THE DAILY PLANET ~ TUESDAY AUGUST 6TH: The waxing Virgo Moon begins her day heading to a meet up with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, in the pre-dawn hours. Today they combine their energies, to nurture our capacity to make excellent use of the retrograde. It’s a great day for cleaning, clearing, decluttering, organizing and getting healthy. It’s also a great day to reflect, recharge and rest. If you’re feeling energized, begin reviewing the ideas, mental and emotional patterns or physical states that require review, release, refinement, or attention to detail and intelligent review. Don’t agonize, organize.

ARIES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of work and health, where today she meets up with Mercury retrograde, inviting you to spend the day rolling up your sleeves, and attending to practical details of life and work, as you analyze your emotional state, your feelings, needs, and the logistics of all in your life that requires intelligent review. It’s a great day to attend to upkeep, repairs, health, fitness and honing your skill.

TAURUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of art, romance and recreation, where today she will meet up with Mercury retrograde in Virgo. It’s a stellar day to reconnect with hobbies and past-times that you love and that regenerate you. It’s also an excellent day to tweak refine and otherwise review, creative projects, pursuits, and anything involving your offspring and child rearing.

GEMINI: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your home sector, where today she will meet up with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, making this a stellar day for all forms of housekeeping, cleaning and clearing. It’s also a beautiful day to reflect on inherited emotional patterns and ancestral survival patterns that you may be outgrowing. It’s a beautiful day to begin, preemptive fall cleaning on all levels. When in doubt, throw it out.

CANCER: The Virgo Moon is cruising through your mind where today she meets up with Mercury retrograde in your sign Virgo.
It’s a stellar day for reflection, meditation and intelligent review of beloved ideas projects and your thinking about yourself. It’s time to revise inner dialogue, infusing it with self love and self approval. It’s a great day to focus on organizing your best ideas.

LEO: The Virgo Moon is gliding through your fiscal/material sector of values, where today she meets up with Mercury retrograde in Virgo. It’s a great day to organize your finances, make repairs and reflect on your values and where you want to put your money. It’s also a stellar day to reconnect with ideas, projects and enterprises that could be profitable.

VIRGO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of self, where today she meets up with Mercury retrograde, inviting you to reflect on desired healing changes within your sense of self. It’s a great day to review and revise how you think about yourself and speak to yourself with empowerment and loving kindness in mind. Enjoy some exquisite mental, physical, and spiritually self care. Polish the mirror of your consciousness, by replacing worry, self doubt, and self criticism with self reassurance, self-love, and self-acceptance.

LIBRA: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your spiritual sector of dreams and visions today where she will meet up with Mercury retrograde, inviting you to reconnect with the Loving Source of your being, through prayer, meditation or time in nature. It’s also a beautiful day to reconnect with beloved dreams, and begin to analyze and organize the details that will support your larger vision. Make lists. Take small actions. They add up.

SCORPIO: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your social sector, where today she meets up with her good friend Mercury, currently retrograde in Virgo. Today, they put their heads together, to support some intelligent reflection on your social life, collaborations, and group efforts. It’s a good day to reconnect with beloved friends, and skillful colleagues. It’s also a beautiful day to review your networking efforts and changes you intend to make.

SAGITTARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your career sector, where today she meets up with Mercury retrograde in Virgo. Together they invite you to review your business plans and long term goals. it’s a stellar day to attend to administrative details, revising, and reviewing executive plans and mapping out your long-term vision for success. Practical action and defining your services win  the day, as you get organized for success.

CAPRICOR The Virgo Moon is waxing through your sector of higher mind, which is also the philosophical sector of publishing, presentations, travel and adventure. Today Luna meets up with Mercury retrograde, inviting you to revise, review, and otherwise reflect on projects, presentations, and plans that require some attention and refinement. It’s a beautiful day to focus on details, logistics and redefining your mission.

AQUARIUS: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your deepest sector of deepest feeling, emotional patterns, and shared resources, where today, she meets up with Mercury retrograde. It’s a beautiful day to analyze your deepest emotional patterns, and your feelings and needs, especially regarding partnership. It’s also a stellar day to review your investments and shared resources with partners. Cultivate clarity, that assists organization and analysis.

PISCES: The Virgo Moon is waxing through your partnership sector, where today she joins up with Mercury retrograde in Virgo, inviting you to reflect on your historic emotional patterns within partnerships and relationships. It’s a beautiful day to also review the nuts and bolts of business partnerships, and anything that might require revision within them. There’s a great deal of healing energy in the air today, that can be brought to bear on updating old patterns.

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