: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your partnership sector, to nurture evolutionary shifts within partnerships that are beneficial to all involved. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:28 PM EDT, when she heads into Gemini in your deepest sector where she will harmonize with Pluto to assist you with deep changes that empower you, especially with partnerships.

SAGITTARIUS: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your work and health sector, to nurture big evolutionary leaps on the work front, and in your day-to-day life, that support you, and your growing positive relationship to prosperity. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:28 PM when she heads into Gemini in your partnership sector to nurture brilliant, and mutually empowering communication within partnerships.

CAPRICORN: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your creative sector, where it’s a stellar day to be on the lookout for brilliant, genius, creative breakthroughs. Act on them. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT Luna goes void till 5:28 PM when she heads into Gemini in your work and health sector, to nurture empowering brilliant changes on the work front, and in your daily life.

AQUARIUS: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today in your home sector, to nurture brilliant evolutionary shifts at home, within family relationships, and in your relationship to your roots. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 5:28 PM EDT, when she heads into Gemini to nurture your creativity, and empowering changes within your romantic and recreational life that you are ready to make.

PISCES: The Taurus Moon joins up with Uranus today, in your sector of mind, to nurture brilliant constructive breakthroughs in your thinking. Be on the lookout for thinking that supports your self-worth and prosperity. Meanwhile at 4:59 PM EDT, Luna goes void till 5:28 PM, when she heads into Gemini to nurture your home life, and some empowering changes on the home-front.